Unhinged protesters try to shut down Ben Shapiro at Ohio state


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Austin Fletcher, creator of “Fleccas Talks,” went to Ohio State University on Tuesday to cover the far-left and Antifa protesting Jewish conservative figure Ben Shapiro.

Shock Video: Unhinged Protesters Try to Shut Down Ben Shapiro at Ohio State

They always prove how unhinged they are it's not hard to prove that esp. since they do it all on their own.

The irony of these stupid asses screwing themselves when this all blows wide open is hysterical and exciting to think about all these Trump hating little bitches crawling under a rock to hide bhahah.
You know what Ben's good at though? He makes good use of snuck premises. It's why he wins the debate so much, even if he's on the wrong side. He makes people adopt his premise as soon as he says it. Most debates ar won or lost on snuck premises. Skills...
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Shapiro preaches hate against Universities, cities, and liberals; and his influence successfully inspires hatred against all three of those things that translate into real actions that cause them harm; then he acts surprised when he finds out he’s not welcome. Fuck Ben Shapiro.
Shapiro preaches hate against Universities, cities, and liberals...

Like what?
He has written entire books deficated to blasting universities, he’s on television and radio every day blasting universities and the liberal lifestyles in cities, and he regularly travel to liberal areas to insult them to their faces for publicity.

How is that "hate"

Sorry "hate" isn't disagreeing with wanna be revolutionary pendejos like you.
He has written entire books deficated to blasting universities, he’s on television and radio every day blasting universities and the liberal lifestyles in cities, and he regularly travel to liberal areas to insult them to their faces for publicity.

Yeah, he is kind of a troll, I guess.

Like I said, I can't listen to him more than a few sentences. It's not really his voice that does it. Even though you would think that, right? It's the way he won't keep his gosh darned head still. And that other thing he does, you know how some people hold their head downward and then look up at you with just ther eyes? Tha irks the shit out of me.

I listened to him when he first came out and even then is was only because I clicked on stuff people were posting and sending. I listened just long enough to figure out what his gig was, then I was like, alright, I'm going back to doing whatever else I was doing.

Ben's a face. That'st prety much it. He's wrong about things just as often as he's right about things from whatI saw from him early on.

I think the reason the college kids won't let him in is compounded by the fact that they know that if they did let him in, he'd still bambozzle them.
Shapiro preaches hate against Universities, cities, and liberals...

Like what?
He has written entire books deficated to blasting universities, he’s on television and radio every day blasting universities and the liberal lifestyles in cities, and he regularly travel to liberal areas to insult them to their faces for publicity.
Anyone in their right mind agrees 100%. Universities are hotbeds of of treasonous teaching.
Shapiro preaches hate against Universities, cities, and liberals; and his influence successfully inspires hatred against all three of those things that translate into real actions that cause them harm; then he acts surprised when he finds out he’s not welcome. Fuck Ben Shapiro.
Pointing out that liberoidals like you are unhinged moonbats doesn't mean that you are hated...I do not hate the skunk just because I disapprove of its odor.
Shapiro preaches hate against Universities, cities, and liberals...

Like what?
He has written entire books deficated to blasting universities, he’s on television and radio every day blasting universities and the liberal lifestyles in cities, and he regularly travel to liberal areas to insult them to their faces for publicity.
Anyone in their right mind agrees 100%. Universities are hotbeds of of treasonous teaching.
Good, don’t send your kids. Somebody has to replace illegals in the fields after all.
Austin Fletcher, creator of “Fleccas Talks,” went to Ohio State University on Tuesday to cover the far-left and Antifa protesting Jewish conservative figure Ben Shapiro.

Shock Video: Unhinged Protesters Try to Shut Down Ben Shapiro at Ohio State

They always prove how unhinged they are it's not hard to prove that esp. since they do it all on their own.

The irony of these stupid asses screwing themselves when this all blows wide open is hysterical and exciting to think about all these Trump hating little bitches crawling under a rock to hide bhahah.

The SJW should be deported to North Korea where all of their dream have already come true.

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