USS Liberty Survivors Testify at New Hampshire Hearings Aimed at Release of Classified Information, at Worse Possible Time for Israel


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
After two hours of attack on a perfectly clear day with two huge American flag flying on the ship they even machine-gunned the life boats.

About time to counter the Navy white wash reports that it was an accident. When Israel hits Red Cross convoys like it just did in Gaza it always knows exactly what it is doing. Every USS Liberty survivor says it was 100% deliberate, as did Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Director of CIA Richard Helms

Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

"I have never believed that the attack on the USS Liberty was a case of mistaken identity. That is ridiculous. I have flown over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, thousands of hours, searching for ships and identifying all types of ships at sea."

Thomas Moorer Letter of June 8, 1997

"But sir the ship is American!" "Nevermind, hit it!" - Declassified documents

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, March/April 2024, pp. 32-33

USSā€ˆLiberty Veterans Testify in the ā€œLive Free or Dieā€ State​

Special Report​

By Delinda C. Hanley

ā€œLIVE FREE OR DIEā€ is the official motto of the State of New Hampshire. That motto was brought up repeatedly on Jan. 12, 2024, during the dramatic testimony of USS Liberty survivors in support of the State of New Hampshireā€™s House Bill 1041, which calls for the establishment of a commission to investigate the Israeli's shelling of the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967 and its aftermath.

Sponsored by Republican Representatives Jason Gerhard and Michael Granger, this legislation would help the survivors and families of the 34 killed shipmates to get meaningful answers to their many questions about this attack. Of the original crew of 294 officers and civilians, 34 men were killed and another 174 wounded in action that day.

ā€œThese sailors have sacrificed so much, some of them even lost their lives in this attack. I feel that the least we can do is finally give them some closure with an investigation that is satisfactory,ā€ Gerhard told the New Hampshireā€™s State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee."ā€œLIVE FREE OR DIEā€ is the official motto of the State of New Hampshire. That motto was brought up repeatedly on Jan. 12, 2024, during the dramatic testimony of USS Liberty survivors in support of the State of New Hampshireā€™s House Bill 1041, which calls for the establishment of a commission to investigate...

Commander David Edwin Lewis, who was born, raised and died free on Oct. 16, 2021, in Colebrook, NH, was a senior cryptologist who earned a Purple Heart onboard the Liberty. Gerhard read from his obituary: ā€œFor the rest of his life, Eddie bore the scars of that day, and he was deeply involved with the group of survivors, proving that the state of Israel and the Johnson administration deliberately staged the attack to try and draw the U.S. into the Israeli-Egyptian Six-Day War in 1967.ā€

Larry Bowen, who also received the Purple Heart for his service on the Liberty, told the committee: ā€œIā€™ve never had the opportunity to tell the American public what happened. Our government failed to come to our rescue. Our government put a gag order on us to not speak about this and threatened us with imprisonment and fines if we did. Our government failed to do a thorough investigation of the attack. The Navy held a formal court of inquiry and took testimony from several of my shipmates but then were given guidance to modify the testimony that they received so that it would comply with the mistaken identity claim Israel made when it apologized for the attack.

ā€œWeā€™ve waited 56 and a half years for the opportunity to speak before a government bodyā€¦I believe this bill will put in motion the commission that will do what Congress should have done over 56 years ago. There are still many questions to be answered related to the attack and its aftermath. Please support this effort to help get closure for the crew and the families of my fellow shipmates. God bless you and help you to make the right decision.ā€

When asked what a commission could accomplish so many years after the incident, Bowen explained that the National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency are holding onto classified information they wonā€™t release. Their ship was overflown half a dozen times by Israeli aircraft doing reconnaissance, Bowen recalled, but ā€œwe felt safe because they were allies who had our backs.ā€

The attackers used unmarked planes to strafe and drop napalm so the crew didnā€™t know who was attacking them until the torpedo ships with the Star of David emblem came to finish them off. ā€œThere were voice intercepts between the Israeli pilots and their ground controllers who did identify us as an American ship,ā€ Bowen said. The crew believes Israel hoped Egypt would be blamed for sinking their ship. A lot of facts have come together in the years since the attack that have never been put together, Bowen concluded.

Bryce Lockwood, then a gunnery sergeant, now a retired Baptist minister, passed around photos taken the morning after the attack by crew from the USSā€ˆAmerica; in one of them, he was only 10 feet away from the torpedo hole. ā€œEvery protocol designed to protect against accidents was broken,ā€ Lockwood said. ā€œThey used unmarked aircraft. They jammed our distress frequency. They machine-gunned our life rafts. We were not in a combat zone, we were in international waters, 13 and a half miles off the Sinai Peninsula.

ā€œThere has been no investigation by Congress, as required by Article 1, Section 8, Clause 10 of the U.S. Constitution to investigate acts of piracy on the high seas. When the USSā€ˆCole was attacked and 17 Americans were killed, there was a 9-month investigation.ā€ Twice as many were killed on the Liberty and that flawed investigation was concluded in five days, Lockwood said. President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered Admiral Isaac Kidd and Ward Boston, who took testimony from shaken survivors right after the attack, to report that the attack on the ship was a case of mistaken identity."

US Naval Institute:
"The 8th of June this year will mark the 50th anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty (AGTR-5), a spy ship the Israelis repeatedly strafed, napalmed, and torpedoed during a ferocious hour-long assault that The Washington Post later described as ā€œone of the most bloody and bizarre peacetime encounters in U.S. naval history.ā€1

In the five decades since that tragic afternoon on which 34 Americans were killed and another 171 wounded, the Liberty has become an albatross."

The long-standing pleas of surviving crew membersā€”convinced Israel intentionally targeted the shipā€”for a congressional investigation have fallen on deaf ears. Lawmakers never haveā€”nor likely ever willā€”pick up a cause that even a half-century later remains so politically fraught that midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy were barred from even asking questions about it during a 2012 visit by the Israeli ambassador.2


- perfectly clear day, Liberty had two huge American flags flying unfurled you could see for miles.

- Israeli recon planes flew over it all morning, pilots and sailors even waved at each other

- Israel attacked for 2 hours with rockets, cannon, napalm and then even a torpedo boat

- One Israeli pilot refused orders, and was arrested on landing

- The plan was to sink the ship with all witnesses and blame it on Egypt, which Israel was at war with. This would have dragged US directly into the war

The only reason the ship did not sink was the incredible heroism of the American sailors, fighting fires and ship damages while wounded and tending to worse wounded, tying up veins and applying torniquets while handling fire extinguishers. The decks were slippey with blood.

Official survivors website

Survivor Interviews Documentary "The Day Israel Attacked America"
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I'm one of the harshest critics of Israel and it's treatment of the Palestinian people on this board.

But what happened to USS Liberty was a tragic accident. It wasn't a conspiracy

Cognitive dissonance. You cannot rebut a single fact in the post and you can't. Even Israeli declassified radio transmission show they knew the ship was American.

Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

"I have never believed that the attack on the USS Liberty was a case of mistaken identity. That is ridiculous. I have flown over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, thousands of hours, searching for ships and identifying all types of ships at sea."

Thomas Moorer Letter of June 8, 1997

'But sir, itā€™s an American ship.' 'Never mind, hit her!' When Israel attacked USS Liberty


- perfectly clear day, Liberty had two huge American flags flying unfurled you could see for miles.

- Israeli recon planes flew over it all morning, pilots and sailors even waved at each other

- Israel attacked for 2 hours with rockets, cannon, napalm and then even a torpedo boat

- One Israeli pilot refused orders, and was arrested on landing

- The plan was to sink the ship with all witnesses and blame it on Egypt, which Israel was at war with. This would have dragged US directly into the war

The only reason the ship did not sink was the incredible heroism of the American sailors, fighting fires and ship damages while wounded and tending to worse wounded, tying up veins and applying torniquets while handling fire extinguishers. The decks were slippey with blood.

New revelations in attack on American spy ship

Bryce Lockwood, Marine staff sergeant, Russian-language expert, recipient of the Silver Star for heroism, ordained Baptist minister, is shouting into the phone. ā€œIā€™m angry! Iā€™m seā€¦

Official survivors website
USS Liberty Veterans Association

Survivor Interviews Documentary "The Day Israel Attacked America"
I'm one of the harshest critics of Israel and it's treatment of the Palestinian people on this board.

But what happened to USS Liberty was a tragic accident. It wasn't a conspiracy.

After two hours of attack on a perfectly clear day with two huge American flag flying on the ship they even machine-gunned the life boats.

About time to counter the Navy white wash reports that it was an accident. When Israel hits Red Cross convoys like it just did in Gaza it always knows exactly what it is doing. Every USS Liberty survivor says it was 100% deliberate, as did Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Director of CIA Richard Helms

Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

"I have never believed that the attack on the USS Liberty was a case of mistaken identity. That is ridiculous. I have flown over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, thousands of hours, searching for ships and identifying all types of ships at sea."

Thomas Moorer Letter of June 8, 1997

"But sir the ship is American!" "Nevermind, hit it!" - Declassified documents

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, March/April 2024, pp. 32-33

USSā€ˆLiberty Veterans Testify in the ā€œLive Free or Dieā€ State​

Special Report​

By Delinda C. Hanley

ā€œLIVE FREE OR DIEā€ is the official motto of the State of New Hampshire. That motto was brought up repeatedly on Jan. 12, 2024, during the dramatic testimony of USS Liberty survivors in support of the State of New Hampshireā€™s House Bill 1041, which calls for the establishment of a commission to investigate the Israeli's shelling of the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967 and its aftermath.

Sponsored by Republican Representatives Jason Gerhard and Michael Granger, this legislation would help the survivors and families of the 34 killed shipmates to get meaningful answers to their many questions about this attack. Of the original crew of 294 officers and civilians, 34 men were killed and another 174 wounded in action that day.

ā€œThese sailors have sacrificed so much, some of them even lost their lives in this attack. I feel that the least we can do is finally give them some closure with an investigation that is satisfactory,ā€ Gerhard told the New Hampshireā€™s State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee."ā€œLIVE FREE OR DIEā€ is the official motto of the State of New Hampshire. That motto was brought up repeatedly on Jan. 12, 2024, during the dramatic testimony of USS Liberty survivors in support of the State of New Hampshireā€™s House Bill 1041, which calls for the establishment of a commission to investigate...

Commander David Edwin Lewis, who was born, raised and died free on Oct. 16, 2021, in Colebrook, NH, was a senior cryptologist who earned a Purple Heart onboard the Liberty. Gerhard read from his obituary: ā€œFor the rest of his life, Eddie bore the scars of that day, and he was deeply involved with the group of survivors, proving that the state of Israel and the Johnson administration deliberately staged the attack to try and draw the U.S. into the Israeli-Egyptian Six-Day War in 1967.ā€

Larry Bowen, who also received the Purple Heart for his service on the Liberty, told the committee: ā€œIā€™ve never had the opportunity to tell the American public what happened. Our government failed to come to our rescue. Our government put a gag order on us to not speak about this and threatened us with imprisonment and fines if we did. Our government failed to do a thorough investigation of the attack. The Navy held a formal court of inquiry and took testimony from several of my shipmates but then were given guidance to modify the testimony that they received so that it would comply with the mistaken identity claim Israel made when it apologized for the attack.

ā€œWeā€™ve waited 56 and a half years for the opportunity to speak before a government bodyā€¦I believe this bill will put in motion the commission that will do what Congress should have done over 56 years ago. There are still many questions to be answered related to the attack and its aftermath. Please support this effort to help get closure for the crew and the families of my fellow shipmates. God bless you and help you to make the right decision.ā€

When asked what a commission could accomplish so many years after the incident, Bowen explained that the National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency are holding onto classified information they wonā€™t release. Their ship was overflown half a dozen times by Israeli aircraft doing reconnaissance, Bowen recalled, but ā€œwe felt safe because they were allies who had our backs.ā€

The attackers used unmarked planes to strafe and drop napalm so the crew didnā€™t know who was attacking them until the torpedo ships with the Star of David emblem came to finish them off. ā€œThere were voice intercepts between the Israeli pilots and their ground controllers who did identify us as an American ship,ā€ Bowen said. The crew believes Israel hoped Egypt would be blamed for sinking their ship. A lot of facts have come together in the years since the attack that have never been put together, Bowen concluded.

Bryce Lockwood, then a gunnery sergeant, now a retired Baptist minister, passed around photos taken the morning after the attack by crew from the USSā€ˆAmerica; in one of them, he was only 10 feet away from the torpedo hole. ā€œEvery protocol designed to protect against accidents was broken,ā€ Lockwood said. ā€œThey used unmarked aircraft. They jammed our distress frequency. They machine-gunned our life rafts. We were not in a combat zone, we were in international waters, 13 and a half miles off the Sinai Peninsula.

ā€œThere has been no investigation by Congress, as required by Article 1, Section 8, Clause 10 of the U.S. Constitution to investigate acts of piracy on the high seas. When the USSā€ˆCole was attacked and 17 Americans were killed, there was a 9-month investigation.ā€ Twice as many were killed on the Liberty and that flawed investigation was concluded in five days, Lockwood said. President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered Admiral Isaac Kidd and Ward Boston, who took testimony from shaken survivors right after the attack, to report that the attack on the ship was a case of mistaken identity."

US Naval Institute:
"The 8th of June this year will mark the 50th anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty (AGTR-5), a spy ship the Israelis repeatedly strafed, napalmed, and torpedoed during a ferocious hour-long assault that The Washington Post later described as ā€œone of the most bloody and bizarre peacetime encounters in U.S. naval history.ā€1

In the five decades since that tragic afternoon on which 34 Americans were killed and another 171 wounded, the Liberty has become an albatross."

The long-standing pleas of surviving crew membersā€”convinced Israel intentionally targeted the shipā€”for a congressional investigation have fallen on deaf ears. Lawmakers never haveā€”nor likely ever willā€”pick up a cause that even a half-century later remains so politically fraught that midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy were barred from even asking questions about it during a 2012 visit by the Israeli ambassador.2


- perfectly clear day, Liberty had two huge American flags flying unfurled you could see for miles.

- Israeli recon planes flew over it all morning, pilots and sailors even waved at each other

- Israel attacked for 2 hours with rockets, cannon, napalm and then even a torpedo boat

- One Israeli pilot refused orders, and was arrested on landing

- The plan was to sink the ship with all witnesses and blame it on Egypt, which Israel was at war with. This would have dragged US directly into the war

The only reason the ship did not sink was the incredible heroism of the American sailors, fighting fires and ship damages while wounded and tending to worse wounded, tying up veins and applying torniquets while handling fire extinguishers. The decks were slippey with blood.

Official survivors website

Survivor Interviews Documentary "The Day Israel Attacked America"

It's about time.
After two hours of attack on a perfectly clear day with two huge American flag flying on the ship they even machine-gunned the life boats.

About time to counter the Navy white wash reports that it was an accident. When Israel hits Red Cross convoys like it just did in Gaza it always knows exactly what it is doing. Every USS Liberty survivor says it was 100% deliberate, as did Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Director of CIA Richard Helms

Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

"I have never believed that the attack on the USS Liberty was a case of mistaken identity. That is ridiculous. I have flown over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, thousands of hours, searching for ships and identifying all types of ships at sea."

Thomas Moorer Letter of June 8, 1997

"But sir the ship is American!" "Nevermind, hit it!" - Declassified documents

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, March/April 2024, pp. 32-33

USSā€ˆLiberty Veterans Testify in the ā€œLive Free or Dieā€ State​

Special Report​

By Delinda C. Hanley

ā€œLIVE FREE OR DIEā€ is the official motto of the State of New Hampshire. That motto was brought up repeatedly on Jan. 12, 2024, during the dramatic testimony of USS Liberty survivors in support of the State of New Hampshireā€™s House Bill 1041, which calls for the establishment of a commission to investigate the Israeli's shelling of the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967 and its aftermath.

Sponsored by Republican Representatives Jason Gerhard and Michael Granger, this legislation would help the survivors and families of the 34 killed shipmates to get meaningful answers to their many questions about this attack. Of the original crew of 294 officers and civilians, 34 men were killed and another 174 wounded in action that day.

ā€œThese sailors have sacrificed so much, some of them even lost their lives in this attack. I feel that the least we can do is finally give them some closure with an investigation that is satisfactory,ā€ Gerhard told the New Hampshireā€™s State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee."ā€œLIVE FREE OR DIEā€ is the official motto of the State of New Hampshire. That motto was brought up repeatedly on Jan. 12, 2024, during the dramatic testimony of USS Liberty survivors in support of the State of New Hampshireā€™s House Bill 1041, which calls for the establishment of a commission to investigate...

Commander David Edwin Lewis, who was born, raised and died free on Oct. 16, 2021, in Colebrook, NH, was a senior cryptologist who earned a Purple Heart onboard the Liberty. Gerhard read from his obituary: ā€œFor the rest of his life, Eddie bore the scars of that day, and he was deeply involved with the group of survivors, proving that the state of Israel and the Johnson administration deliberately staged the attack to try and draw the U.S. into the Israeli-Egyptian Six-Day War in 1967.ā€

Larry Bowen, who also received the Purple Heart for his service on the Liberty, told the committee: ā€œIā€™ve never had the opportunity to tell the American public what happened. Our government failed to come to our rescue. Our government put a gag order on us to not speak about this and threatened us with imprisonment and fines if we did. Our government failed to do a thorough investigation of the attack. The Navy held a formal court of inquiry and took testimony from several of my shipmates but then were given guidance to modify the testimony that they received so that it would comply with the mistaken identity claim Israel made when it apologized for the attack.

ā€œWeā€™ve waited 56 and a half years for the opportunity to speak before a government bodyā€¦I believe this bill will put in motion the commission that will do what Congress should have done over 56 years ago. There are still many questions to be answered related to the attack and its aftermath. Please support this effort to help get closure for the crew and the families of my fellow shipmates. God bless you and help you to make the right decision.ā€

When asked what a commission could accomplish so many years after the incident, Bowen explained that the National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency are holding onto classified information they wonā€™t release. Their ship was overflown half a dozen times by Israeli aircraft doing reconnaissance, Bowen recalled, but ā€œwe felt safe because they were allies who had our backs.ā€

The attackers used unmarked planes to strafe and drop napalm so the crew didnā€™t know who was attacking them until the torpedo ships with the Star of David emblem came to finish them off. ā€œThere were voice intercepts between the Israeli pilots and their ground controllers who did identify us as an American ship,ā€ Bowen said. The crew believes Israel hoped Egypt would be blamed for sinking their ship. A lot of facts have come together in the years since the attack that have never been put together, Bowen concluded.

Bryce Lockwood, then a gunnery sergeant, now a retired Baptist minister, passed around photos taken the morning after the attack by crew from the USSā€ˆAmerica; in one of them, he was only 10 feet away from the torpedo hole. ā€œEvery protocol designed to protect against accidents was broken,ā€ Lockwood said. ā€œThey used unmarked aircraft. They jammed our distress frequency. They machine-gunned our life rafts. We were not in a combat zone, we were in international waters, 13 and a half miles off the Sinai Peninsula.

ā€œThere has been no investigation by Congress, as required by Article 1, Section 8, Clause 10 of the U.S. Constitution to investigate acts of piracy on the high seas. When the USSā€ˆCole was attacked and 17 Americans were killed, there was a 9-month investigation.ā€ Twice as many were killed on the Liberty and that flawed investigation was concluded in five days, Lockwood said. President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered Admiral Isaac Kidd and Ward Boston, who took testimony from shaken survivors right after the attack, to report that the attack on the ship was a case of mistaken identity."

US Naval Institute:
"The 8th of June this year will mark the 50th anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty (AGTR-5), a spy ship the Israelis repeatedly strafed, napalmed, and torpedoed during a ferocious hour-long assault that The Washington Post later described as ā€œone of the most bloody and bizarre peacetime encounters in U.S. naval history.ā€1

In the five decades since that tragic afternoon on which 34 Americans were killed and another 171 wounded, the Liberty has become an albatross."

The long-standing pleas of surviving crew membersā€”convinced Israel intentionally targeted the shipā€”for a congressional investigation have fallen on deaf ears. Lawmakers never haveā€”nor likely ever willā€”pick up a cause that even a half-century later remains so politically fraught that midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy were barred from even asking questions about it during a 2012 visit by the Israeli ambassador.2


- perfectly clear day, Liberty had two huge American flags flying unfurled you could see for miles.

- Israeli recon planes flew over it all morning, pilots and sailors even waved at each other

- Israel attacked for 2 hours with rockets, cannon, napalm and then even a torpedo boat

- One Israeli pilot refused orders, and was arrested on landing

- The plan was to sink the ship with all witnesses and blame it on Egypt, which Israel was at war with. This would have dragged US directly into the war

The only reason the ship did not sink was the incredible heroism of the American sailors, fighting fires and ship damages while wounded and tending to worse wounded, tying up veins and applying torniquets while handling fire extinguishers. The decks were slippey with blood.

Official survivors website

Survivor Interviews Documentary "The Day Israel Attacked America"

High on my list of events to publicly investigate before all eyewitnesses die of old age is the deliberate Israeli assault on the USS Liberty in 1967:

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events

"At approximately 0600 hours (all times local) on the morning of June 8, 1967 an Israeli maritime reconnaissance aircraft observer reported seeing 'a US Navy cargo type ship,' just outside the coverage of the Israeli coastal radar defense net, bearing the hull markings 'GTR-5'.[11]

"This report, made to Israeli naval HQ, was also forwarded immediately to the Israeli navy intelligence directorate.[12]

"Throughout the remainder of the day prior to the attack, Israeli reconnaissance aircraft regularly flew out to USS Liberty's position and orbited the ship before returning to their bases in Israel.

"A total of no fewer than eight (8) such flights were made.[13]

"At approximately 1050 hours, the naval observer from the early morning reconnaissance flight arrived at Israeli air force HQ and sat down with the air-naval liaison officer there.

"The two officers consulted Jane's Fighting Ships and learned that the ship reported earlier in the day was USS Liberty, a United States Navy technical research ship."
Hull markings balony, the ship was flying two huge American flags unfurled in a perfect wind, and blond haired sailors were sunbathing on the deck waving at the Israeli recon pilots. But the hull markings 'GTR-5' alone makes it an American ship. An Egyptian ship would have been marked in Arabic script. The Liberty was like no other ship on the high seas, high tech intel antenna stuck out all over like lobster claws. The Egytian transport was junk.

The Liberty crew knew from the Israeli radio chatter the night before that the Israelis knew they were there.

Best documentary of interviews of the survivors. High recommend.

Damn harrowing story. Guys were fighting fires and ship damage, while under fire, with their own arteries clenched in their teeth, and tending to even worse wounded. Most Medals of Honor awarded for a single engagement in US Naval history. This was a ship full of 20-year-old heroes. That's the part that is never mentioned.

view at Rumble

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Even if it was, so? We spy on the Jews when we want. They are taking our money.
If You Can't Win Your Own War, Don't Let Jews Embarrass You

It wasn't just observing. It was passing on information that got Israeli soldiers killed. LBJ felt it was best for the "international situation" to not let the Jews win too big. No one in the government had any idea that Islam was at perpetual war with us, too, and should never have been treated neutrally.
It wasn't just observing. It was passing on information that got Israeli soldiers killed. LBJ felt it was best for the "international situation" to not let the Jews win too big. No one in the government had any idea that Islam was at perpetual war with us, too, and should never have been treated neutrally.
Odd that all the sword rattlers here who so laud their support for our troops dis 'em when they've something to say

If You Can't Win Your Own War, Don't Let Jews Embarrass You

It wasn't just observing. It was passing on information that got Israeli soldiers killed. LBJ felt it was best for the "international situation" to not let the Jews win too big. No one in the government had any idea that Islam was at perpetual war with us, too, and should never have been treated neutrally.

We should have nuked Israel right there and then.

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