USA takes 26 years to pull its head out of its' ass

I just saw one of the plainfiffs, Jim Obergefell, speaking. Again, he said that this decision would unite the nation and that the stigma was removed.

Of course this isn't uniting anyone. Neither is there anything in this decision that removes the stigma individuals may attach.

Nothing has changed.
USA legalized same-sex marriage today.

26 years ago, Denmark did.

The Gods never have and never will. I choose to follow THEIR laws rather than the laws of man.

"A same-sex marriage between the two men Pedro Díaz and Muño Vandilaz in the Galician municipality of Rairiz de Veiga in Spain occurred on 16 April 1061. They were married by a priest at a small chapel. The historic documents about the church wedding were found at Monastery of San Salvador de Celanova."
Same-sex marriage - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Religious views on same-sex marriage - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

" * 1.1 Christianity
o 1.1.1 Episcopal Church of the United States
o 1.1.2 Metropolitan Community Church
o 1.1.3 Presbyterian Church USA
o 1.1.4 United Church of Christ
o 1.1.5 United Church of Canada
o 1.1.6 Liberal Catholic theologians
o 1.1.7 Critical biblical scholarship
* 1.2 Unitarian Universalists and Unitarians
* 1.3 Conservative and Liberal Jews
* 1.4 Liberal Buddhists
* 1.5 Liberal Hindus
* 1.6 Views regarding Church-State separation
* 1.7 Wicca
* 1.8 Native American religion"

Any more bright ideas smeghead? :)
You're wrong. It took the USA 26 years to insert its' head into its' own ass!!!


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