Universal Healthcare question for everyone


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
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Boston, MA
Libs want UH. Bernie Sanders is a champion of it but there are many who agree with the Socialist.

The argument is that it works in Europe.

Now in Europe education is free. It’s not in the US. A MD will not begin to make real money til they have gone through 4 yrs of undergrad, 3 yrs of med school and a 4 yr residency. That’s expensive and usually the lie between $400-600k in debt. Funny, I have a client who is an MD from India. In India he said you go straight to med school. No undergrad requirement. Makes sense. But I digress. Let’s say the person goes through the undergrad, med school and residency and soon becomes a renowned surgeon like Dr. James Andrews was.

Let’s say he gets paid $4mil per year. Now comes UH. How much does that doctor make now? How does UH reward our best doctors?

If I am a plumber I may charge what I want. Why can’t I do that as a doctor?
Libs want UH. Bernie Sanders is a champion of it but there are many who agree with the Socialist.

The argument is that it works in Europe.

Now in Europe education is free. It’s not in the US. A MD will not begin to make real money til they have gone through 4 yrs of undergrad, 3 yrs of med school and a 4 yr residency. That’s expensive and usually the lie between $400-600k in debt. Funny, I have a client who is an MD from India. In India he said you go straight to med school. No undergrad requirement. Makes sense. But I digress. Let’s say the person goes through the undergrad, med school and residency and soon becomes a renowned surgeon like Dr. James Andrews was.

Let’s say he gets paid $4mil per year. Now comes UH. How much does that doctor make now? How does UH reward our best doctors?

If I am a plumber I may charge what I want. Why can’t I do that as a doctor?

Good point..

But I think our Healthcare expenses are high not because doctors make so much money but insurance acting as a middle man and legal costs
rightwinger I agree but in my scenario under UH, how much would renowned doctors make? Honestly? How do reward ‘em?
Libs want UH. Bernie Sanders is a champion of it but there are many who agree with the Socialist.

The argument is that it works in Europe.

Now in Europe education is free. It’s not in the US. A MD will not begin to make real money til they have gone through 4 yrs of undergrad, 3 yrs of med school and a 4 yr residency. That’s expensive and usually the lie between $400-600k in debt. Funny, I have a client who is an MD from India. In India he said you go straight to med school. No undergrad requirement. Makes sense. But I digress. Let’s say the person goes through the undergrad, med school and residency and soon becomes a renowned surgeon like Dr. James Andrews was.

Let’s say he gets paid $4mil per year. Now comes UH. How much does that doctor make now? How does UH reward our best doctors?

If I am a plumber I may charge what I want. Why can’t I do that as a doctor?
Because health care is a "right". :rolleyes:
rightwinger I agree but in my scenario under UH, how much would renowned doctors make? Honestly? How do reward ‘em?

I don’t know what doctors pay is under universal healthcare, but I don’t see doctors flocking to the US from Canada and UK for more money.

I look at my doctors offices and see how many employees are involved in billing, insurance claims, negotiations with insurance companies, collections

You don’t have that with universal healthcare
In the 1970s healthcare in America was by a private doctor in a private practice, and you paid out of pocket. That motivated you to live a healthy lifestyle, and kept government out of it.

As government has increased its participation in healthcare...

1. costs have skyrocketed
2. you do not have the right to choose your doctor
3. you can only do what your mandated health insurer will pay for
4. doctors are compromised by being "socialized" - Covid fraud being the result
5. "healthcare" in America is mostly pushing pharmaceuticals on morons who don't really need them
6. government controlled healthcare used Covid fraud to force Murderous FRAUD Vax, and USMB lost Easy65 (and possibly more) because of that

A healthy dose of LIBERTARIANISM in healthcare is urgently needed.
". . . . Medicare for All legislation would affect Americans in a variety of ways—in ways that belie the promises made by advocates of the proposal.

Impact on Provider Payment. Congressional champions of Medicare for All promise serious cost control, but the history of America’s own experience with government price controls and payment caps shows that politicians’ promises of cost control are often false.

Cost control in markets is secured through intense price competition among suppliers of goods and services to meet and satisfy consumer demand. Cost control in the single-payer system is secured by shifting costs to doctors and medical professionals in the form of payment reductions, thus either reducing the supply of available medical goods and services or reducing compensation and profit margins. Government officials cannot control patient demand for medical benefits or services, so they control their supply through global budgets (a government cap on aggregate health care spending, which often results in waiting lists and a denial of timely access to needed medical care), caps on spending or government administrative payment systems or price controls (a very old political strategy that almost inevitably results in shortages of medical goods and services), or some combination of these.

Champions of Medicare for All point to traditional Medicare as a model, but they often neglect to say that Medicare “works” because it is dependent on the private sector. Medicare reimbursement for hospitals currently covers 87 percent of hospital costs, while private health insurance reimburses hospitals at 145 percent of costs. In effect, Medicare payment policy shifts costs to private health insurance and providers, and privately covered enrollees subsidize Medicare services through higher private insurance premiums, as well as federal payroll and income taxes. If there is no private market at all, then, of course, the cost shift has only one place to go—ultimately to the patients themselves; once again, mostly in the form of delays and denials of care. . . ."
Libs want UH. Bernie Sanders is a champion of it but there are many who agree with the Socialist.

The argument is that it works in Europe.

Now in Europe education is free. It’s not in the US. A MD will not begin to make real money til they have gone through 4 yrs of undergrad, 3 yrs of med school and a 4 yr residency. That’s expensive and usually the lie between $400-600k in debt. Funny, I have a client who is an MD from India. In India he said you go straight to med school. No undergrad requirement. Makes sense. But I digress. Let’s say the person goes through the undergrad, med school and residency and soon becomes a renowned surgeon like Dr. James Andrews was.

Let’s say he gets paid $4mil per year. Now comes UH. How much does that doctor make now? How does UH reward our best doctors?

If I am a plumber I may charge what I want. Why can’t I do that as a doctor?
Let's look right here for the model: Medicare.

What does it cost compared to what the claims were in '65, and what is its level of service?

After that, lets look at an operation that is 100% State run: the VA....Costs and service?

That tells us all we need to know.
I don’t know what doctors pay is under universal healthcare, but I don’t see doctors flocking to the US from Canada and UK for more money.

I look at my doctors offices and see how many employees are involved in billing, insurance claims, negotiations with insurance companies, collections

You don’t have that with universal healthcare
You don’t? I do. Agreed that our current system is at best inefficient
I don’t know what doctors pay is under universal healthcare, but I don’t see doctors flocking to the US from Canada and UK for more money.
We do see people flocking to Mexico and other Central American countries for "medical tourism"...Where the out-of-pocket costs, airfare, and accommodations are less than having the services done in Murica.
Good point..

But I think our Healthcare expenses are high not because doctors make so much money but insurance acting as a middle man and legal costs

And millions demanding higher and higher "shareholder value". We don't need to cut out good pay for doctors. We need to cut out the "overhead".
And millions demanding higher and higher "shareholder value". We don't need to cut out good pay for doctors. We need to cut out the "overhead".
So instead of your childish “fake news” reaction. I ask you. Under UH how would the best doctors be paid?
Not an answer. Here they have a precedent. So you would want them to take a pay cut? Correct?

Not necessarily. We would have to institute other reforms also. Such as malpractice reforms. Then their costs go down also.

Of course since this country runs strictly on greed it will never happen.
Not necessarily. We would have to institute other reforms also. Such as malpractice reforms. Then their costs go down also.

Of course since this country runs strictly on greed it will never happen.
So the issue is complex. We agree. So your “fake news” reaction was you being a typical troll. Thanks for playing
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