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Maybe it wasn't a travesty along the lines of Art Carney winning the 1974 Best Actor Oscar over Pacino in The Godfather: Part II and Nicholson in Chinatown, but Chris Bosh making the All-Star team over Brook Lopez was pretty reprehensible. The Nets are 24-11 when Lopez plays. He's their go-to guy down the stretch. He gets routinely double-teamed. He's turned himself into this generation's Rik Smits. Meanwhile, Chris Bosh made the New Year's resolution, "I'm gonna stop rebounding in 2013 and see what happens." Ridiculous. And yes, Pierce should have made it over Garnett. In case you were wondering. - Bill Simmons

The Sports Guy on Knicks-Celtics - Grantland
Rondo is out, R.I.P Celtics

It sucks. It may end up being a good thing in terms of player development and/or getting better draft picks and/or moving pieces before the trade deadline. It sucks though, cos I'd love to have seen Heat/C's rematch in round 1 in which the C's could've played the spoiler.
Rondo is out, R.I.P Celtics

It sucks. It may end up being a good thing in terms of player development and/or getting better draft picks and/or moving pieces before the trade deadline. It sucks though, cos I'd love to have seen Heat/C's rematch in round 1 in which the C's could've played the spoiler.

Its going to suck as far as attracting other players to come to Boston, with a hurt Rondo and Pierce and KG heading towards retirement we can forget about attracting players like Kevin Love, Josh Smith, Demarcus Cousins etc
Rondo is out, R.I.P Celtics

It sucks. It may end up being a good thing in terms of player development and/or getting better draft picks and/or moving pieces before the trade deadline. It sucks though, cos I'd love to have seen Heat/C's rematch in round 1 in which the C's could've played the spoiler.

Its going to suck as far as attracting other players to come to Boston, with a hurt Rondo and Pierce and KG heading towards retirement we can forget about attracting players like Kevin Love, Josh Smith, Demarcus Cousins etc

Boston's a big market and most players go wherever the money is. Yes, there are always marginal considerations for how a team is already built though.

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