Trumps promises of what he will do, once, elected

I will have to defer to you, you know much more about being under educated than I
Always blows my mind when you kids have been corrected and still double down on the stupid.

Always blows my mind when you kids have been corrected and still double down on the stupid.
Yep, you are right, the first time I have seen that you are right. Stick with being the grammar police, you nailed it this time.

Of course, your comment I am replying to is poorly constructed but I can not deny you caught one word I was wrong about.

One spelling usage that crepitus caught, that is all crepitus has. One spelling misuse, error

Great job. Try herd. Eyes beat u cans fund more much
Trumps promises of what he will do, once, elected. Concerning proposed actions, with concerning motivation.

‘Record-setting’ deportations

Trump made similar promises back in 2016 that he wasn’t able to keep, deporting fewer people than President Barack Obama did in each of his two terms, according to federal government data.

A hard-line approach on global affairs — including a big import tax

Economists on both sides of the aisle have cautioned against Trump’s universal proposal. Trump’s proposed policy would “distort global trade, discourage economic activity, and have general negative consequences on the American economy.”

Trump’s vows revenge against his opponents

Trump claims Biden used the department of justice as revenge on him. Now the hypocrite Trump is claiming he will use the department of justice as revenge on the many, many people who he feels crossed. Most all they did was stand up to Trump. The major sin which will get you fired.

New Analysis Finds Trump Would Give an Additional $50 Billion Per Year in Tax Breaks to Fortune 100 Companies

Obama lied.
Am saying neither party has done much to improve the situation
Actually not.

Democrats have crafted comprehensive immigration reform legislation, subject to unwarranted, wrongheaded opposition by Republicans.

Indeed, a faction of Republicans stopped the passage of bi-partisan immigration legislation earlier this year at the behest of Trump, a bad faith and reprehensible attempt by Trump to keep ‘the border’ a campaign issue.

In fact, it has been Republicans alone who have done noting to improve the immigration situation.
Actually not.

Democrats have crafted comprehensive immigration reform legislation, subject to unwarranted, wrongheaded opposition by Republicans.

Indeed, a faction of Republicans stopped the passage of bi-partisan immigration legislation earlier this year at the behest of Trump, a bad faith and reprehensible attempt by Trump to keep ‘the border’ a campaign issue.

In fact, it has been Republicans alone who have done noting to improve the immigration situation.
Nice. Now post the actually legislation from the .gov website to prove you ain't got your head up your ass.
Everyone lies some but no one lies as much as Donald Trump. He lies when it would be better for him to tell the truth but he cannot help himself. He prefers to lie rather than tell the truth.
You are full of shit. Post one lie to start so I can show you just say what you are told to believe.

Go ahead, one lie, the best lie, post a great lie, so I can show everyone that democrats have a very low I Q
You are full of shit. Post one lie to start so I can show you just say what you are told to believe.

Go ahead, one lie, the best lie, post a great lie, so I can show everyone that democrats have a very low I Q
The crowd at my inaugaration was largest crowd for an inaugaration ever.
Michael Flynn did not do anything wrong
“Hillary Clinton, I didn’t say ‘Lock her up,’
on the border with Mexico, Trump said, “I completed what I said I was going to do, much more than I said I was going to do.”
I fired Bill Barr. I didn’t want him.”
on South Korea - for 40,000 troops that we had there.”
“The people of Israel appreciate it. I have like a 98% — I have the highest approval numbers.”
Trump has repeatedly claimed that he is the person who deployed the National Guard in Minneapolis during the unrest that followed the murder of George Floyd
We’re paying for close to 100% of NATO.”
“China was going along making $500 to $600 billion a year and nobody was ever even mentioning it until I came along.”
Trump repeated his usual lies about the 2020 presidential election, claiming to have “proof” it was “stolen” and also that opponents
On abortion - “Every legal scholar, Democrat, Republican, and other wanted that issue back at the states.
Last edited:
The crowd at my inaugaration was largest crowd for an inaugaration ever.
Michael Flynn did not do anything wrong
“Hillary Clinton, I didn’t say ‘Lock her up,’
on the border with Mexico, Trump said, “I completed what I said I was going to do, much more than I said I was going to do.”
I fired Bill Barr. I didn’t want him.”
on South Korea - for 40,000 troops that we had there.”
“The people of Israel appreciate it. I have like a 98% — I have the highest approval numbers.”
Trump has repeatedly claimed that he is the person who deployed the National Guard in Minneapolis during the unrest that followed the murder of George Floyd
We’re paying for close to 100% of NATO.”
“China was going along making $500 to $600 billion a year and nobody was ever even mentioning it until I came along.”
Trump repeated his usual lies about the 2020 presidential election, claiming to have “proof” it was “stolen” and also that opponents
On abortion - “Every legal scholar, Democrat, Republican, and other wanted that issue back at the states.
Your first one is not a lie, all the rest fall. You made it to easy.

Largest crowd for an inauguration in history.
It's not a disease, you simpleton, it's a symptom.

You are too damn stupid to interact with normal people. Go back to the RWNJ circle jerk where you belong. You and ShortBus would get along great.
What does your comment say about you interacting with me, over a half dozen comments in this thread alone?

You claim I am on the short bus, yet you are interacting with me, I am stupid but you are interacting with me?
Trumps promises of what he will do, once, elected. Concerning proposed actions, with concerning motivation.

‘Record-setting’ deportations

Trump made similar promises back in 2016 that he wasn’t able to keep, deporting fewer people than President Barack Obama did in each of his two terms, according to federal government data.

A hard-line approach on global affairs — including a big import tax

Economists on both sides of the aisle have cautioned against Trump’s universal proposal. Trump’s proposed policy would “distort global trade, discourage economic activity, and have general negative consequences on the American economy.”

Trump’s vows revenge against his opponents

Trump claims Biden used the department of justice as revenge on him. Now the hypocrite Trump is claiming he will use the department of justice as revenge on the many, many people who he feels crossed. Most all they did was stand up to Trump. The major sin which will get you fired.

New Analysis Finds Trump Would Give an Additional $50 Billion Per Year in Tax Breaks to Fortune 100 Companies
And hopefully you will be in a gulag!
What does your comment say about you interacting with me, over a half dozen comments in this thread alone?

You claim I am on the short bus, yet you are interacting with me, I am stupid but you are interacting with me?
It says "I'm overly generous" and "goodbye moron".
Are you familiar with gulags
Only from those who survived Jewish gulag death camps. No Jews have ever been brought to justice for the horrific genocides they did. Jews genocided the Christian clergy at every possible opportunity.

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