Ukraine says it advances, repels Russia attacks at Bakhmut


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
So, Russia destroys the city..while Kiev surrounds it---hmmmm.


Ukraine said it had repelled a day of Russian attacks in and around the ruined eastern city of Bakhmut on Thursday and made gains of a kilometre in some places while buying time for "certain planned actions".
The head of the Wagner mercenary force, which is spearheading the Russian attack on Bakhmut, said his forces had advanced up to 400 meters. "We're pushing Bakhmut all the way to the end," he said in an audio recording on his Telegram channel.

While Russia boosted its forces in the city, attacked the suburbs to the north and engaged in fierce fighting in the southern suburbs, Ukraine's forces advanced 500 meters in the north and in some areas in the south by one kilometre, Deputy Defence Minister Hanna Maliar said on her Telegram channel.
She said that Russia had attacked Bakhmut all day having "significantly strengthened" its grouping in Bakhmut by bringing most of its reserves there.
"All the attacks were repelled by our defenders," she added.

Kyiv has for days been hailing battlefield successes around Bakhmut that could eventually trap Wagner's forces inside the city.

It is the gatrway to crossing the Dneiper and advavancing west with good supply lines from Donbas .
Absolutely vital.
That's why the US and Ukey Nazi forces have literally poured everything into trying to hold it.
It has crippled them and they have failed .
Yes, agree.
Does anyone care about Bakhmut?

While I find myself on the same side of the coin with you in many debates, I have to say something here:

The fight the Ukrainians are fighting against the Russian communists is the same fight we are fighting here in America against the communists. You should watch the news and pay attention to the Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton scandals more often. Durham just came out with more findings.

if they fall, we fall. That's why I care.
No doubt the nazis will be in Moscow in a week. Does nobody wonder what happens in the weeks/months between these supposed Ukrainian 'victories'?
While I find myself on the same side of the coin with you in many debates, I have to say something here:

The fight the Ukrainians are fighting against the Russian communists is the same fight we are fighting here in America against the communists. You should watch the news and pay attention to the Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton scandals more often. Durham just came out with more findings.

if they fall, we fall. That's why I care.
Bullshit. The Ukrainians are just as fucking corrupt as the Russians. It’s all Mafia based governments there.

The Democrats would never support a war against fellow communists.
There's a huge "fog of war" going on....

Prigozhin claims an attrition rate of 20%+ of his troops....that's an insanely high number of people. Most sane generals don't go up when you are going to lose that many men.

The object of the exercise is to stop the "enemy" from being able to fight. Not to kill people. Killing is one way but munition destruction and equipment destruction is just as effective as killing....and of course you do not want to lose your ability to fight the whole time you are stopping your enemy from fighting.

Now Prigozhin gave an interview where he was saying that the exact opposite of Russian goals were accomplished....where Ukraine started with 20,000 soldiers they now have 500,000 soldiers....and where they once had 500 tanks they now have 5,000.

They are completely militarized....exactly the opposite of the claimed goals.

Meanwhile Russian militant groups have made several incursions across the Ukranians border into Russia and destroyed military targets. There's a funny video of Russian milbloggers that were claiming that all invaders were repelled and had left when they started getting shelled by mortars and howitzers.....they ran for cover obviously. The destroyed opposition vehicles that Russia claims were destroyed by them does seem staged and wrong....but it's unclear how the "staging" was accomplished as any trucks in that area would have caught the attention of the Ukrainian military and been fired upon. So it is a mystery.

There's a definite desire for information but ALL of the information coming out has been tainted with disinformation. Truth is the first casualty in war and I'm saying that today its clearly DOA.

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