Trumps promises of what he will do, once, elected

Trumps promises of what he will do, once, elected. Concerning proposed actions, with concerning motivation.

ā€˜Record-settingā€™ deportations

Trump made similar promises back in 2016 that he wasnā€™t able to keep, deporting fewer people than President Barack Obama did in each of his two terms, according to federal government data.

A hard-line approach on global affairs ā€” including a big import tax

Economists on both sides of the aisle have cautioned against Trumpā€™s universal proposal. Trumpā€™s proposed policy would ā€œdistort global trade, discourage economic activity, and have general negative consequences on the American economy.ā€

Trumpā€™s vows revenge against his opponents

Trump claims Biden used the department of justice as revenge on him. Now the hypocrite Trump is claiming he will use the department of justice as revenge on the many, many people who he feels crossed. Most all they did was stand up to Trump. The major sin which will get you fired.

New Analysis Finds Trump Would Give an Additional $50 Billion Per Year in Tax Breaks to Fortune 100 Companies
I thought you guys say that everything coming out of Trump's mouth is a lie? Is it or isn't it?
But be sure to listen to Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson. They know The Truth 'n stuff.

More than 700 high-ranking national security officials endorse Harris​

ā€œWe do not agree on everything, but we all adhere to two fundamental principles,ā€ the letter reads. ā€œFirst, we believe Americaā€™s national security requires a serious and capable Commander-in-Chief. Second, we believe American democracy is invaluable.ā€

As compared to....

Former Republican here:

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Why the name of a record label is your question.

It says something about me, the era I am from. Music I like.

It also says something about so many people who assume. You assume I am a girl without putting any thought into your belief.

You assume and do not investigate further, without asking questions.

You assume I took Elektra from a movie when I clearly use a record label logo.

And then you demean me, make fun of me. Yes, my name serves many purposes.

You should step up your game and try to validate your opinion. Links to Google searches, 99% propaganda.
lol...ok i get had no idea about the
YES we need to do something about immigration.
Am saying neither party has done much to improve the situation
But spend OUR money.
Yet, I am must sharper than you on every subject. 1st and foremost, you make assumptions that prove false.

I never assumed elektra records was started by women, did you?
Sure kid, sure...

Ah, Mr sore loser with cracking knees is bitter cause you can't prove your opinion as fact. Too bad you don't have someone to run to for some tender emotional support.

You do know my gender and think calling me prissy somehow hurts my feelings. No dumbass, it just confirms you lost another point. Calling me a bitch just shows you have an opinion unsupported by facts. It shows you are an asshole, here to vent your anger at those you hate.

Democrats are always proving they are the party of hate
It's not an opinion you dolt, it's a fact.

And you aren't important enough for me to remember who/what you are off the top of my head.
You are not believable. In the past you never said anything remotely indicating you suffered from the disease.

In fact, when I brought it up on the past you said I was a liar and that there was no such thing as a disease called crepitus.
It's not a disease, you undereducated twit.
But he will not be successful, just like all of his other claims. He talks the talk more than he walks the walk.

And yet that is one of your major complaints against him.

I know he can't do it. I've always known that. And I also know he has no intention of doing it.

You know it, yet you continue to lie about it like it was real.

See how this works ?

And yet that is one of your major complaints against him.

I know he can't do it. I've always known that. And I also know he has no intention of doing it.

You know it, yet you continue to lie about it like it was real.

See how this works ?

I say he will say anything to try and get support. He will try and do things, and even when he does something he lies about it.
If there were not the checks and balances put on Trump by our political system developed by our founding fathers, Trump would do many things that would hurt the USA and then lie about it.
If Trump could, he would make himself an unchecked dictator. And his MAGA minions would support that. Trump over country for MAGA minions.
He never exaggerates and he's never hyperbolic.

I'd say you are the fool. A BIG fool.
You really love Donald Trump. You love him so much you cannot admit he could do anything wrong. You will protect him at all costs. That is beyond sick. Have you always loved men this much.
Trump has more documented lies and exagerations than any President in history


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