Trump to steal $3 billion from the troops .

Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
So he's going to take military construction funds to build a DEFENSIVE barrier and that somehow does not fall under the description of what our military is supposed to do?

You'd rather they used that money to BUILD shit in other nations?

Okay, cupcake, I spent over 20 years in the Military and I believe I can easily speak as an Expert in the housing problems IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Tell you what, you visit any military base and talk with the lower ranks about what it takes to make it for their families. And you will come away knowing why the Military has the highest divorce rate of all occupations. And yes, it is worse that a Cops. Look how the lower ranks are forced to live. They are at or below poverty. But you go ahead and look around you where you are at and don't thank them for their keeping your butt safe and sound and allowing your kids to feel safe. While you are at it, why not strip funds from the Police Departments, Fired Departments and all the other emergency services so we can strip the rest of your kid security.
No one was expecting a buck private to raise a family on military pay. Most of the lower ranks are short timers who are there to get a skill or money for college.
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.

And just like that Trump got Liberals to care about our military!

Are you saying that I didn't care about the Military? Speak right up, there, cupcake.

Are you a Liberal? If so then YES. I'm saying Liberals don't give a shit about the military. That hurts your feelings doesn't snowflake.

Am I a liberal? It doesn't matter one bit on this subject. I am a retired Military Member. Notice, the word Member. Trump just lost 3.5 million votes on this one from that one group. Most actually voted for him. Not again. He just stole from our most prized resources.

Trump just lost 3.5 million votes on this one from that one group.

Did he take money out of their/your pocket? How much?
Then where did 30 million illegal aliens come from?
From your hallucinations, fucking moron. We don’t have 30 million illegal aliens here.
Sure we do. Lefties have been using the 11 million figure for 20 years now.
ICE put the number at 12 million in 2014. You know, what fucking morons like you call, “lefties.”

She let’s see your evidence that 18 million illegal aliens have entered the country over the last 5 years....
When you say "ICE," you mean some Obama appointed hack.

Nearly 20 million illegal immigrants in U.S., former Border Patrol agents say

Fucking moron, you just lost 10 million illegal immigrants from one post to the next.

It's an estimate, moron. Only an idiot would claim to know the exact number. How would you even count the number that got past ICE? One thing we know is that the 10 million figure is a joke. Just go to your local breakfast place and you'll see an entire business staffed with illegals.
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.

That's awful!
Democrats should work quickly to get $3 billion in new money for the stick it to that mean Trump.

They would except Trump already gave it to Trump Industries.

Dems can't get more money for the troops?
They just lost 3.5 million votes!
Military readiness? The only time the crazy angry left worries about military readiness is when a republican is in the Oval Office.
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.

That's awful!
Democrats should work quickly to get $3 billion in new money for the stick it to that mean Trump.

They would except Trump already gave it to Trump Industries.

Dems can't get more money for the troops?
They just lost 3.5 million votes!

hate to break it to you but the 3.5 million votes I am talking about is the Retired Military Voters that generally vote Republican but don't always vote party tickets.

Again, where do they get the 3.5 billion to replace that loss when they don't have enough to support what they already have? Does the Military start having Fire Sales for Arms? I wonder what they could get for a tarmac full of C-5s
9 out of 10 folks breathe polluted air which kills 7 million folks a year. talk about an emergency! ENOUGH! OUR VOICES WILL BE HEARD!
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.

And just like that Trump got Liberals to care about our military!

Are you saying that I didn't care about the Military? Speak right up, there, cupcake.

Are you a Liberal? If so then YES. I'm saying Liberals don't give a shit about the military. That hurts your feelings doesn't snowflake.

Am I a liberal? It doesn't matter one bit on this subject. I am a retired Military Member. Notice, the word Member. Trump just lost 3.5 million votes on this one from that one group. Most actually voted for him. Not again. He just stole from our most prized resources.

Trump just lost 3.5 million votes on this one from that one group.

Did he take money out of their/your pocket? How much?

He took it from the people we look after. Since you don't give a rats ass, someone must. And that 3.5 billion would have been well spent and even then,it wouldn't have been enough to make up for the decades of fiscal abuse. So sleep well tonight, cupcake. Those people will still be on duty but not for your sake.
I am hoping that the Army Corp of engineers do as good a job on the wall as they did on the New Orleans levees before Katrina.

This project is so far below what the Army Corp of Engineers is designed to do it's ridiculous. I know of 8 heavy contractors that depended on those contracts that are going to sue the Federal Governments socks off.
I am hoping that the Army Corp of engineers do as good a job on the wall as they did on the New Orleans levees before Katrina.

This project is so far below what the Army Corp of Engineers is designed to do it's ridiculous. I know of 8 heavy contractors that depended on those contracts that are going to sue the Federal Governments socks off.
Sue the federal government for what?
Watching cbs nightly news.
Timmy's like a crack addict for science fiction.

The biggest hit will go to military construction funds.
Nothing like stealing money from military construction funds to finance a huge military construction project!

He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
You mean we have big white elephants crossing the border now too? That wall just got 30 feet higher again!
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.

And just like that Trump got Liberals to care about our military!

Are you saying that I didn't care about the Military? Speak right up, there, cupcake.

Are you a Liberal? If so then YES. I'm saying Liberals don't give a shit about the military. That hurts your feelings doesn't snowflake.

Am I a liberal? It doesn't matter one bit on this subject. I am a retired Military Member. Notice, the word Member. Trump just lost 3.5 million votes on this one from that one group. Most actually voted for him. Not again. He just stole from our most prized resources.

Trump just lost 3.5 million votes on this one from that one group.

Did he take money out of their/your pocket? How much?
Under Obama military hardware equipment became dangerous to operate for lack of repair parts. Military personnel training were getting killed and disabled at higher rates because of it. Trump has repaired much of that and still there are equipment issues due to spare parts not arriving due to backlogs for some hardware. Readiness also dropped because of it and to an extent Obama's SJW agendas.
Watching cbs nightly news.
Timmy's like a crack addict for science fiction.

The biggest hit will go to military construction funds.
Nothing like stealing money from military construction funds to finance a huge military construction project!

He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
You mean we have big white elephants crossing the border now too? That wall just got 30 feet higher again!

Yah, you never know when Mexico is going to attack late at night. Those sneaky Mexicans. And for every Military Base overseas we shut down,we can now open them up along the border just in case China cuts a deal to sneak in their military and equipment so we won't see them. Get friggin real. It's NOT a Military Project. It's a Homeland Security Project and is supposed to be done by Civilian Contractors.
And just like that Trump got Liberals to care about our military!

Are you saying that I didn't care about the Military? Speak right up, there, cupcake.

Are you a Liberal? If so then YES. I'm saying Liberals don't give a shit about the military. That hurts your feelings doesn't snowflake.

Am I a liberal? It doesn't matter one bit on this subject. I am a retired Military Member. Notice, the word Member. Trump just lost 3.5 million votes on this one from that one group. Most actually voted for him. Not again. He just stole from our most prized resources.

Trump just lost 3.5 million votes on this one from that one group.

Did he take money out of their/your pocket? How much?
Under Obama military hardware equipment became dangerous to operate for lack of repair parts. Military personnel training were getting killed and disabled at higher rates because of it. Trump has repaired much of that and still there are equipment issues due to spare parts not arriving due to backlogs for some hardware. Readiness also dropped because of it and to an extent Obama's SJW agendas.

Oh, foolish cupcake one, it's still dropping and parts are even harder to come by. This why the huge increase in military spending is needed. When the Navy can only have less than half their aircraft mission ready,the Air Force can only have less than 70% mission ready, the Army and the Marines aren't doing any better then there is a huge problem. So you want to blame Obama for everything? How about Congress itself who is the real culprits. Well, unless you are talking about the Chicago Fire or the San Francisco Earthquake and, yah, let's blame Obama on those.
You know, just for grins and giggles, I decided to look up how much various military aircraft and weapons cost each, just to get a rough idea of how bad this could be for the military.

The answer? Diverting that much money from the military could have a bad impact on our military readiness.

Except the money would be coming from military funds earmarked for construction, NOT money for equiptment maintenance.

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