Unwanted and Untrusted


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2015
So Obama is sending another small contingency of Americans to Iraq to "help" fight ISIL. The news is apparently not sitting well with Iraqis.

“The Iraqi government stresses that any military operation or the deployment of any foreign forces - special or not - in any place in Iraq cannot happen without its approval and coordination and full respect of Iraqi sovereignty,” Abadi said in a statement.

Indeed, Iraqis who largely and unsurprisingly see the US as being aligned with ISIL.

Iraqis think the U.S. is in cahoots with the Islamic State, and it is hurting the war
BAIJI, Iraq — On the front lines of the battle against the Islamic State, suspicion of the United States runs deep. Iraqi fighters say they have all seen the videos purportedly showing U.S. helicopters airdropping weapons to the militants, and many claim they have friends and relatives who have witnessed similar instances of collusion.

Ordinary people also have seen the videos, heard the stories and reached the same conclusion — one that might seem absurd to Americans but is widely believed among Iraqis — that the United States is supporting the Islamic State for a variety of pernicious reasons that have to do with asserting U.S. control over Iraq, the wider Middle East and, perhaps, its oil.
" Indeed, Iraqis who largely and unsurprisingly see the US as being aligned with ISIL".

^^^^ of course------muslims blame "the west" for all that troubles them-----if they do not like something ----from itchy behind to impotence or insomnia----it is OBVIOUSLY the fault of the
"ZIONIST CONTROLLED CIA" Somethings never change
And we feel the same about them.

now now CHRIS.... where is your CHRIStmas spirit? -----<humming "god rest ye merry gentlemen............

Muslims don't celebrate Christmas. :D

I had no idea-----you don't look like a muslimah

I'm not.

oh----ok well---whatever you are------I hope you enjoy Christmas even if you
do not celebrate it. I am not muslim or Christian-----but I always liked Christmas.
Christmas parties are really nice. I have nice memories from childhood----playing
around in the houses of Christian friends. I like easter too-----giant chocolate easter bunnies-------always go for the bunny legs-----the ones on the bottom-----
solid chocolate------avoid the ears-----thin walled and completely forget the head
And we feel the same about them.

now now CHRIS.... where is your CHRIStmas spirit? -----<humming "god rest ye merry gentlemen............

Muslims don't celebrate Christmas. :D

I had no idea-----you don't look like a muslimah

I'm not.

oh----ok well---whatever you are------I hope you enjoy Christmas even if you
do not celebrate it. I am not muslim or Christian-----but I always liked Christmas.
Christmas parties are really nice. I have nice memories from childhood----playing
around in the houses of Christian friends. I like easter too-----giant chocolate easter bunnies-------always go for the bunny legs-----the ones on the bottom-----
solid chocolate------avoid the ears-----thin walled and completely forget the head

Oh, I celebrate Christmas. I'm not a Muslim or Christian, and I really enjoy the holidays too. :) Merry Christmas to you too, irosie!
now now CHRIS.... where is your CHRIStmas spirit? -----<humming "god rest ye merry gentlemen............

Muslims don't celebrate Christmas. :D

I had no idea-----you don't look like a muslimah

I'm not.

oh----ok well---whatever you are------I hope you enjoy Christmas even if you
do not celebrate it. I am not muslim or Christian-----but I always liked Christmas.
Christmas parties are really nice. I have nice memories from childhood----playing
around in the houses of Christian friends. I like easter too-----giant chocolate easter bunnies-------always go for the bunny legs-----the ones on the bottom-----
solid chocolate------avoid the ears-----thin walled and completely forget the head

Oh, I celebrate Christmas. I'm not a Muslim or Christian, and I really enjoy the holidays too. :) Merry Christmas to you too, irosie!

Oh---I never met a non-Christian CHRIS--------YOU ARE UNIQUE
Let me first state that I was 100% in support of Bush when he invaded Iraq. I saw it as a smart strategic move to establish a base of military operations in the heart of radical Islam which was needed in order to effectively fight terrorism.

I agreed with the 1998 Iraqi Liberation Act passed under Bill Clinton, calling for replacing the Hussein regime with a functional democracy because the best way to fight the radical ideology of religious fundamentalism is with a better ideology of democracy.

I ignored the boneheaded arguments about "forcing democracy on them at gunpoint" because I don't believe that anyone doesn't genuinely WANT to live in a free and open democracy, other than radical tyrants who want to control the masses.

I overlooked the WMD thing because my concern was Saddam being a defiant loose cannon who could have easily been dealing under the table with alQaeda terrorists to strike the US. He was the liability in my mind and that justified taking his ass out.

ALL THAT SAID-- In 2008, we collectively decided, with the election of Barack Obama, to go a different direction and to extract ourselves from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I didn't agree with that policy, but it's what we decided to do. It was argued that their "complaint" was US presence in the region. By removing ourselves, it was supposed to alleviate the problem and they would be satisfied. Well, it simply didn't turn out that way. We were supposedly creating more terrorists than we killed but now the terrorists are being created more and we're not killing any.

Suddenly, we have a Democrat in charge who wants to go stomping back into Iraq to fight the terrorists and it's, ironically enough, the same Democrat who said we need to get the hell out!

But the problem is this... we can't change foreign policy back and forth every few years because we stick our fingers in the political winds. We have to remain consistent or no one will ever trust us again. We begged the Kurds and anti-Saddam forces in Iraq to support our efforts and they risked their lives to do so. They trusted that we would stand by them and help them establish a new democracy but as soon as things heated up, we bailed on them and left them twisting in the wind...AGAIN! (First time was the Gulf War) Many of them were killed as a result. They have family members who were brutally slaughtered after we left... I don't think they've forgotten about that. I sure as hell wouldn't.

Now here we are, asking those same people to trust us again! Would YOU trust us? I wouldn't!

It's more than obvious to me that the anti-war left in this country is not serious about fighting radical Islamic terrorism. They won't even say the words. They continue to be apologists for radical Muslims here, there and everywhere. So why the hell do I want to risk our sons and daughters fighting a war that we're not going to ever be allowed to win? I don't trust the liberal left any more than Kurds trust the US government.

Until we as a nation are serious about this, we don't need to be putting boots on the ground anywhere over there and we need to demand the boots left and forgotten in Afghanistan be brought home immediately. Where the hell are all the damn war protesters? Where are the daily reminders of the body counts? We still have American soldiers dying in Afghanistan but I bet the majority of Americans don't even realize we still have troops there. It's as if it's all been totally forgotten about.
Muslims don't celebrate Christmas. :D

I had no idea-----you don't look like a muslimah

I'm not.

oh----ok well---whatever you are------I hope you enjoy Christmas even if you
do not celebrate it. I am not muslim or Christian-----but I always liked Christmas.
Christmas parties are really nice. I have nice memories from childhood----playing
around in the houses of Christian friends. I like easter too-----giant chocolate easter bunnies-------always go for the bunny legs-----the ones on the bottom-----
solid chocolate------avoid the ears-----thin walled and completely forget the head

Oh, I celebrate Christmas. I'm not a Muslim or Christian, and I really enjoy the holidays too. :) Merry Christmas to you too, irosie!

Oh---I never met a non-Christian CHRIS--------YOU ARE UNIQUE

No she's not. I'm hardly religious but I do enjoy the holidays.

Guess I'm just and American and proud of it.

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