Ukraine's Security Service Has Confiscated Air Traffic Control Recordings With Malays

It is very disturbing.

So the Russians are paying you now too? WOW! They are desperate. :eek:

That's brilliant. Have anything better? Prove 1 thing that the United States has asserted besides some stupid Youtube video?

Back in the day, when something like this happened they didn't post some google earth type shit to a twatter account, rather, they took it to the Soviet Ambassador, and said "Look comrade; we know you're up to something so let Kruschev know that we know what the hell he is doing".

Actual satellite imagery from the worlds foremost, technologically advanced civilization is a no brainer and beats some aged picture from a 3rd party sent to a twatter account on a day nobody is fucking paying attention.

Kennedy had the balls to share that imagery, but not your ridiculous administration.
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There is no credible evidence that Russia did this. None. Not one iota. You have a state department email sent to twitter on a Sunday morning with some google earth crap by the person that helped instigate the coup in Ukraine. Seriously? We release that horse shit as evidence while the Ukraine won't release it's audio feed? Something smells here.

Well, except the audio which reveal on of the Russian Rebels bragging about shooting down a Ukrainian aircraft until one of his comrades advises him that it was a passenger plane. The he turns the conversation to something about them being spies. It was Russian missiles that brought the plane down.

Ukrainian rebels. Not Russian rebels.

Why was that plane on that flight path? That's the question. And saying they used Russian missiles doesn't make this a Russian plot to take out a passenger plane to infuriate half of the world.

Putin may be many things but he's not freaking stupid.
The establishment is clever indeed: nothing about the Malaysian flight on CNN any more - it's all about the Jewish massacre in Palestine Ebolia and other stuff now that the truth about Ukraine downing the Malaysian flight came out.
If there were a functional opposition party in our country they would be pointing this out.
If there were a functional opposition party in our country they would be pointing this out.
Exactly, but all opposition in this country and the axis of the so called democracy is CONTROLLED opposition - the rest are labeled "conspiracy" nuts.
I'm not a Putin fan, but he has better leadership qualities than Barry who seems completely distanced from what is going on and is always having to catch up after a hard day on the golf course.

'Better' leadership qualities in what way? You say Obama 'seems' distant from what is going on, but you have not explained how you determined that Putin is less distanced without being immersed in Russian language, culture and politics.

Putin is a much more nationalistic leader than I could tolerate. And his use of the Russian Orthodox Church to promote nationalistic and anti-liberal policies at home.

Perhaps you like that sort of leader, but the point is unless you live in Russia that kind of leadership does not affect you.
The chief prodder in the last year has been the U.S., under the aegis of Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. As became evident from a phone conversation between her and Geoffrey Pyatt, the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, the U.S. was deeply involved in the machinations that led to the ouster of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, deciding, for example, which of the various opposition leaders should and shouldn't accept a post in the government, how to get the U.N. on board, and when Vice President Biden should get involved behind the scenes to embolden the insurrection.

Read more: West not blameless in Flight 17 disaster over Ukraine | TheHill
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One also has to wonder why Yatesnyuk was invited to the white house, even before elections...
The chief prodder in the last year has been the U.S., under the aegis of Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. As became evident from a phone conversation between her and Geoffrey Pyatt, the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, the U.S. was deeply involved in the machinations that led to the ouster of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, deciding, for example, which of the various opposition leaders should and shouldn't accept a post in the government, how to get the U.N. on board, and when Vice President Biden should get involved behind the scenes to embolden the insurrection.

Read more: West not blameless in Flight 17 disaster over Ukraine | TheHill
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook
One also has to wonder why Yatesnyuk was invited to the white house, even before elections...

Not anymore we don't
The chief prodder in the last year has been the U.S., under the aegis of Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. As became evident from a phone conversation between her and Geoffrey Pyatt, the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, the U.S. was deeply involved in the machinations that led to the ouster of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, deciding, for example, which of the various opposition leaders should and shouldn't accept a post in the government, how to get the U.N. on board, and when Vice President Biden should get involved behind the scenes to embolden the insurrection.

Read more: West not blameless in Flight 17 disaster over Ukraine | TheHill
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook
One also has to wonder why Yatesnyuk was invited to the white house, even before elections...

Not anymore we don't
I know he has resigned following the shooting down of the Malaysian airline, but the question WHY he was invited to the WH even before the staged election STILL REMAINS. At least for me.
The Russians are actively working to dismember a sovereign nation, they know if they don't do it now they never will. Lets see if we can figure out why the Russians won't try to take back the Baltic States. Putin knows EU membership would be followed by NATO membership.

Ukraine started this latest dismembering of their own nation. The violent mobs that the western media calls peaceful Maidan protesters forced a coup of the Yanukovuch government. The chaos and unconstitutional lawless acts that took place in Kiev certainly justified Crimean to secede and for the Russian Federation to take Crimea in.

As far as the eastern parts of Ukraine goes, Putin has not offered to A
annex that territory to the Russian Federation. But the response by Ukraine to that is to bomb villages and cities populated with Russian speaking Ukrainians.

The US is now offering the broke Ukraine government millions to rebuild the Russian-speaking cities that the Ukraine government are tearing shelling and bombing.
The Russians are actively working to dismember a sovereign nation, they know if they don't do it now they never will. Lets see if we can figure out why the Russians won't try to take back the Baltic States. Putin knows EU membership would be followed by NATO membership.

Ukraine started this latest dismembering of their own nation. The violent mobs that the western media calls peaceful Maidan protesters forced a coup of the Yanukovuch government. The chaos and unconstitutional lawless acts that took place in Kiev certainly justified Crimean to secede and for the Russian Federation to take Crimea in.

As far as the eastern parts of Ukraine goes, Putin has not offered to A
annex that territory to the Russian Federation. But the response by Ukraine to that is to bomb villages and cities populated with Russian speaking Ukrainians.

The US is now offering the broke Ukraine government millions to rebuild the Russian-speaking cities that the Ukraine government are tearing shelling and bombing.

A bidding war for the Ukraine--lovely.

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