USAID Paid for a Radical Islamic Terrorist's College Tuition?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
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While sure to break the hearts of leftists, gutting out USAID means the the Islamic terrorist heroes of the left won’t be able to use that leftist slush fund for aiding and abetting their heroes.

USAID, which blessedly is no more, paid for a radical Islamic terrorist’s college tuition. Past receipts show that the former agency footed the bill for Anwar Awlaki’s higher education. Awlaki lied about the country of his birth to obtain funds for college through the State Department. Awlaki later became the point of the lance for al-Qaeda’s digital jihad arm.
While sure to break the hearts of leftists, gutting out USAID means the the Islamic terrorist heroes of the left won’t be able to use that leftist slush fund for aiding and abetting their heroes.

USAID, which blessedly is no more, paid for a radical Islamic terrorist’s college tuition. Past receipts show that the former agency footed the bill for Anwar Awlaki’s higher education. Awlaki lied about the country of his birth to obtain funds for college through the State Department. Awlaki later became the point of the lance for al-Qaeda’s digital jihad arm.
I can just hear the reasoning behind these geniuses.

"Yea, if we get these terrorists in college and get them to earn a good wage instead of Joe Blow American, they won't want to kill and blow things up anymore"

I can just hear the reasoning behind these geniuses.

"Yea, if we get these terrorists in college and get them to earn a good wage instead of Joe Blow American, they won't want to kill and blow things up anymore"

Yep, or leftists will make excuses for Al-whacked by blaming the Great Satan.
Yep, or leftists will make excuses for Al-whacked by blaming the Great Satan.
Be honest, the reason they are terrorists to begin with is white supremacy would not share their Benjamins with them.


Yep, if it were not for white conservative Christian Americans, there would be no terrorism in the world, ever!!
Seems USAID was the instigator of the greatest FAKE NEWS and FAKE everything else imaginable .

Interesting that the Lefty Extremists here are keeping quiet as I suspect that even they dimly realise that the game is up .
Forever .

For my separate topic expose of the Fake News operation, only Troll Crepitus has made a token effort to dispute the facts .
His guilt is so great that he does not query the material facts but tries to paint the messenger (Zero Hedge) somehow as untrustsworthy .
Pathetic tactic as the full and detail facts come from information passed to Wikileaks and then used by Zero Hedge .

The implications of this matter could be huge:-
*The end of the Democtatic party as it is now composed
* the end of the Legacy and MSM organisations
* Punishments

I can just hear the reasoning behind these geniuses.

"Yea, if we get these terrorists in college and get them to earn a good wage instead of Joe Blow American, they won't want to kill and blow things up anymore"

After reading the OP that is the first thing that jumped into my mind. It's just like in the US the leftists believe that every criminal can be rehabbed if we let them out ten or twenty times. Give them all a big hug and let them know how much we love them.
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