UAE: Woman files for divorce after husband's paralysis


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A woman has filed for divorce before a Fujairah court, after her husband suffered a heart attack that left him partially paralysed.

The Asian woman sought ‘Khula’ — a form of divorce where the wife pays back whatever her husband gave her or she waives off maintenance rights.

Justifying her request for Khula, the wife told the Fujairah Shariah Court that everything was fine six months back. “We were a happy family until my husband suffered a heart attack, after which he was unable to move his right hand and leg.” in sickness or health? I wonder if that's even a thing.
A woman has filed for divorce before a Fujairah court, after her husband suffered a heart attack that left him partially paralysed.

The Asian woman sought ‘Khula’ — a form of divorce where the wife pays back whatever her husband gave her or she waives off maintenance rights.

Justifying her request for Khula, the wife told the Fujairah Shariah Court that everything was fine six months back. “We were a happy family until my husband suffered a heart attack, after which he was unable to move his right hand and leg.” in sickness or health? I wonder if that's even a thing.

Seems odd to us, but evidently it is an accepted legal procedure there.
It is hard for us in other cultures to understand the marital norms of people in other cultures. Apparently,, this husband is not able to perform the duties he owes his wife. Do I want to buy into this? No. But there are cultures that expect something. How many cultures expect a wife to bring forth sons, even though we now know that it is the father in the sexual union who brings the DNA that will determine whether the child will be a girl or a boy?
Ok. It happens here. It is infrequent enough there for it to hit the paper. She has five children. Probably did not have any type of control over how many children she was to have and would not be able to work if any jobs are available with five children. She's stuck. It doesn't even take a heart attack and paralysis in the States for it to happen over here.
A woman has filed for divorce before a Fujairah court, after her husband suffered a heart attack that left him partially paralysed.

The Asian woman sought ‘Khula’ — a form of divorce where the wife pays back whatever her husband gave her or she waives off maintenance rights.

Justifying her request for Khula, the wife told the Fujairah Shariah Court that everything was fine six months back. “We were a happy family until my husband suffered a heart attack, after which he was unable to move his right hand and leg.” in sickness or health? I wonder if that's even a thing.

Americans divorce when we get tired of the way our spouse chews food.

I'm not sure we're in a position to high road on this subject.
A woman has filed for divorce before a Fujairah court, after her husband suffered a heart attack that left him partially paralysed.

The Asian woman sought ‘Khula’ — a form of divorce where the wife pays back whatever her husband gave her or she waives off maintenance rights.

Justifying her request for Khula, the wife told the Fujairah Shariah Court that everything was fine six months back. “We were a happy family until my husband suffered a heart attack, after which he was unable to move his right hand and leg.” in sickness or health? I wonder if that's even a thing.

Americans divorce when we get tired of the way our spouse chews food.

I'm not sure we're in a position to high road on this subject.

They don't even bother with divorce That's the justification for an extramarital affair.
A woman has filed for divorce before a Fujairah court, after her husband suffered a heart attack that left him partially paralysed.

The Asian woman sought ‘Khula’ — a form of divorce where the wife pays back whatever her husband gave her or she waives off maintenance rights.

Justifying her request for Khula, the wife told the Fujairah Shariah Court that everything was fine six months back. “We were a happy family until my husband suffered a heart attack, after which he was unable to move his right hand and leg.” in sickness or health? I wonder if that's even a thing.

Americans divorce when we get tired of the way our spouse chews food.

I'm not sure we're in a position to high road on this subject.

Americans of every faith, and others, don't seem to even contemplate what marriage is about. Oh! We have a ceremony!

How about a person about to enter matrimony spends a few days with a priest, rabbi, minister. whatever spiritual advisor discussing the marital state into which s/he is about to enter into and their celebration of the person whom they are about to marry. so when they stand together at the altar or under the chappah, they know full well the commitment they are undertaking.
A woman has filed for divorce before a Fujairah court, after her husband suffered a heart attack that left him partially paralysed.

The Asian woman sought ‘Khula’ — a form of divorce where the wife pays back whatever her husband gave her or she waives off maintenance rights.

Justifying her request for Khula, the wife told the Fujairah Shariah Court that everything was fine six months back. “We were a happy family until my husband suffered a heart attack, after which he was unable to move his right hand and leg.” in sickness or health? I wonder if that's even a thing.

Americans divorce when we get tired of the way our spouse chews food.

I'm not sure we're in a position to high road on this subject.

Americans of every faith, and others, don't seem to even contemplate what marriage is about. Oh! We have a ceremony!

How about a person about to enter matrimony spends a few days with a priest, rabbi, minister. whatever spiritual advisor discussing the marital state into which s/he is about to enter into and their celebration of the person whom they are about to marry. so when they stand together at the altar or under the chappah, they know full well the commitment they are undertaking.

Or they could just have what was called a Hippy Wedding back in the 60s. You promise to stay faithful for six months, or until you both decide you've had enough. Which ever came first.
isn't this what we have for the last how many years? What does is mean when we solemnly swear on what we say is sacred in our lives?
why is the private lives of a married couple in UAE a topic on this board.
I is old and have encountered players from all over the world and their
marriage customs and attitudes. One of the comments my brother makes
about couples he sees in his Psychiatry practice is -----"no one knows
what goes on behind the front door" As far as I know a muslim marriage
does not include a public declaration of "bond forever" I wonder if the
couple had minor children. In muslim custom they BELONG to the father's
family once they are weaned (I have been told by muslims ---mostly southeast
asians)-----I take back that 'I wonder..." it's none of my business.......... UHM.
It's news because it is rare for a muslim female to sue for divorce BUT IT IS
DOABLE in islamic law
why is the private lives of a married couple in UAE a topic on this board.
I is old and have encountered players from all over the world and their
marriage customs and attitudes. One of the comments my brother makes
about couples he sees in his Psychiatry practice is -----"no one knows
what goes on behind the front door" As far as I know a muslim marriage
does not include a public declaration of "bond forever" I wonder if the
couple had minor children. In muslim custom they BELONG to the father's
family once they are weaned (I have been told by muslims ---mostly southeast
asians)-----I take back that 'I wonder..." it's none of my business.......... UHM.
It's news because it is rare for a muslim female to sue for divorce BUT IT IS
DOABLE in islamic law
You are in the Middle East section of the forum. If you are not interested, move along. This ain't rocket science.
why is the private lives of a married couple in UAE a topic on this board.
I is old and have encountered players from all over the world and their
marriage customs and attitudes. One of the comments my brother makes
about couples he sees in his Psychiatry practice is -----"no one knows
what goes on behind the front door" As far as I know a muslim marriage
does not include a public declaration of "bond forever" I wonder if the
couple had minor children. In muslim custom they BELONG to the father's
family once they are weaned (I have been told by muslims ---mostly southeast
asians)-----I take back that 'I wonder..." it's none of my business.......... UHM.
It's news because it is rare for a muslim female to sue for divorce BUT IT IS
DOABLE in islamic law
You are in the Middle East section of the forum. If you are not interested, move along. This ain't rocket science.

I know in which forum I am.
why is the private lives of a married couple in UAE a topic on this board.
I is old and have encountered players from all over the world and their
marriage customs and attitudes. One of the comments my brother makes
about couples he sees in his Psychiatry practice is -----"no one knows
what goes on behind the front door" As far as I know a muslim marriage
does not include a public declaration of "bond forever" I wonder if the
couple had minor children. In muslim custom they BELONG to the father's
family once they are weaned (I have been told by muslims ---mostly southeast
asians)-----I take back that 'I wonder..." it's none of my business.......... UHM.
It's news because it is rare for a muslim female to sue for divorce BUT IT IS
DOABLE in islamic law
You are in the Middle East section of the forum. If you are not interested, move along. This ain't rocket science.

I know in which forum I am.
Then move to the next sentence. It still isn't rocket science.
My grandmother divorced her husband when he became ill. Otherwise, she would have been liable for his hospital bills, which would have bankrupted her.
I know a woman, just a few years older than me, whose husband had an extremely bad reaction to the anesthetic for a minor surgery he was having. He practically was a vegetable for the rest of his life. She would sometimes take him places in a wheelchair. People would talk to him, but he would be unresponsive from what I saw. I don't know what his brain function was but it looked like no body was home. She spent 30 + years taking care of him. I thank he has finally passed away.

This woman did not get a divorce, but I can understand doing so in such circumstances. I would not want to put my wife through the same thing if it were to happen to me.
A woman has filed for divorce before a Fujairah court, after her husband suffered a heart attack that left him partially paralysed.

The Asian woman sought ‘Khula’ — a form of divorce where the wife pays back whatever her husband gave her or she waives off maintenance rights.

Justifying her request for Khula, the wife told the Fujairah Shariah Court that everything was fine six months back. “We were a happy family until my husband suffered a heart attack, after which he was unable to move his right hand and leg.” in sickness or health? I wonder if that's even a thing.
Shitty thing to do.

What's else is there to say?

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