Trump’s unhinged: midnight rant on women

No one is taking away women's rights. The states have the issue, and each one will make its laws. And eventually they all may be **** it was with Roe/Wade. We do not want to talk about sexual behaviors. There are many ways to avoid pregnancies. Perhaps Progs should have left well enough alone with the issue. This is why you are not trusted. Even if something that is a middle ground it always has to be expanded. There are women who do not give a flying ph uk aout getting pregnant. And will get an abortion multiple times. Just one issue with it along with the Progs constantly harping with rapes, incest, etc. agenda.
Women evidently, disagree.
This was his 11:42 late night rant. Not only is it unhinged and entirely untrue he tells women in all caps that since their rights can be taken away at the state level they have nothing to worry about.

Women know, and he knows he’s lost because they know.

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Where does the cotus say the federal government can make abortion a right? Isn’t that covered under the 10A?
Shut up dipshit you don't know what I believe. AND we aren't the ones going to burn in hell.
Let me get this straight… you think babies are being murdered? Bullshit. If there was a place in America where babies were being murdered you’d go do something. The fact you’re tweeting or whatever instead is 100% proof it’s just bullshit.
In light of the current live births per female in America this is ridiculous.
Soon enough there won't be any doctors or nursing staff to even staff a retirement home much less a hospital. Simply not enough babies of second generation Americans.

Then on top of this.....
If you spank your child the Democrats want you to be buried under the jail. Unless you groom your child to engage in strict homosexual behaviors you need your children taken from you.....However if you get an abortion you are making smart choices?

This is the most laughable argument I've seen in a long time.
What freakish delusions!
Let me get this straight… you think babies are being murdered? Bullshit. If there was a place in America where babies were being murdered you’d go do something. The fact you’re tweeting or whatever instead is 100% proof it’s just bullshit.
It sure is. Bad acting. Done for attention and in hopes of annoying somebody. :itsok: The human baby was alive and growing, then sick bastard Dems killed it by ripping its little arms and legs off in a horrific abortion procedure. Face the horror of your actions Dem.
So you think babies are being murdered in the US and youre just sitting in front of your computer? Bullshit. If I though a baby was scheduled to be murdered near me I wouldnt be posting here.. Id be saving its life. So would you. But you obviously dont believe babies are being murdered.
So you think babies are being murdered in the US and youre just sitting in front of your computer? Bullshit. If I though a baby was scheduled to be murdered near me I wouldnt be posting here.. Id be saving its life. So would you. But you obviously dont believe babies are being murdered.
Oh, you may go now you are dismissed.
Imagine you're a reasonably intelligent human but you said that a human, developing fetus is just like HAIR.

Breathtaking, and not in a good way
This was his 11:42 late night rant. Not only is it unhinged and entirely untrue he tells women in all caps that since their rights can be taken away at the state level they have nothing to worry about.

Women know, and he knows he’s lost because they know.

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Wow, this is "I will make everything amazing, if I'm not the President, your lives will suck"

Does he really think the president has this power? He thinks he's fucking GOD.
If you are a woman and you vote for harris and the party that can’t define a woman, then you aren’t a woman
If you are a woman and you vote for harris and the party that can’t define a woman, then you aren’t a woman
Don't sound like Anna Kasperian did in 2016. She was pissed at women for voting for Trump.

We all don't vote for the same reasons.

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