

VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This idealistic TrumpUSA omen-tale was inspired by the upcoming pioneerism-Utopian film Valerian for whose trailers seem reflective of general 'expansionism optimism' and remind me of how recent artworks and movies reflect a new pedestrian interest in 'dystopian storytelling.'

What will future archaeologists make of this era's symbolic films such as The Wolf of Wall Street and Invictus?



When Americans elected the capitalism-baron Donald Trump as its President, they did not realize that citizens would start imagining cynicism towards consumerism and commerce-centric politics and culture (e.g., Wall Street, Starbucks, etc.). However, they did, and people started blogging on the Internet that America had become a 'credit-card sinkhole' worse than the pit of Reaganomics from the 'Big '80s.' Society critics started panicking, but one idealistic self-proclaimed 'democracy-vigilante' named Alanon remained optimistic.

Modelling himself after Batman (DC Comics), the fictional masked urban vigilante who tackles criminal insanity, Alanon was determined to 'chart' the development of capitalism-gauged consumerism/commerce cynicism in America and elsewhere. Alanon thought about how the modern age made commerce-situated airline stewardesses involved in profiteerism-geared international narcotics-rings were like Biblical 'harlots of Babylon,' making the everyday shopper very jaded about Starbucks and Gap Kids.

Alanon was not incorrect. The 'pockets' of piracy-politics that made President Trump seem like a 'baron-politician' effectively put into the minds of political critics that America was suffering from a 'Morality Depression' which was worse than the economic Depression from earlier times. In fact, sports-culture in America was equally being affected, as high-profile athletes were caught in media-circuses regarding profit-driven steroids allegations. Free agency in sports was also a new consumerism-culture related ethics problem. Alanon wondered if America was the victim of some kind of 'monetary demon.'

Alanon was busy doing vigilantism-oriented work, blogging on the Internet about how Americans needed to keep faith with its commerce-culture 'deacons/celebrities' such as Tom Cruise and Bill Gates whose profitable work in 'traffic-culture' nevertheless reminded everyone of the optimistic networking created by mercantilism and fashion! Meanwhile, at a youth soccer camp in northern California, parents were too busy with being workaholics to get involved in their kids' youth-soccer activities, and the kids started becoming jaded and even cynical, and it showed in the soccer games. Yes, America was going through a Great Tribulation.

When actress Margot Robbie released a TV series about Pan Am stewardesses and then made a film about the Batman (DC Comics) female super-villain Harley Quinn, people started taking notice of how the media catered to a new pedestrian interest in commerce-driven 'populism couture' (i.e., Facebook). Alanon was very excited and decided to meet Robbie and take notes of his interview of her for his special new Internet blog about gender-equity in a consumerism-culture (and the magical female mermaid-siren logo on Starbucks coffee cups). Even Tom Cruise was impressed and mentioned Alanon in a Letterman Show interview.

However, Alanon's work was not done. President Trump invited the now-famous 'democracy-vigilante' to the White House for a special meeting with him and First Lady Melania Trump about gender in consumerism culture. When he got to the meeting, Trump pulled him aside and showed him an eerie warning-letter the White House received from an anonymous anti-federalism 'messenger,' and when Alanon read it, he realized that America was becoming a 'realm of capitalism adventure' (not necessarily unterrifying or creative) and that the 'modern exorcist' would have to negotiate consumerism with cardiology:

"To the American President,

My name is Valerian. It is inconsequential whether I am from Earth or Venus. What is important is that America has become a dominion of metaphysical deformity. People care more about convenience consumerism and self-gratification than they do about teamwork and temperance. Only your 'vigilante' Alanon seems interested in democracy crusades, but the rest of your countrymen seem transfixed by Wall Street only. That is why I will give you one year to become more self-conscious, otherwise I will descend on your planet (and your nation) and destroy Silicon Valley!"




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