Unique facts about Palestine

6- Palestinians are the newest of all the peoples on the face of the Earth, and began to exist in a single day in 1967 by a kind of supernatural phenomenon that is unique in the whole history of mankind.
7- Palestinians are the only people that claim two contradictory lineages from ancient peoples that inhabited in the Land of Israel.
1- Palestine” is the only country that did not exist before it was “occupied”. :rofl:
2- ?
was donetsk a country? how about crimea? whatever you want to call these inconveniently placed people they do actually exist
was donetsk a country? how about crimea? whatever you want to call these inconveniently placed people they do actually exist
Under Russian law and international law, Donetsk and Crimea were part of Ukraine. There are no similarities between what is going on in Ukraine and what is going on in the ME.
Badly beaten Israeli Terrorists surrender Gaza City
The signs weere there when Nutty withdrew five brigades because of tiredness and huge losses .
These young and inexperienced terrorists are not of a high enough calibre to compete with the Freedom Fighters .

The self elected Chosen Ones are now the detested ones .

Under Russian law and international law, Donetsk and Crimea were part of Ukraine. There are no similarities between what is going on in Ukraine and what is going on in the ME.
under roman law, as close to international law as ever existed, palestine was a province of syria. whatever you call them you can not define them out of existence or blot them out with the executive sharpie.
under roman law, as close to international law as ever existed, palestine was a province of syria. whatever you call them you can not define them out of existence or blot them out with the executive sharpie.
I see you haven't been keeping up with the news. The Roman Empire ended a long time ago, and the so called Palestinians have been trying to kill off all the jews for the last 100 years, not the other way around.
I see you haven't been keeping up with the news. The Roman Empire ended a long time ago, and the so called Palestinians have been trying to kill off all the jews for the last 100 years, not the other way around.
the history of palestine in the last century contains many incidents of terror directed at the muslim and christian inhabitants and at the u k " PALESTINE mandate."
the history of palestine in the last century contains many incidents of terror directed at the muslim and christian inhabitants and at the u k " PALESTINE mandate."
Actually the violence began in 1920 when the Arabs tried to drive the Jews out of Palestine, and by about 1926, Irgun began to retaliate against Arab villages that sent gunman to attack Jews, but each cycle of violence was initiated by the Arabs. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem actually signed a pact with Hitler to jointly kill all the Jews in Palestine when he had finished in Russia, and in 1948, the Arab League threatened a genocide, a war of eradication with great massacres, of the Jews if they declared a state. And today the Palestinians are still threatening genocide. The Palestinians were always the aggressors; that's why it is so hard to feel sorry for them now.
2 - There's no such thing as Palestinian currency.

3 - There is no Palestinian language.

4. Palestine has no capitol city.

5. Can anyone name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?
There you go!

January 8, 2024, at 6:53 AM:

...against insane [sic] Judaism...


Badly beaten Israeli Terrorists surrender Gaza City
The signs weere there when Nutty withdrew five brigades because of tiredness and huge losses .
These young and inexperienced terrorists are not of a high enough calibre to compete with the Freedom Fighters .

The self elected Chosen Ones are now the detested ones .

Channeling 1940's German propaganda.
Badly beaten Israeli Terrorists surrender Gaza City
The signs were there when Nutty withdrew five brigades because of tiredness and huge losses .
These young and inexperienced terrorists are not of a high enough calibre to compete with the Freedom Fighters .

The self elected Chosen Ones are now the detested ones .

Jewish people looking for a fresh PR company to try and resurrect their smashed image. Supporting Women and Child killers is not a smart idea
was donetsk a country? how about crimea? whatever you want to call these inconveniently placed people they do actually exist
So this mythical Palestine did not exist as a country before it called occupied. it was under The control of the Ottomans for 600 years and then for a brief period under the control of the British. Factual history, not Arab Muslim mythology. Thanks for clearing that up.

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