UNPRECEDENTED: Sen Shelby is placing a hold on ALL Nominees FOR WHAT? TO GET PORK!

Supporting hypocrisy by saying ''others did it too'' sets a bad example for the children.

When people look for answers to why their children turn to drugs and alcohol, and wonder why their children lack a basic morality and exhibit poor ethics..they have only to look as far as their own words and action as examples

Wait, I wasn't saying "others did it too", as an excuse.

I was just pointing out that what this guy did was WORSE than the other 107 held up by other Republicans, because at least those were held up nominally because of some sort of moral or ethical question.

Not that I necessarily agree with their points, but at least it wasn't the blatant Bullshit this guy is pulling.
Supporting hypocrisy by saying ''others did it too'' sets a bad example for the children.

When people look for answers to why their children turn to drugs and alcohol, and wonder why their children lack a basic morality and exhibit poor ethics..they have only to look as far as their own words and action as examples

Wait, I wasn't saying "others did it too", as an excuse.

I was just pointing out that what this guy did was WORSE than the other 107 held up by other Republicans, because at least those were held up nominally because of some sort of moral or ethical question.

Not that I necessarily agree with their points, but at least it wasn't the blatant Bullshit this guy is pulling.

It doesn't matter who else did or didn't do what else. This is either right or wrong on its own standalone merits.
It doesn't matter who else did or didn't do what else. This is either right or wrong on its own standalone merits.

Yeah, I guess that's true.

But there are levels of how wrong some things are.

Stealing a rake from your neighbor is wrong.

Killing your neighbors dog is definitely MORE wrong.
It doesn't matter who else did or didn't do what else. This is either right or wrong on its own standalone merits.

Yeah, I guess that's true.

But there are levels of how wrong some things are.

Stealing a rake from your neighbor is wrong.

Killing your neighbors dog is definitely MORE wrong.
And killing your neighbors dog with a stolen rake is even more wrong.
This was quick:

DNC: Shelby’s Hold Is Leaving “Empty Chairs In The Pentagon”

The DNC is going out with a new Web vid that makes the case as directly as possible that Richard Shelby’s blanket hold is a threat to our nation’s safety, charging that Shelby’s blocking of national security nominees has left “empty chairs in the Pentagon”:

YouTube - Empty Chairs

“Republican Senator Richard Shelby is holding these nominees up,” the vid says, linking Shelby’s hold to other GOP obstructionism and efforts to block other nominees: “Tell Senator Shelby and Senate Republicans: Shame on you for putting politics ahead of our nation’s security.”

The vid reflects the fact that Dems are growing more emboldened (perhaps belatedly) in making the claim that Republicans, not Democrats, are the ones imperiling our safety. It’s another sign that the war over national security heading into the 2010 elections is fully engaged.

So this asshole Shelby is holding up the President's ability to fill these positions, which puts our country at risk of missing a terror attack, and if we get attacked, the right wing screamers will blame the President instead of asshole Shelby.

Am I right?

And since when did Republicans become in favor of pork? Shelby is holding up these appts because his pork was taken away.

And Republicans on this board are in favor of Shelby?

But we DO have something from his spokesperson:

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) spokesperson Jonathan Graffeo sent TPM the following statement this morning on Shelby's decision to place holds on a number of Obama's nominees Thursday:

"Sen. Shelby has placed holds on several pending nominees due to unaddressed national security concerns. Among his concerns is that nearly 10 years after the U.S. Air Force announced plans to replace the aging tanker fleet, we still do not have a transparent and fair acquisition process to move forward. The Department of Defense must recognize that the draft Request for Proposal needs to be significantly and substantively changed.

Sen. Shelby is also deeply concerned that the Administration will not release the funds already appropriated to the FBI to build the Terrorist Explosives Devices Analytical Center."

I guess the impotent patek will say a statement from piggy pig Shelby's spokesman isn't good enough though.

Where's the link fat ass bitch? You got real nerve you worthless ****. No wonder this place is the nexus of your pathetic social life.
It's pretty much come down to the old adage about getting in the slop house with pigs.

The impotent little patek is the pig.

No thanks. I'll just be content to watch as the news of this grows and you are forced to actually think about this for more than a minute and realize HOW FUCKING WRONG YOU ARE.

Well..projecting again douchebag...I shot your lame ass replies full of holes and you just can't handle it can you....whine some more crybaby...whine like the little bitch you are.
I thought you could read....

Guess that college education may be a little less than what you expected.

Though a Shelby spokesperson would not confirm that these programs were behind the blanket hold, the Senator expressed his frustration about the progress on both through a spokesperson to both CongressDaily and the Federal Times.

They didn't want the Europeans to get the contract for our defense needs. Whether or not it was right or wrong is a different story and can be argued that we shouldn't outsource our defense needs to other countries.
It was a consortium bid. Most of the components would be built and all of the assembly would be done in America, by Northrop/Grumman and their contractors.

Well well well...what do we have here!!!!????
Political Shift
In the end, many analysts think the contract won't be decided on these exacting requirements but on politics. While the initial award was made when the Republicans were still in power and would have brought jobs to GOP strongholds such as Alabama and South Carolina, the political winds have since shifted. With the Democrats in control, that bodes well for Boeing, since most of its factories and employment hubs are concentrated in blue states such as Illinois, Connecticut, and Washington.
Already some Democrats, such as Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Representative John Murtha (D-Pa.), have pressed the Pentagon to pick Boeing, since the World Trade Organization issued a preliminary ruling in mid-September that European governments had given improper subsidies to Airbus.

A Twist in the Boeing-Airbus Tanker Saga - BusinessWeek

The Airbus deal calls for the planes to be manufactured in Mobile, Alabama. According to details of the Boeing proposal released last year, its tanker would be built in Seattle, WA and Wichita, KS.

Well well well....looks like the picture is getting clearer now. Airbus/Northrop Grumman would have brought hi tech jobs to Alabama....Democrats are favoring Boeing, even pressuring the Pentagon to pick Boeing, and Boeing is in Chicago and Seattle...Hmmmmmmmm.

Behind The Shelby Holds: He Thinks Obama's White House Is Biased Against Alabama | TPMDC
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Is your name "paper view" too?

I was asking what was your problem since you seem to have some serious issues that you have not yet dealt with.

Looks like your link has strengthened my case....thank you. There was not one single quote from Shelby saying he is holding up the nominees because he's not getting his projects funded....only opinions from writers...his OWN SPOKESPERSON WOULDN'T COMFIRM IT!!!! Your link said it Dogbert. :clap2:
Crap, earmarks and pork nothing...Airbus/Northrop/Grumman won the bid to produce something to serve in one of the few actually legitimate functions of the federal gubmint.

You're going to get this when the previously agreed upon rules of the process are thrown out by fiat.
There is going to be some fight over this.

You can bet though that its more then just the contract, the goP had to suck on it while Barry passed a number of questionable apointees into the gov, now they have a say again.

For a minute. You do know Obama can make them recess appointments? Obstruction solved.
You know...before you assholes jump off the cliff with your threads...you should pack your own parachute instead of letting TheHill.com do it. This way...you won't crash and burn like paperview has.

All I did was dig up some information from sites provided by google and Dogbert. They stacked the deck against Shelby with respect to Airbus and Boeing thinking they would keep the Senate seat in Massachusetts. Looks like Shelby is playing Chicago hardball politics. If Obama, Reid and Emmanuel can't stand the heat maybe they should leave the kitchen. If you liberals would bother to .... how do you say it...critically think...and gotten all of the information available...you would have seen the same thing.
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