Two Black safety dispatchers hired at Metrolinx lost their jobs after failing Toronto police background checks. They have no criminal records


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This is what some will have in store for you if they get their "Cancel Culture" ways. Canada!

No record, no allegation, no indictment, no problem! The Stasi will decide who you are, what you can achieve in life and who you must bow to.

I hope they sue their asses and the entire family of the low performing scumbag who added them in the East German system. This is the main reason nobody trusts Canada, do NOT become like us!

Josslyn Mounsey and Thairu Taban had done everything right.

They stayed away from trouble while growing up in a couple of Toronto’s poorer neighbourhoods. They studied hard, as their immigrant, Black parents had told them to do, and about a year ago landed “dream” jobs as Metrolinx transit safety dispatchers, with decent pay, benefits and a generous pension plan.

After a rigorous screening process, they swore oaths and reported for work last May at the transit agency’s operations centre in a secret location in Oakville.

“It was liberating,” said Mounsey, 30, and a single mom with three children, to be hired on a 14-month contract, her foot firmly in the door. The “Canadian dream” her parents had spoken of was real. “I just felt like my life is going to begin now.”

For Taban, 24, the first day on the job, his a permanent one, was “amazing.” He remembers thinking of the kids he grew up with and the ones who are younger, and how he could tell them “it’s possible.”

And then, for both, the dream came to a crashing and bewildering end, after both failed a Toronto Police Service background check. They have never been told why.

Neither has a criminal record, but they suspect family connections are behind the decisions, rendered by police as a pass or fail, with no reasons supplied to them or to Metrolinx, in an arrangement that has since ended.

The dream, said Mounsey, now feels like “a crock of bulls---. If police have your name in their system, you’re screwed.”

In late May, Mounsey and Thairu, helped by lawyer Glen Chochla, filed nearly identical applications to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, alleging systemic racism and discrimination in the background check process and their firings, and that the system disproportionately impacts Black people.

It has been widely proven that Black citizens are subject to a higher degree of surveillance and policing techniques, such as street checks, and that they face socio-economic and other barriers that can lead to more involvement in street life, criminal records — and simply knowing people with them.

Neither Metrolinx nor the Toronto Police Services Board, named as respondents in the applications, has filed a response with the tribunal.

Any allegation of discrimination “deeply concerns us,” Metrolinx spokesperson Anne Marie Aikins told the Star in an email.
It's illegal in Canada for a Catholic to be Head-of-State ... that doesn't seem polite to me ... you know, allthat territory south of the St Lawrence River is the United States ... filthy RCMP stole it from us back in 1815 ... high time we take it back, and AMERICAN Columbia ... Alberta too ... OURS, not theirs ... OURS ...
This is what some will have in store for you if they get their "Cancel Culture" ways. Canada!

No record, no allegation, no indictment, no problem! The Stasi will decide who you are, what you can achieve in life and who you must bow to.

I hope they sue their asses and the entire family of the low performing scumbag who added them in the East German system. This is the main reason nobody trusts Canada, do NOT become like us!

Josslyn Mounsey and Thairu Taban had done everything right.

They stayed away from trouble while growing up in a couple of Toronto’s poorer neighbourhoods. They studied hard, as their immigrant, Black parents had told them to do, and about a year ago landed “dream” jobs as Metrolinx transit safety dispatchers, with decent pay, benefits and a generous pension plan.

After a rigorous screening process, they swore oaths and reported for work last May at the transit agency’s operations centre in a secret location in Oakville.

“It was liberating,” said Mounsey, 30, and a single mom with three children, to be hired on a 14-month contract, her foot firmly in the door. The “Canadian dream” her parents had spoken of was real. “I just felt like my life is going to begin now.”

For Taban, 24, the first day on the job, his a permanent one, was “amazing.” He remembers thinking of the kids he grew up with and the ones who are younger, and how he could tell them “it’s possible.”

And then, for both, the dream came to a crashing and bewildering end, after both failed a Toronto Police Service background check. They have never been told why.

Neither has a criminal record, but they suspect family connections are behind the decisions, rendered by police as a pass or fail, with no reasons supplied to them or to Metrolinx, in an arrangement that has since ended.

The dream, said Mounsey, now feels like “a crock of bulls---. If police have your name in their system, you’re screwed.”

In late May, Mounsey and Thairu, helped by lawyer Glen Chochla, filed nearly identical applications to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, alleging systemic racism and discrimination in the background check process and their firings, and that the system disproportionately impacts Black people.

It has been widely proven that Black citizens are subject to a higher degree of surveillance and policing techniques, such as street checks, and that they face socio-economic and other barriers that can lead to more involvement in street life, criminal records — and simply knowing people with them.

Neither Metrolinx nor the Toronto Police Services Board, named as respondents in the applications, has filed a response with the tribunal.

Any allegation of discrimination “deeply concerns us,” Metrolinx spokesperson Anne Marie Aikins told the Star in an email.

May be they are under investigation but not officially charged or have dodgy relatives. I saw this happen twice when I was in a US court as a witness for someone getting their gun rights restored. In one of the other cases, the state was trying to block the restoration based on the person being "involved" with an ongoing investigation. The Judge said if they aren't convicted, then they are presumed innocent so unless you got something better....". In another case they tried it based on the fact the man's son was in prison on a felony and could come to the house when released. The Judge said to the dad, "Lock your guns up if your son comes to your house to keep you both out of trouble," and that was it.
This is what some will have in store for you if they get their "Cancel Culture" ways. Canada!

No record, no allegation, no indictment, no problem! The Stasi will decide who you are, what you can achieve in life and who you must bow to.

I hope they sue their asses and the entire family of the low performing scumbag who added them in the East German system. This is the main reason nobody trusts Canada, do NOT become like us!

Josslyn Mounsey and Thairu Taban had done everything right.

They stayed away from trouble while growing up in a couple of Toronto’s poorer neighbourhoods. They studied hard, as their immigrant, Black parents had told them to do, and about a year ago landed “dream” jobs as Metrolinx transit safety dispatchers, with decent pay, benefits and a generous pension plan.

After a rigorous screening process, they swore oaths and reported for work last May at the transit agency’s operations centre in a secret location in Oakville.

“It was liberating,” said Mounsey, 30, and a single mom with three children, to be hired on a 14-month contract, her foot firmly in the door. The “Canadian dream” her parents had spoken of was real. “I just felt like my life is going to begin now.”

For Taban, 24, the first day on the job, his a permanent one, was “amazing.” He remembers thinking of the kids he grew up with and the ones who are younger, and how he could tell them “it’s possible.”

And then, for both, the dream came to a crashing and bewildering end, after both failed a Toronto Police Service background check. They have never been told why.

Neither has a criminal record, but they suspect family connections are behind the decisions, rendered by police as a pass or fail, with no reasons supplied to them or to Metrolinx, in an arrangement that has since ended.

The dream, said Mounsey, now feels like “a crock of bulls---. If police have your name in their system, you’re screwed.”

In late May, Mounsey and Thairu, helped by lawyer Glen Chochla, filed nearly identical applications to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, alleging systemic racism and discrimination in the background check process and their firings, and that the system disproportionately impacts Black people.

It has been widely proven that Black citizens are subject to a higher degree of surveillance and policing techniques, such as street checks, and that they face socio-economic and other barriers that can lead to more involvement in street life, criminal records — and simply knowing people with them.

Neither Metrolinx nor the Toronto Police Services Board, named as respondents in the applications, has filed a response with the tribunal.

Any allegation of discrimination “deeply concerns us,” Metrolinx spokesperson Anne Marie Aikins told the Star in an email.

May be they are under investigation but not officially charged or have dodgy relatives. I saw this happen twice when I was in a US court as a witness for someone getting their gun rights restored. In one of the other cases, the state was trying to block the restoration based on the person being "involved" with an ongoing investigation. The Judge said if they aren't convicted, then they are presumed innocent so unless you got something better....". In another case they tried it based on the fact the man's son was in prison on a felony and could come to the house when released. The Judge said to the dad, "Lock your guns up if your son comes to your house to keep you both out of trouble," and that was it.

THAT is how presumption of innocence is supposed to work. Not "may be he is a bad dude" or associations, family, even ongoing investigations, which is code for "perpetual blacklisted".

In Canada, you can be entrapped, wrongly accused, or, just the son of a cop saying "that guy is bad news" and that's it for your life. A cowardly system run by cowards no different than East Germany.

Here is the kicker, how many in America want this for YOU!? They have no clue how abusive, covert socialist systems operate. TPS, OPP and RCMP have decimated our nation, they will continue to do so while politicians allow them to. They then inform American and European police agencies about people like myself, who, is not a criminal. I'm simply a thorn in their side because I have exposed how they control our economy, operate in foreign businesses (American and otherwise), tamper with HR departments and are an overall enemy of American Values.

That is the reason I am making posts at 4pm, I have been denied life in this country. I am going to work very hard to make sure this country pays the price in terms of exposure and their reputation. Our allies know what is going on and they will continue to know.

Toronto Police are NOT your ally. Believe that.
A background check now includes anything you have said on line that doesn't sound kosher to whomever is in charge.
A background check now includes anything you have said on line that doesn't sound kosher to whomever is in charge.

I don't believe that. It would nullify 98% of citizens.

China is already stealing IP and persuading citizens to support the global communist agenda, do nations also want to lose their top talent (as Canada does) which will allow them to increase their technological prowess even faster?

When a nations citizens feel undervalues and mistreated, they help out the enemy. The enemy in turn, convinces them they are NOT the enemy. After all, they didn't destroy someones life, their home country did.
A background check now includes anything you have said on line that doesn't sound kosher to whomever is in charge.

I don't believe that. It would nullify 98% of citizens.

China is already stealing IP and persuading citizens to support the global communist agenda, do nations also want to lose their top talent (as Canada does) which will allow them to increase their technological prowess even faster?

When a nations citizens feel undervalues and mistreated, they help out the enemy. The enemy in turn, convinces them they are NOT the enemy. After all, they didn't destroy someones life, their home country did.
What you suggest is already happening; and is being exhibited throughout but look to see who put China into the position its in now and who is keeping them afloat because they ain't doing that on their own.

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