Trump’s unhinged: midnight rant on women

I was JUST thinking about that. You and I could both count off those who have always been nutty. But there's no small number of those who used to be at least somewhat reasonable, yet TDS drove them crazy--and I mean crazy.

Some of us are impervious to propaganda I guess. First to TDS, the Covid nonsense, then Trump again.

And others just fall victim again and again and again
Impervious to propaganda? :auiqs.jpg: Magaturds swim in propaganda. There's nothing normal or reasonable about them.
This was his 11:42 late night rant. Not only is it unhinged and entirely untrue he tells women in all caps that since their rights can be taken away at the state level they have nothing to worry about.

Women know, and he knows he’s lost because they know.

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The Adderall starts to wear off, and he gets loopy.
That lithium is beating the cum out of you. Lower the dosage. :laughing0301:

Nobody wants late term abortions... right?

Let's ask this fucking genius (C's and D's are underrated):

kam GPA.jpg

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