UNWRA lending aid to terrorist organizations


Gold Member
Dec 26, 2015



There have been examples relations between UNRWA schools and staff with dubious affiliations. In 2008, Awad al-Qiq, a headmaster of a top prep school in Gaza, was discovered to also be the chief rocket-maker for Islamic Jihad. He was also a science teacher who worked for an UNRWA school.
In 2002, Nidal Abd al-Fattah Abdallah Nazzal, an ambulance driver for UNRWA from the West Bank town of Qalqiliya, admitted that he was a Hamas member and that he transported munitions in his ambulance, taking blatant advantage of the freedom of movement afforded to UNRWA vehicles by Israel.
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( snip )


Yet, despite UNRWA’s historic links with terrorists, the Obama administration has committed an additional $15 million in aid to UNRWA services.
It is UNRWA itself that has thrived as the internationally funded health, education and welfare provider for Palestinian refugees. It has become sacrosanct and permanent rather than transitional to provide communities with a better future. By embracing its role as provider to generations of Palestinian “refugees”, UNRWA has forestalled the Palestinian encounter with reality.
UNRWA demonstrates how NGOs and UN agencies have abandoned their humanitarian integrity in favor of a distinct anti-Israel bias. And despite their own internal transgressions, the UN does not hesitate to call for inquiries into Israeli conduct – in 2002 (Jenin), 2006 (Second Lebanon War), and 2008-2009 (Gaza War). Once again, we are hearing calls for a formal UN inquiry into Israel’s use of military force in the current Gaza operation. Agencies including UNRWA, Human Rights Watch (HRW), Amnesty, and others have stepped forward to highlight Israel’s “aggressiveness” and inhumane war.

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I'll stop there as our moderators have asked us to keep quotes short however the UNHRA involvement in terrorist activities is more than enough under the Geneva conventions for Israel to demand they abandon the area of the conflict and relinquish its duties with enemy combatants to an impartial third party.

I'd further suggest that the UNWRA has committed actionable offenses in its failure to remain neutral as specified within its own stated principals.

See https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct...vfqHk92tJZ5vegFxA&sig2=64MEDWledYQSXMuGr5rbUg


Notwithstanding the need to establish and maintain good relations with the parties, a peacekeeping operation must scrupulously avoid activities that might compromise its image of impartiality. A mission should not shy away from a rigorous application of the principle of impartiality for fear of misinterpretation or retaliation.
Failure to do so may undermine the peacekeeping operation’s credibility and legitimacy, and may lead to a withdrawal of consent for its presence by one or more of the parties.

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While the UNWRA is not a peacekeeping force it is a UN agency it is still under an obligation to remain neutral



The responsibility of UNRWA in Palestine refugee camps is limited to providing services and administering its installations. The Agency does not own, administer or police the camps, as this is the responsibility of the host authorities.
UNRWA has a camp services office in each camp, which the residents visit to update their records or to raise issues relating to Agency services with the Camp Services Officer (CSO). The CSO, in turn, refers refugee concerns and petitions to the UNRWA administration in the area in which the camp is located.

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The full name of the UNRWA would lead one to believe that they are for 'refugees' the world over. But they are only for the Palestinians.

The part that really gets me:

By embracing its role as provider to generations of Palestinian “refugees”, UNRWA has forestalled the Palestinian encounter with reality. UNRWA demonstrates how NGOs and UN agencies have abandoned their humanitarian integrity in favor of a distinct anti-Israel bias.

Thanks for the article and noticing much absence here . . .
The UNWRA should be held on war crimes and thrown out of Israel.

The ICRC is the default neutral third party as far as I can see within the UN charter.

Besides how can the UNWRA act as a neutral third party when its virtually entirely staffed by Arab Muslims who are also members of Hamas and other terrorist organizations.

Its ridiculous

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