Trying to prepare for the Economic collapse.


Jul 1, 2009
Trying to prepare for the Economic collapse.

All i want to do is to prepare for the Economic collapse and for the things that are comeing.

There are sheeple out there that have a lot of money and they are not boing anything with it, they are weasting it on juke they don't need instade of useing it to prepare for what is to come.

any donations will be a god sent.

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Hi SM:

Trying to prepare for the Economic collapse.

All i want to do is to prepare for the Economic collapse and for the things that are coming.

There are Sheeple out there that have a lot of money and they are not buying anything with it, they are wasting it on junk they don't need instead of using it to prepare for what is to come . . .

The USA is worthy of destruction (my Topic) and those preparing for the Coming Collapse 2009 (8 reasons) should begin here.


Given that the majority of American couldn't manage to prepare for disaster during good times, their ability to prepare for disaster during these harder times is unlikely.

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