Trumps promises of what he will do, once, elected

lol...he said he named himself after elektra records....those guys named the company after the female goddess electra....
Yes, guys started elektra records and guy, man, me, started this account.

You are also another one of the big idiots posting on USMB, correct, right? Yes or no?
Elektra Records was named after Electra, a Greek demigoddess, by its founder, Jac Holzman. Holzman started the label in 1950 in his dorm room at St. John's College in Annapolis, Maryland. He changed the spelling of the Greek mythological Pleiad Electra by adding a "K" and removing the "C". Holzman said he liked the "solid bite" of the letter "K" and found the "C" to be "too soft".

You picked a woman's name. People are gonna ssume.

Don't be such a prissy little bitch about it.
Ah, Mr sore loser with cracking knees is bitter cause you can't prove your opinion as fact. Too bad you don't have someone to run to for some tender emotional support.

You do know my gender and think calling me prissy somehow hurts my feelings. No dumbass, it just confirms you lost another point. Calling me a bitch just shows you have an opinion unsupported by facts. It shows you are an asshole, here to vent your anger at those you hate.

Democrats are always proving they are the party of hate
I suffer from a fairly extreme case of it from living an active lifestyle. My knees sound like I'm walking on gravel when I climb stairs for instance.
You are not believable. In the past you never said anything remotely indicating you suffered from the disease.

In fact, when I brought it up on the past you said I was a liar and that there was no such thing as a disease called crepitus.
i am no bigger than you are why a chicks name?....
Why the name of a record label is your question.

It says something about me, the era I am from. Music I like.

It also says something about so many people who assume. You assume I am a girl without putting any thought into your belief.

You assume and do not investigate further, without asking questions.

You assume I took Elektra from a movie when I clearly use a record label logo.

And then you demean me, make fun of me. Yes, my name serves many purposes.

You should step up your game and try to validate your opinion. Links to Google searches, 99% propaganda.
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Trumps promises of what he will do, once, elected. Concerning proposed actions, with concerning motivation.

‘Record-setting’ deportations

Trump made similar promises back in 2016 that he wasn’t able to keep, deporting fewer people than President Barack Obama did in each of his two terms, according to federal government data.

A hard-line approach on global affairs — including a big import tax

Economists on both sides of the aisle have cautioned against Trump’s universal proposal. Trump’s proposed policy would “distort global trade, discourage economic activity, and have general negative consequences on the American economy.”

Trump’s vows revenge against his opponents

Trump claims Biden used the department of justice as revenge on him. Now the hypocrite Trump is claiming he will use the department of justice as revenge on the many, many people who he feels crossed. Most all they did was stand up to Trump. The major sin which will get you fired.

New Analysis Finds Trump Would Give an Additional $50 Billion Per Year in Tax Breaks to Fortune 100 Companies
Trump had fewer deportations because he allowed far fewer illegals into the country. It will take a GOP Patriot Congress to pass legislation that will allow him to expel all or most illegals from the country, but if he gets that we can be sure it will be done.

Trump's economic policies not only strongly discouraged U.S. companies from taking their business and jobs out of the country but was bringing U.S. companies and their jobs back to America and gave us one of the best economies for ALL demographics any of us have ever seen.

Ruh Ro......we know how well these "economists" are able to predict things.

And Trump never exaggerates and he's never hyperbolic.


Fear tactics ? Really.

You butt-nuggets are that hard up for something to say ?

I guess, when you have an empty suit like Harris that needs a Service Animal to be with her during a 19 minute softball interview....

Well, that's why they call you Hindenburg Harris.
Trump very rarely is able to do what he claims he will do.

*We do not have a wall on the Mexico border paid for by Mexico.

*He did not repeal and replace Obamacare with a better program.

*He promised to invest 550 billion dollars for infrastructure. He did not do that.

*He promised to bring back manufacturing jobs to USA. By 2020 there was very little improvement in the US manufacturing sector.

*Promised no cuts to social security but then proposed cuts to social security but congress would not approve.

*Promised to grow the economy by 4% every year. Not one year did he grow the economy by 4%.

*Eliminate the federal debt in 8 years. He did not have 8 years but he increased the national debt more than any President in 4 years

And you wonder why he did not get reelected.
I suffer from a fairly extreme case of it from living an active lifestyle. My knees sound like I'm walking on gravel when I climb stairs for instance.

It also has two meanings.
Didn't know being on your knees before your masters is considered "an active lifestyle" The things you learn here.
I'd like to see him win and throw people like musk,rfk, an Jim who was never a bureaucrat or had any involvement in government before ...I know that frowned upon in credentialed and Boomer circles...but id like to see it
It is one thing to have non-bureaucrats but most of the people mentioned have not shown to be focusing on what is best for the USA but what is best for them
Trump had fewer deportations because he allowed far fewer illegals into the country. It will take a GOP Patriot Congress to pass legislation that will allow him to expel all or most illegals from the country, but if he gets that we can be sure it will be done.

Trump's economic policies not only strongly discouraged U.S. companies from taking their business and jobs out of the country but was bringing U.S. companies and their jobs back to America and gave us one of the best economies for ALL demographics any of us have ever seen.
Biden increased the manufacturing jobs in the US more than Trump.
Trump's policies on the economy have been predicted to increase inflation and ad the debt more than any previous President. He holds the record for incrasing the debt more than any one term President
Trump very rarely is able to do what he claims he will do.

*We do not have a wall on the Mexico border paid for by Mexico.

*He did not repeal and replace Obamacare with a better program.

*He promised to invest 550 billion dollars for infrastructure. He did not do that.

*He promised to bring back manufacturing jobs to USA. By 2020 there was very little improvement in the US manufacturing sector.

*Promised no cuts to social security but then proposed cuts to social security but congress would not approve.

*Promised to grow the economy by 4% every year. Not one year did he grow the economy by 4%.

*Eliminate the federal debt in 8 years. He did not have 8 years but he increased the national debt more than any President in 4 years

And you wonder why he did not get reelected.
But you believe him when he says he'll cancel the Constitution.
Biden increased the manufacturing jobs in the US more than Trump.
Trump's policies on the economy have been predicted to increase inflation and ad the debt more than any previous President. He holds the record for incrasing the debt more than any one term President
Take away all the data of people returning to jobs they already had when they had been denied the ability to work at those jobs due to COVID and Biden's record looks nowhere near as good. Most especially when the administration is counting the millions here illegally who are illegally working at something. And well over 80% of the actual new jobs created are in three areas: government (at least 1 in 4 of them), healthcare and hospitality industries. Job growth everywhere else has been sluggish, non existent and/or negative.

Family buying power in all demographics increased by thousands in the Trump economy. It has decreased by thousands in the Biden economy despite reported better numbers this year.

It's like Obama boasted about all the job he had created, but when you look below the surface, more than 90% of those jobs were part time or temporary jobs will little or no benefits.
Trump's policies on the economy have been predicted to increase inflation and ad the debt more than any previous President. He holds the record for incrasing the debt more than any one term President

This is a manufactured number that everyone knows is BullSchimd. It takes into account his tax cuts but provides no allowance for any revenue generated by the tax cuts.

Per the government's own website.

Trumps deficits his first three years were BELOW 1 Trillion.

Biden's first deficit matched Trumps last.

His next two were well above 1.5 Trillion.

This year is already at 2.1 and will land somewhere around 2.8 (in this really great booming economy) Trillion.

So stop lying.

And don't bother posting any of the articles that quote that stupid 8 Trillion dollar number. It's a lie and we all know it.

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