UNPRECEDENTED: Sen Shelby is placing a hold on ALL Nominees FOR WHAT? TO GET PORK!

A contractor actually is generally a private sector entity, regardless of who is paying for his/her services on any given job.

But, the SPENDING to pay for his/her services on a given job CAN certainly be government spending.

Who's rationalizing what?

YES, that IS my point.

Whether it's through a contractor or directly to an employee, the money is still spent, and the job is still being done for that money...

and whether the money is going to a state through an intermediary or directly, it's still an earmark.

When it comes down to it, we don't NEED these planes to protect our country. We can easily protect ourselves with much less than what we spend, and we can certainily defend ourselves without these planes.

Creating contracts like this, therefore, are basically just handing out money so people in certain areas have jobs, and certain companies make a profit.

In other words, earmarks.
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I haven't found a single comment on the TEDAC by Shelby that says he's upset about the witholding of funds. A lot of left wing loon extrapolation bullshit opinions but no facts......as expected.
Washington Post, Politico, The Hill, National Journal...those aren't good enough news sources for you I take it.


Not a single one of them quotes Shelby saying he's upset over the TEDAC funding.

Try again.....how that critical thinking thing working out for you...:lol:
We do not NEED these damn tankers in the first place. The military does not want them.

Wrong again, which is about the only thing you are consistant with.

The AF has wanted to replace the tanker fleet for years, it dates back to the IKE era, and picked the Airbus plane to replace it.

Boeing's lobbyists badgered Barry and got the project contract cancelled and now they are redoing the process.
They aren't just redoing the process, they've given the Airbus specs to the Boeing engineers.

If this was being done out in The World, people might well be going to jail.
The boeing tanker design is shit too, the Air Force didn't want it, saying that it was not better then the ancient planes they have now.
This is one item that Republicans have perfected the double-speak on.

Instead of hiring direct government employees, they hire contractors to do the same work, for more money, and then claim their creating jobs in the Private Sector because of it.

It's priceless.
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Time to shame Sen. Shelby

Click this link to add your name to the petition. Time to shame Sen. Shelby

The petition reads:

"Senate Majority Leader Reid:

Enough is enough. Do not honor Sen. Shelby's shameful hold on all 70 of Pres. Obama's appointees. Stand up, fight back and make the Republicans filibuster these nominees and suffer the consequences in the court of public opinion."

Time to shame Sen. Shelby
Time to shame Sen. Shelby

Click this link to add your name to the petition. Time to shame Sen. Shelby

The petition reads:

"Senate Majority Leader Reid:

Enough is enough. Do not honor Sen. Shelby's shameful hold on all 70 of Pres. Obama's appointees. Stand up, fight back and make the Republicans filibuster these nominees and suffer the consequences in the court of public opinion."

Time to shame Sen. Shelby

that child will grow up to be a fine republican.
I haven't found a single comment on the TEDAC by Shelby that says he's upset about the witholding of funds. A lot of left wing loon extrapolation bullshit opinions but no facts......as expected.
Washington Post, Politico, The Hill, National Journal...those aren't good enough news sources for you I take it.


Not a single one of them quotes Shelby saying he's upset over the TEDAC funding.

Try again.....how that critical thinking thing working out for you...:lol:
Ah. SO those publications are just making it up out of thin air.

I see....Mr. critical thinker.
Anything...ANYTHING the republicans can to stop anything Democratic, they will do it.

Any bets on them hating Obmaa's job bills?
Wrong again, which is about the only thing you are consistant with.

The AF has wanted to replace the tanker fleet for years, it dates back to the IKE era, and picked the Airbus plane to replace it.

Boeing's lobbyists badgered Barry and got the project contract cancelled and now they are redoing the process.
They aren't just redoing the process, they've given the Airbus specs to the Boeing engineers.

If this was being done out in The World, people might well be going to jail.
The boeing tanker design is shit too, the Air Force didn't want it, saying that it was not better then the ancient planes they have now.
There you go again, clouding the issue with the facts of the case! :lol:
Quote: Originally Posted by PatekPhilippe

Not a single one of them quotes Shelby saying he's upset over the TEDAC funding.

Try again.....how that critical thinking thing working out for you...:lol:

Let's try this again shit-for-brains:

Did Shelby earmark for TEDAC or not?

That's a yes or no question./
A single senator can place an anonymous hold on any appointee.

At this point right now, there are something like 170 unconfirmed nominees that are being held up.

Tell me you didn't know this.

Indeed, the "Party of No" is apparently trying to hold up all the nominees they can. Probably until November, when they seem to think they'll be in a better position to block them permanently.

:lol: With the current crop of progressives that have infested government it's a good thing to hold up these nominees until they can be properly vetted.
Presidents, elected by the people, have every right to appoint staff members and Congress has the right to vote on them. Both these rights are being denied by Shelby...sounds rather anti-American on his part.
Queen, read my private message.

USCitizen, can you edit that reply you made to queen to delete that link?

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