USA still has thousands of troops in Iraq and is apparently violating international law..


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Mar 5, 2022
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(It’s at thee end of thee article..)

It’s not really reported by many news outlets at all, but thee USA has an estimated 2,500 troops stationed in Iraq currently still.

According to that article, thee US presence in Iraq is violating international law and is affecting the country’s national sovereignty..

My question is though, what specific international law is USA breaking by having troops in Iraq?

Thee war Operation Iraqi Freedom may have happened over 20 years ago in 2003, but I believe Iraq would be in even more chaos/anarchy and overrun by terrorist organizations if USA left completely and let the country be..

(Affecting the country’s sovereignty.. Is that thee international law USA is breaking?)

Well, if anyone is educated/knowledgable on thee subject, please inform me/discuss..


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Barack Obama took most US troops out of Iraq in 2014 against numerous military general’s rule, and then ISIS was unfortunately formed..

Imagine if USA pulled most of its troops out of Iraq again..

(The country would probably be in even worst chaos/lawlessness than it is now..)

So can anyone tell me what international law USA is violating by having US troops in Iraq still in 2024?

The US is violating international law? No! You are joking, right? :rolleyes:
Dominican Republic
Happen to specifically know which international law USA is violating in Iraq though?
Happen to specifically know which international law USA is violating in Iraq though?
What?! Disinformation, Misinformation, outright lies, false proof, fabricated indications, black flag operations, CIA spy agents infiltrating the Inspection Team to plant more false info, fake interecepted telephone conversations, tortue, Breaches of the Geneva Convention Rules, Crimes against hunamity, ILLEGAL INVASION IN ITSELF(!), Cover-ups, for fuck's sake .... the list goes on and on! o_O:omg:o_O:omg:
What?! Disinformation, Misinformation, outright lies, false proof, fabricated indications, black flag operations, CIA spy agents infiltrating the Inspection Team to plant more false info, fake interecepted telephone conversations, tortue, Breaches of the Geneva Convention Rules, Crimes against hunamity, ILLEGAL INVASION IN ITSELF(!), Cover-ups, for fuck's sake .... the list goes on and on! o_O:omg:o_O:omg:
Since when does the US obey international law? The US and Israel are above the law, they do as they please, just as Mike Pompeo famously noted on video, "We lie, we cheat, we steal"

With the Global War Of Terror we brought after 911, we do Israel's bidding in expanding the mideast seeking Greater Israel.
Since when does the US obey international law? .
Not any time I can remember. Look, the US pulled out its missiles from Turkey when Krustjev threatened to put its own missiles on Cuba: That was a THREAT of force by the USSR and it worked. Obeying International law had nothing to do with it. It is true that the Vietnamese kicked the shit out of the US but it was the THREAT of revolution by the American population that threw the US out of Vietnam. Obeying International law had nothing to do with it.

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