Trump to steal $3 billion from the troops .

Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.

3.5 Billion to build a wall on the American Border...Is not wasting a penny
of that money. That's their job..."Keep the Invaders out!"

2.5 Billion from their Drug interdiction program. Building a barrier to keep
drugs out is right up their alley.

It seems to me that we're finally gonna spend that money on the
American people.
We are not being invaded .

That money is specifically earmarked for projects, not trumps wall.

You think it’s fine that money to build troop housing should just go to a wall .

The troops will get the housing. The DoD will move their money around.
From where? We already don't have enough to fix the birds, train the pilots, shortage of ground crew, and every other position in the Military.

To give you an idea, K-balls are illegal for the AF. Yet each base has at least one bird parked in a hangar that parts are taken from to keep the others flying. At a certain time period, it's put back together. Where do they get the parts to put it back together and get it in the air? You guessed it, the Canabilized Bird (wink wink) that is now in that same hangar. The Navy has trouble keeping half their birds in the air. Their Ships are barely operable. The Army and Marines are wondering if they will have enough ammo to do any given mission.

Now, tell me, where are they going to get that 3.5 Billion from for upkeep and upgrading of Housing for troops whose families are living at or below poverty level?
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.

And just like that Trump got Liberals to care about our military!

Are you saying that I didn't care about the Military? Speak right up, there, cupcake.
I was in the military with substandard housing also, you know what? I manned up and didnt bitch about it, I was just glad I wasn't in some pup tent in the rain or snow, eating K rations all day. are ok with our military getting stiffed in their housing and benefits.
Are you OK with millions of illegals pouring over the border? Why yes you are!
Stop lying, fucking moron, millions are not pouring over the border.
Then where did 30 million illegal aliens come from?
From your hallucinations, fucking moron. We don’t have 30 million illegal aliens here.
Sure we do. Lefties have been using the 11 million figure for 20 years now.
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.

3.5 Billion to build a wall on the American Border...Is not wasting a penny
of that money. That's their job..."Keep the Invaders out!"

2.5 Billion from their Drug interdiction program. Building a barrier to keep
drugs out is right up their alley.

It seems to me that we're finally gonna spend that money on the
American people.
We are not being invaded .

That money is specifically earmarked for projects, not trumps wall.

You think it’s fine that money to build troop housing should just go to a wall .

The troops will get the housing. The DoD will move their money around.
From where? We already don't have enough to fix the birds, train the pilots, shortage of ground crew, and every other position in the Military.

To give you an idea, K-balls are illegal for the AF. Yet each base has at least one bird parked in a hangar that parts are taken from to keep the others flying. At a certain time period, it's put back together. Where do they get the parts to put it back together and get it in the air? You guessed it, the Canabilized Bird (wink wink) that is now in that same hangar. The Navy has trouble keeping half their birds in the air. Their Ships are barely operable. The Army and Marines are wondering if they will have enough ammo to do any given mission.

Now, tell me, where are they going to get that 3.5 Billion from for upkeep and upgrading of Housing for troops whose families are living at or below poverty level?
$8 billion is pocket change to the military.
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
Umm is t he supposed to protect America??

I suggest we send Trump and his Sons and Son-in-law to Syria. AFterall, they are used to winning and they should be able to handle things better and end it all in a matter of hours. Give them a gun with only a half full mag, 3 MREs and a wool blanket. That should be enough.
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
Umm is t he supposed to protect America??

not if America gets in the way of his ego ...

It's not about his ego. It's about making billions for Trump Industries. Always has been. are ok with our military getting stiffed in their housing and benefits.
Are you OK with millions of illegals pouring over the border? Why yes you are!
Stop lying, fucking moron, millions are not pouring over the border.
Then where did 30 million illegal aliens come from?
From your hallucinations, fucking moron. We don’t have 30 million illegal aliens here.
Sure we do. Lefties have been using the 11 million figure for 20 years now.
ICE put the number at 12 million in 2014. You know, what fucking morons like you call, “lefties.”

She let’s see your evidence that 18 million illegal aliens have entered the country over the last 5 years....
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
So he's going to take military construction funds to build a DEFENSIVE barrier and that somehow does not fall under the description of what our military is supposed to do?

You'd rather they used that money to BUILD shit in other nations?
Are you OK with millions of illegals pouring over the border? Why yes you are!
Stop lying, fucking moron, millions are not pouring over the border.
Then where did 30 million illegal aliens come from?
From your hallucinations, fucking moron. We don’t have 30 million illegal aliens here.
Sure we do. Lefties have been using the 11 million figure for 20 years now.
ICE put the number at 12 million in 2014. You know, what fucking morons like you call, “lefties.”

She let’s see your evidence that 18 million illegal aliens have entered the country over the last 5 years....

And ICE has stated that the numbers have gone down. That means it's less than 11 million and going down.
Are you OK with millions of illegals pouring over the border? Why yes you are!
Stop lying, fucking moron, millions are not pouring over the border.
Then where did 30 million illegal aliens come from?
From your hallucinations, fucking moron. We don’t have 30 million illegal aliens here.
Sure we do. Lefties have been using the 11 million figure for 20 years now.
ICE put the number at 12 million in 2014. You know, what fucking morons like you call, “lefties.”

She let’s see your evidence that 18 million illegal aliens have entered the country over the last 5 years....
When you say "ICE," you mean some Obama appointed hack.

Nearly 20 million illegal immigrants in U.S., former Border Patrol agents say
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.

And just like that Trump got Liberals to care about our military!

Are you saying that I didn't care about the Military? Speak right up, there, cupcake.

Are you a Liberal? If so then YES. I'm saying Liberals don't give a shit about the military. That hurts your feelings doesn't snowflake.
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
So he's going to take military construction funds to build a DEFENSIVE barrier and that somehow does not fall under the description of what our military is supposed to do?

You'd rather they used that money to BUILD shit in other nations?

Okay, cupcake, I spent over 20 years in the Military and I believe I can easily speak as an Expert in the housing problems IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Tell you what, you visit any military base and talk with the lower ranks about what it takes to make it for their families. And you will come away knowing why the Military has the highest divorce rate of all occupations. And yes, it is worse that a Cops. Look how the lower ranks are forced to live. They are at or below poverty. But you go ahead and look around you where you are at and don't thank them for their keeping your butt safe and sound and allowing your kids to feel safe. While you are at it, why not strip funds from the Police Departments, Fired Departments and all the other emergency services so we can strip the rest of your kid security.
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.

And just like that Trump got Liberals to care about our military!

Are you saying that I didn't care about the Military? Speak right up, there, cupcake.

Are you a Liberal? If so then YES. I'm saying Liberals don't give a shit about the military. That hurts your feelings doesn't snowflake.

Am I a liberal? It doesn't matter one bit on this subject. I am a retired Military Member. Notice, the word Member. Trump just lost 3.5 million votes on this one from that one group. Most actually voted for him. Not again. He just stole from our most prized resources.
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.

And just like that Trump got Liberals to care about our military!

Are you saying that I didn't care about the Military? Speak right up, there, cupcake.

Are you a Liberal? If so then YES. I'm saying Liberals don't give a shit about the military. That hurts your feelings doesn't snowflake.

Am I a liberal? It doesn't matter one bit on this subject. I am a retired Military Member. Notice, the word Member. Trump just lost 3.5 million votes on this one from that one group. Most actually voted for him. Not again. He just stole from our most prized resources.

You speak for 3.5 million people? Amazing. I have several family members who are military and they all support Trump. But I won't pretend they speak for anyone but themselves.
Stop lying, fucking moron, millions are not pouring over the border.
Then where did 30 million illegal aliens come from?
From your hallucinations, fucking moron. We don’t have 30 million illegal aliens here.
Sure we do. Lefties have been using the 11 million figure for 20 years now.
ICE put the number at 12 million in 2014. You know, what fucking morons like you call, “lefties.”

She let’s see your evidence that 18 million illegal aliens have entered the country over the last 5 years....
When you say "ICE," you mean some Obama appointed hack.

Nearly 20 million illegal immigrants in U.S., former Border Patrol agents say

Fucking moron, you just lost 10 million illegal immigrants from one post to the next.

Then where did 30 million illegal aliens come from?
From your hallucinations, fucking moron. We don’t have 30 million illegal aliens here.
Sure we do. Lefties have been using the 11 million figure for 20 years now.
ICE put the number at 12 million in 2014. You know, what fucking morons like you call, “lefties.”

She let’s see your evidence that 18 million illegal aliens have entered the country over the last 5 years....
When you say "ICE," you mean some Obama appointed hack.

Nearly 20 million illegal immigrants in U.S., former Border Patrol agents say

Fucking moron, you just lost 10 million illegal immigrants from one post to the next.


I didn't lose a single one. The claim that there are 30 million or 20 million turns out to be a tall story told to impress the rubes, cupcake. And if there was a decrease and the number reported by ICE in 2014 was 11 million that means there is now less than 11 million. But the Rubes by in the lie. I don't. You see, I passed 4th grade simple math like many other also did.
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.

That's awful!
Democrats should work quickly to get $3 billion in new money for the stick it to that mean Trump.
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
So he's going to take military construction funds to build a DEFENSIVE barrier and that somehow does not fall under the description of what our military is supposed to do?

You'd rather they used that money to BUILD shit in other nations?

Okay, cupcake, I spent over 20 years in the Military and I believe I can easily speak as an Expert in the housing problems IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Tell you what, you visit any military base and talk with the lower ranks about what it takes to make it for their families. And you will come away knowing why the Military has the highest divorce rate of all occupations. And yes, it is worse that a Cops. Look how the lower ranks are forced to live. They are at or below poverty. But you go ahead and look around you where you are at and don't thank them for their keeping your butt safe and sound and allowing your kids to feel safe. While you are at it, why not strip funds from the Police Departments, Fired Departments and all the other emergency services so we can strip the rest of your kid security.
Cupcake? Are you 12 years old?

BTW I spent a decade traveling around rehabbing military housing for the ACOE so blow it out of your ass.
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.

That's awful!
Democrats should work quickly to get $3 billion in new money for the stick it to that mean Trump.

They would except Trump already gave it to Trump Industries.
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
So he's going to take military construction funds to build a DEFENSIVE barrier and that somehow does not fall under the description of what our military is supposed to do?

You'd rather they used that money to BUILD shit in other nations?

Okay, cupcake, I spent over 20 years in the Military and I believe I can easily speak as an Expert in the housing problems IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Tell you what, you visit any military base and talk with the lower ranks about what it takes to make it for their families. And you will come away knowing why the Military has the highest divorce rate of all occupations. And yes, it is worse that a Cops. Look how the lower ranks are forced to live. They are at or below poverty. But you go ahead and look around you where you are at and don't thank them for their keeping your butt safe and sound and allowing your kids to feel safe. While you are at it, why not strip funds from the Police Departments, Fired Departments and all the other emergency services so we can strip the rest of your kid security.
Cupcake? Are you 12 years old?

BTW I spent a decade traveling around rehabbing military housing for the ACOE so blow it out of your ass.

Next you will be saying you also look wonderful in your new Chartruse Chiffon Dress and can leap small buildings. Hell, this is the Internet. You can be anything you want to be, cupcake.

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