Trump’s tax plan would add 4 trillion to the national debt in 10 years

lol god you’re such a fucking IDIOT. Raw tax dollars go up EVERY YEAR. It doesn’t matter what policy is passed that year. This should be pretty basic logic to understand. Say you keep spending on a programs with 26% of the budget. More dollars per year are going to he needed for those same programs to produce the same value. That’s how INFLATION WORKS.

Thanks for admitting what a mess Biden/Harris created.

And Walz admits we can't stand four more years.

You are a moron.
lol god you’re such a fucking IDIOT. Raw tax dollars go up EVERY YEAR. It doesn’t matter what policy is passed that year. This should be pretty basic logic to understand. Say you keep spending on a programs with 26% of the budget. More dollars per year are going to he needed for those same programs to produce the same value. That’s how INFLATION WORKS.
Meaningless drivel.

If revenues go up AND debt goes up, what do you think the problem is?

Spending maybe? Now, tell the class WTF tax cuts have to do with spending, Simp.
Meaningless drivel.

If revenues go up AND debt goes up, what do you think the problem is?

Spending maybe? Now, tell the class WTF tax cuts have to do with spending, Simp.
The actual value of revenue isn’t going up you moron. You need more dollars over time to get the same value of revenue. That’s why you need to convert it as a percentage of the overall GDP. That went down under Trump.

Here’s a question I know you wont answer: if the value of revenue went up under Trump, why did he contribute 8 trillion to the overall debt in 4 years?
Meaningless drivel.

If revenues go up AND debt goes up, what do you think the problem is?

Spending maybe? Now, tell the class WTF tax cuts have to do with spending, Simp.

Democrats always insist than spending goes up after an increase in revenue to fool this silly no economics knowing idiots.
The actual value of revenue isn’t going up you moron. You need more dollars over time to get the same value of revenue. That’s why you need to convert it as a percentage of the overall GDP. That went down under Trump.

Here’s a question I know you wont answer: if the value of revenue went up under Trump, why did he contribute 8 trillion to the overall debt in 4 years?
Too much spending.

What a dumbass you are. :auiqs.jpg:
You’re right. He spent too much AND he cut taxes. What a moron, amirite?
Revenues went up, simp.

Holy smokes you are stupid.

Oh, and the huge deficits happened when Nazi Piglosi controlled the purse strings, but nobody here expects you to know where spending originates.
Revenues went up, simp.

Holy smokes you are stupid.

Oh, and the huge deficits happened when Nazi Piglosi controlled the purse strings, but nobody here expects you to know where spending originates.
It’s amazing you know nothing about this subject. Even if an increase in raw tax dollars Signified a value increase in revenue, you would still have to explain why that dollar amount goes up EVERY YEAR REGARDLESS OF ANY POLICY.
It’s amazing you know nothing about this subject. Even if an increase in raw tax dollars Signified a value increase in revenue, you would still have to explain why that dollar amount goes up EVERY YEAR REGARDLESS OF ANY POLICY.
I'm not the one having trouble figuring out how debt goes up when revenues go up, Simp. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The actual value of revenue isn’t going up you moron. You need more dollars over time to get the same value of revenue. That’s why you need to convert it as a percentage of the overall GDP. That went down under Trump.

Here’s a question I know you wont answer: if the value of revenue went up under Trump, why did he contribute 8 trillion to the overall debt in 4 years?
There was no 8 million over 4 years. Look at his deficits.

The whole 8 million thing is a contrivance based on his tax cuts with no allowance for additional revenue due to those tax cuts. It's a lie.

And you are a sucker.
It’s not surprising that republicans were mostly silent on Biden’s contribution to the national debt. After all, Trump added 8 trillion to it in 4 years. No avoiding that fact in response huh? Now Trump’s tax plan for his embarrassing second term tells us he will add another 4 trillion. What kind of moron would actually think tax cuts would pay for themselves?

Now I suppose it will continue to be something that goes unsaid. After all,
It’s only bad when democrats add to the debt.

Uh, did I mention that Biden/Harris will hit close to 2.8 trillion deficit in 2024 (with this "booming economy") ?

So what is 4 trillion in 10 years ? Nothing.

You have no clue as to just how bad things are when it comes to our debt.
You’re right. He spent too much AND he cut taxes. What a moron, amirite?
It is time to put people into long term prison sentences for any stealing whatsoever. It is not difficult to expect some discipline in lives. What we catch and what we let go if we know are just the tip of the iceberg. Progs have already started the ratting on your neighbor policies from the Covid era. And there are people who would rat out others because of what they are. It just depends on what or how they are cheating the law in any way. Sadly, a good percentage of people love their law oppressors. That they could do no wrong. Well, they do. And they screw people over and destroyed lives along with employees screwing over other employees. This to me, is going to be our Waterloo. As very few will admit to the wrongs they did to others.

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