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Pierce is shooting over 40 percent from 3 since Rondo went down. The interesting thing is he does it w/o shooting wing threes.

Paul Pierce's Resurgence Key to Boston Celtics Turnaround | Bleacher Report
The Celtics are discussing a Garnett for Jordan and Bledsoe trade. If they do that and then do a josh smith for rond trade, they would be interesting.
The Celtics are discussing a Garnett for Jordan and Bledsoe trade. If they do that and then do a josh smith for rond trade, they would be interesting.

I personally don't believe that even makes them better in the short term. Long term; I don't have much interest in those players with the possible exception of J Smooth. But not at the max contract money he allegedly wants.
Lakers Celtic taking about a rondo howard swap.

I hope not. Howard has the maturity of a twelve-year-old boy.

i agree -- plus he has another problem He's just not that good.

The stories of Rondo's immaturity were largely exaggerated. He is a strong leader on the court. Dwight Howard is truly emotionally stunted.

And someone should tell him to actually win a ring before he does commercials in which he is touted as a super star. Just a thought.

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KG is all about the loyalty. Ray Allen on the other hand? Total bitch.

[ame=]Kevin Garnett: 'I don't have Ray Allen's number anymore' - YouTube[/ame]
I looked at Deng and Noah's stats. I am having a hard time believing that they both got the nod over Pierce for the all-star team.
And the C's go to 0-6 against WC teams on the road. I didn't think they played that bad against the Nuggets though. They just needed to knock down more shots. Their execution was there.

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