Update 10-29-13. Obama under attack as Americans losing prior health plans


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Obama under attack as Americans lose prior health plans | Reuters

Obama under attack as Americans losing prior health plans

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama is facing fresh attacks for his pledge that Americans who like their current healthcare plans can keep them under Obamacare, as reports pile up of thousands of Americans facing cancellation notices.

Accusations that the pledge was misleading are potentially a deeper threat to Obama than the website glitches that have plagued Healthcare.gov since its October 1 launch and allowed only a trickle of people to sign up on new federal insurance exchanges.

Read more at http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/10/29/us-usa-healthcare-obama-idUSBRE99S1AV20131029

Obama has downplayed the problems with the website, saying it's like a cash register not working, and has stressed that the underlying product of the 2010 Affordable Care Act is "actually really good".

But critics of Obamacare have seized on the hundreds of thousands of Americans due to lose their current plans because they fail to include essential benefits required by the law, and are asking whether Obama misrepresented the law.
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Obama and his crew are starting to push back by saying Obama has nothing to do with people
losing their coverage....

And I'm sure his disciples here will pick up on this message.
Obama and his crew are starting to push back by saying Obama has nothing to do with people
losing their coverage....

And I'm sure his disciples here will pick up on this message.

Of course they will. He knew good and well it was coming with no grease

Americans are waking up to the little dear dictator in chief


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