UNPRECEDENTED: Sen Shelby is placing a hold on ALL Nominees FOR WHAT? TO GET PORK!

Wow...A politician changes his tune when it benefits him...STOP THE PRESSES!

Which, of course, does nothing to change the fact that when people with the (D)s by their names were doing the obstructing, everything was as it should have been.
This HAS NEVER BEEN DONE IN RECENT HISTORY what this skunk is doing.

Holding up judicial nominees with cloture votes wasn't SOP until recently, but you had no problem with that when the holder-uppers had (D)s by their names.

Let's get Senator Shelby's opinion on the matter:


“I am hopeful that the Senate will afford Judge Pryor the up-or-down vote he deserves,” Shelby added.

"I firmly believe that each of the President's nominees should be afforded a straight up-or-down vote."
Oh damn that's precious.
Wow...A politician changes his tune when it benefits him...STOP THE PRESSES!

Which, of course, does nothing to change the fact that when people with the (D)s by their names were doing the obstructing, everything was as it should have been.
What democratic senator has ever put a blanket hold on nominees?
I swear, conversations with my 8 year old neighbor are more productive than this.

You can't take an article that's OPINION based and present it as fact without backing it up. I asked for a quote from Shelby that said he was upset over not getting the funds for TEDAC...you failed to provide it. I found an article in BusinessWeek that said Democrats indirectly support his "Tanker" comments. Your whole argument on Shelby for saying he's "issued a blanket hold" on 70 nominees based on his not getting earmarks is horseshit and I proved it. It's OPINION. Now if you left the politics and opinion based journalism out of it perhaps I would have taken your argument a little more seriously. But to put a left wing moonbat spin on it makes you look like a fool.
Wow...A politician changes his tune when it benefits him...STOP THE PRESSES!

Which, of course, does nothing to change the fact that when people with the (D)s by their names were doing the obstructing, everything was as it should have been.
What democratic senator has ever put a blanket hold on nominees?
The entire caucus did with the seven aforementioned nominees, thereby putting a defacto hold on all nominees until that issue was ironed out.

But, like I said, it's always somehow different when your team does it.
Let's get Senator Shelby's opinion on the matter:


“I am hopeful that the Senate will afford Judge Pryor the up-or-down vote he deserves,” Shelby added.

"I firmly believe that each of the President's nominees should be afforded a straight up-or-down vote."

LOL, man I love these instances of catching people in their own hypocrisy. Nice quote.
Wow...A politician changes his tune when it benefits him...STOP THE PRESSES!

Which, of course, does nothing to change the fact that when people with the (D)s by their names were doing the obstructing, everything was as it should have been.
What democratic senator has ever put a blanket hold on nominees?
The entire caucus did with the seven aforementioned nominees, thereby putting a defacto hold on all nominees until that issue was ironed out.

But, like I said, it's always somehow different when your team does it.

Let's get Senator Shelby's opinion on the matter:


“I am hopeful that the Senate will afford Judge Pryor the up-or-down vote he deserves,” Shelby added.

"I firmly believe that each of the President's nominees should be afforded a straight up-or-down vote."

LOL, man I love these instances of catching people in their own hypocrisy. Nice quote.

Good point to both Vast and Dude
It's pretty much come down to the old adage about getting in the slop house with pigs.

The impotent little patek is the pig.

No thanks. I'll just be content to watch as the news of this grows and you are forced to actually think about this for more than a minute and realize HOW FUCKING WRONG YOU ARE.
Wow...A politician changes his tune when it benefits him...STOP THE PRESSES!

Which, of course, does nothing to change the fact that when people with the (D)s by their names were doing the obstructing, everything was as it should have been.
What democratic senator has ever put a blanket hold on nominees?
The entire caucus did with the seven aforementioned nominees, thereby putting a defacto hold on all nominees until that issue was ironed out.

But, like I said, it's always somehow different when your team does it.

There is already a hold on 107 other nominees thanks to Senate Republicans, not 7.

But at least those are due to doubts the Senators have with the people involved.

This guy is holding up 70 MORE, just because of some beef he has with an entirely unrelated BS earmark-type expenditure.
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What democratic senator has ever put a blanket hold on nominees?
The entire caucus did with the seven aforementioned nominees, thereby putting a defacto hold on all nominees until that issue was ironed out.

But, like I said, it's always somehow different when your team does it.

There is already a hold on 107 other nominees thanks to Senate Republicans, not 7.

But at least those are due to doubts the Senators have with the people involved.

This guy is holding up 70 MORE, just because of some beef he has with an entirely unrelated BS earmark-type expenditure.
Ah, but we don't have a quote from him saying he's holding them hostage for that!

(Like a senator of his skunkiness is actually is going to say it outright "I'm putting a blanket hold on these 70 nominees cause I can't get what I want. **Waaa!** )

So of course, it must be all made up. Or he's just doing it for fun. Or cause he thinks this unprecedented move will be a good kicker around the home state buckets. Yeah, that must be it.
But we DO have something from his spokesperson:

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) spokesperson Jonathan Graffeo sent TPM the following statement this morning on Shelby's decision to place holds on a number of Obama's nominees Thursday:

"Sen. Shelby has placed holds on several pending nominees due to unaddressed national security concerns. Among his concerns is that nearly 10 years after the U.S. Air Force announced plans to replace the aging tanker fleet, we still do not have a transparent and fair acquisition process to move forward. The Department of Defense must recognize that the draft Request for Proposal needs to be significantly and substantively changed.

Sen. Shelby is also deeply concerned that the Administration will not release the funds already appropriated to the FBI to build the Terrorist Explosives Devices Analytical Center."

I guess the impotent patek will say a statement from piggy pig Shelby's spokesman isn't good enough though.
This was quick:

DNC: Shelby’s Hold Is Leaving “Empty Chairs In The Pentagon”

The DNC is going out with a new Web vid that makes the case as directly as possible that Richard Shelby’s blanket hold is a threat to our nation’s safety, charging that Shelby’s blocking of national security nominees has left “empty chairs in the Pentagon”:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVgO2AVwUpE&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Empty Chairs[/ame]

“Republican Senator Richard Shelby is holding these nominees up,” the vid says, linking Shelby’s hold to other GOP obstructionism and efforts to block other nominees: “Tell Senator Shelby and Senate Republicans: Shame on you for putting politics ahead of our nation’s security.”

The vid reflects the fact that Dems are growing more emboldened (perhaps belatedly) in making the claim that Republicans, not Democrats, are the ones imperiling our safety. It’s another sign that the war over national security heading into the 2010 elections is fully engaged.
This was quick:

DNC: Shelby’s Hold Is Leaving “Empty Chairs In The Pentagon”

The DNC is going out with a new Web vid that makes the case as directly as possible that Richard Shelby’s blanket hold is a threat to our nation’s safety, charging that Shelby’s blocking of national security nominees has left “empty chairs in the Pentagon”:

YouTube - Empty Chairs

“Republican Senator Richard Shelby is holding these nominees up,” the vid says, linking Shelby’s hold to other GOP obstructionism and efforts to block other nominees: “Tell Senator Shelby and Senate Republicans: Shame on you for putting politics ahead of our nation’s security.”

The vid reflects the fact that Dems are growing more emboldened (perhaps belatedly) in making the claim that Republicans, not Democrats, are the ones imperiling our safety. It’s another sign that the war over national security heading into the 2010 elections is fully engaged.

Nice,that's what I'm talking about. :clap2:
It's pretty much come down to the old adage about getting in the slop house with pigs.

The impotent little patek is the pig.

No thanks. I'll just be content to watch as the news of this grows and you are forced to actually think about this for more than a minute and realize HOW FUCKING WRONG YOU ARE.

Sorry....flattery will get you no where with me. :lol:
This disgusts me.
Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) on Thursday placed a blanket hold on all of President Barack Obama's nominees before the Senate, according to his spokesman.

Shelby's holds mean that the Senate cannot vote on a nominee unless the hold is broken using a cloture vote that requires 60 senators or if the senator lifts the hold.
Sen. Shelby puts hold on all Obama nominees - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Foul piece of shit senator.

Using extortion to get his Piggy Piggy PORK.

Now, now. We know this looks like briibery and blackmail. But it's not. Shelby is not a Democrat looking to get something for his state. It's most likely to get something for campaign contributers.

What did Sen. Shelby have to say about the Senators who held up health care legislation? I bet he supported their legislative acumen.
Supporting hypocrisy by saying ''others did it too'' sets a bad example for the children.

When people look for answers to why their children turn to drugs and alcohol, and wonder why their children lack a basic morality and exhibit poor ethics..they have only to look as far as their own words and action as examples

What democratic senator has ever put a blanket hold on nominees?
The entire caucus did with the seven aforementioned nominees, thereby putting a defacto hold on all nominees until that issue was ironed out.

But, like I said, it's always somehow different when your team does it.

There is already a hold on 107 other nominees thanks to Senate Republicans, not 7.

But at least those are due to doubts the Senators have with the people involved.

This guy is holding up 70 MORE, just because of some beef he has with an entirely unrelated BS earmark-type expenditure.
Wow...A politician changes his tune when it benefits him...STOP THE PRESSES!

Which, of course, does nothing to change the fact that when people with the (D)s by their names were doing the obstructing, everything was as it should have been.

Do you realize you just defended a Republican for doing exactly what you thought was a good attack on Democrats when supposedly they were doing it?

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