Ukrainian -Muscovite War: Putin's daughters targeted by US sanctions


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

our massage to Muscovite elites : Pootler is toxic !!

Intelligent people should boycott the POSPOTUS advertising his daughter at the same time the c.u.n.t. Projects sanctions. Insolent gargoyle and CIA-Catholic puppet.

our massage to Muscovite elites : Pootler is toxic !!

View attachment 627252
Why did you post her pic???....................JC she belongs in the Gulag

She looks like Beria with a friggin wig.lololol
So now the US is attacking people that are not involved in th war but only related or friends of Putin. So un American to do this,
So now the US is attacking people that are not involved in th war but only related or friends of Putin. So un American to do this,
Putin is likely to respond by sanctioning HUNTER....and lets face it, PUtin knows where Hunter has been stashing Joe's case.

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