Valerie Plame again??? NOT quite same thing!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The Democrats did their best to turn Valerie Plame into a martyr even though the only danger that the leftist faced was fewer invitations to cocktail parties. That didn’t stop Hollywood liberals from churning out a movie about her complete with action scenes.
Will the same standard hold for whoever outdated the CIA Station Chief in Afghanistan? Unlikely.
The official narrative is that it was an accident.
But if you believe that it’s an accident, then you also have to believe in the complete and total incompetence of Obama Inc.
when it comes to security issues.

BUT when it came to Plame???
A year prior, Obama was also part of a call for congressional investigations into the Bush administration’s biggest leak —
the revealing of CIA agent Valerie Plame’s identity.

Obama joined a 2005 letter with 24 Democrats led by Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), who had just been defeated in the 2004 presidential election, urging the Republican-led Congress to undertake its own investigation into the Plame scandal.
President Bush had appointed a special counsel in the Plame case in 2003, which ultimately resulted in the conviction of Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff Scooter Libby.

Obama obviously doesn’t do independent investigations. Too many of his people would end up in jail beginning with his own Atty General.

In the letter signed by Obama, it asked for, “The public revelation of Ms. Plame’s identity, whether it amounts to a crime or an irresponsible breach of security protocol that doesn’t meet the standard of criminal conduct, almost certainly compromised her intelligence networks and may have compromised the safety and welfare of anyone who had worked with her overseas. As a group of respected former intelligence officials wrote in 2004: “Any breach of the code of confidentiality and cover weakens the overall fabric of intelligence, and, directly or indirectly, jeopardizes the work and safety of intelligence workers and their sources.”

Valerie Plame, more of a socialite than an agent, was never in danger, despite Obama’s posturing. But his visit, itself a pathetic attempt at distracting the country from his administration’s death panels for veterans, did out a major CIA figure who is in danger.

Is Obama going to accept an investigation? He never does.

Valerie Plame and Obama?s Double Standard on Outing CIA Personnel | FrontPage Magazine
I started another thread about this but yours is better.

What the liberals are going to say is that Bush directed here to be revealed out of spite.

Obama did it out of incompetence so he should be forgiven.
There was never any evidence that Bush had anything to do with Plame. Further Libby was not the source of the revelation yet he was prosecuted for perjury NOT leaking her status. In direct violation of Federal law. The Special prosecutor could never prove anyone up the chain had anything to do with Plame so instead he built a shaking case of perjury against Libby. Federal law is clear, one may not run an investigation for the sole purpose of proving perjury. The Special prosecutor knew early on that Armitage NOT Libby outed Plame yet he built a perjury case against Libby. And took 2 years to do it.
I started another thread about this but yours is better.

What the liberals are going to say is that Bush directed here to be revealed out of spite.

Obama did it out of incompetence so he should be forgiven.

I just happened to find this very good article about the double standard!
Think we'll see a special counsel as GWB appointed?
There was never any evidence that Bush had anything to do with Plame. Further Libby was not the source of the revelation yet he was prosecuted for perjury NOT leaking her status. In direct violation of Federal law. The Special prosecutor could never prove anyone up the chain had anything to do with Plame so instead he built a shaking case of perjury against Libby. Federal law is clear, one may not run an investigation for the sole purpose of proving perjury. The Special prosecutor knew early on that Armitage NOT Libby outed Plame yet he built a perjury case against Libby. And took 2 years to do it.

Since when do facts matter? :badgrin:
I started another thread about this but yours is better.

What the liberals are going to say is that Bush directed here to be revealed out of spite.

Obama did it out of incompetence so he should be forgiven.

I just happened to find this very good article about the double standard!
Think we'll see a special counsel as GWB appointed?

For a mistake? You're a freakin racist for even suggesting as much. :lol:

Unlessssssssss....they somehow investigate Bush for causing this.
There was never any evidence that Bush had anything to do with Plame. Further Libby was not the source of the revelation yet he was prosecuted for perjury NOT leaking her status. In direct violation of Federal law. The Special prosecutor could never prove anyone up the chain had anything to do with Plame so instead he built a shaking case of perjury against Libby. Federal law is clear, one may not run an investigation for the sole purpose of proving perjury. The Special prosecutor knew early on that Armitage NOT Libby outed Plame yet he built a perjury case against Libby. And took 2 years to do it.

Richard Armitage, Colin Powell's deputy at the State Department and, with his boss, an assiduous underminer of the president's war policy.
Plamegate's ridiculous conclusion.
If you think about it the Obama administration double down on stupid in this case. Or should I say once again.

First they publish the name and it gets sent all over by the news outlets. One said it was sent to 6000 newsmen. So, just to be sure anyone who might have gotten the first list and didn't realize what the name meant they sent a revised list without the name. How freakin stupid is that? Doesn't anyone in the administration have a freakin' brain?
I see the excuse for Obama is that the military provides the list. Yet the Obama administration realized the mistake...too late. So many mistakes so little time.
There was never any evidence that Bush had anything to do with Plame. Further Libby was not the source of the revelation yet he was prosecuted for perjury NOT leaking her status. In direct violation of Federal law. The Special prosecutor could never prove anyone up the chain had anything to do with Plame so instead he built a shaking case of perjury against Libby. Federal law is clear, one may not run an investigation for the sole purpose of proving perjury. The Special prosecutor knew early on that Armitage NOT Libby outed Plame yet he built a perjury case against Libby. And took 2 years to do it.

That's the way I remember it.

In another thread, I explained that no one was ever convicted of releasing information about Valerie Plame and her former status as a covert agent. In fact no one was even charged with such an offense. No charges were filed because, contrary to what many people think, no laws were broken. My complete post is at the following link:

(see permalink 31)

As far as I know this was the only time in judicial history when someone was convicted of perjury in a case where no other criminal charges were filed.
The Democrats did their best to turn Valerie Plame into a martyr even though the only danger that the leftist faced was fewer invitations to cocktail parties. That didn’t stop Hollywood liberals from churning out a movie about her complete with action scenes.
Will the same standard hold for whoever outdated the CIA Station Chief in Afghanistan? Unlikely.
The official narrative is that it was an accident.
But if you believe that it’s an accident, then you also have to believe in the complete and total incompetence of Obama Inc.
when it comes to security issues.

BUT when it came to Plame???
A year prior, Obama was also part of a call for congressional investigations into the Bush administration’s biggest leak —
the revealing of CIA agent Valerie Plame’s identity.

Obama joined a 2005 letter with 24 Democrats led by Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), who had just been defeated in the 2004 presidential election, urging the Republican-led Congress to undertake its own investigation into the Plame scandal.
President Bush had appointed a special counsel in the Plame case in 2003, which ultimately resulted in the conviction of Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff Scooter Libby.

Obama obviously doesn’t do independent investigations. Too many of his people would end up in jail beginning with his own Atty General.

In the letter signed by Obama, it asked for, “The public revelation of Ms. Plame’s identity, whether it amounts to a crime or an irresponsible breach of security protocol that doesn’t meet the standard of criminal conduct, almost certainly compromised her intelligence networks and may have compromised the safety and welfare of anyone who had worked with her overseas. As a group of respected former intelligence officials wrote in 2004: “Any breach of the code of confidentiality and cover weakens the overall fabric of intelligence, and, directly or indirectly, jeopardizes the work and safety of intelligence workers and their sources.”

Valerie Plame, more of a socialite than an agent, was never in danger, despite Obama’s posturing. But his visit, itself a pathetic attempt at distracting the country from his administration’s death panels for veterans, did out a major CIA figure who is in danger.

Is Obama going to accept an investigation? He never does.

Valerie Plame and Obama?s Double Standard on Outing CIA Personnel | FrontPage Magazine

The Outting of Valerie Plame-Wilson was a politically punitive action taken by an administration who pissed that Ms. Plame-Wilson's husand, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson had written in the New York Times that there had been no "Attempt To Purchase Quantities of Yellow Cake Uranium".

The Obama admits that the agent in question should never have had their name made public.

The bushies reveled in outting Ms. Plame-Wilson.
For people who know NOTHING about the CIA or how it works, this is all grand theater.

For the few that have a peripheral understanding of the CIA, they see it for what it is -- Nothing.

CIA Agents routinely work out of Embassies world wide. All the host Country asks is that they report who they are when they arrive at their station in the embassy.

We return the favor. MI-6 operates out of the British Embassy in this Country and probably out of every Consulate. All we ask is that they report who they are to the FBI.

No problem.

Know what they do? Of course you don't....

They mostly read newspapers and watch the comings and goings of Industrial goods and report back to the Embassy who reports back to their bosses.

Some of them work with our OWN people in the FBI tracking terrorists or other bad guys wanted by both Countries.

All of this is done completely in the open.

All of it. Well, almost all of it.

Valerie Plame was about as covert as a fart in Church. Everywhere she went after 1998 or so, she reported to the host Country as a CIA Operative there to do whatever job she assigned to do.

She would read newspapers, watch the Local News Casts, talk to people and report back to Station Chief who would report back to his Bosses at Langley.

All in the open.

Because, a really hot blonde


can walk around in third world countries without being noticed.

You people who think this is a big deal are too naive for words.

Valerie Plame was not a covert agent after 1998 (if ever). She drove to work every day at a really covert place that looks a lot like this


I can't tell you that the image above is of our super-ultra-sneaky-secret CIA HQ because, well, I don't want to get arrested by the obama regime.

Because it's a secret


And nobody is supposed to know where it is.... Well, except Batman and Robin and Alfred...... But we think it might be in the Bat Cave -- Or not :eusa_shhh:

If I ever find out where that big building is, maybe I'll tell you. Or not. It's a secret. Super secret. Hush-Hush. :eusa_shhh:


fucking clowns
Last edited:
June 2, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Remember when the Liberal Outrage of the Minute was Valerie Plame. The same fake scandal machinery went into motion. The outing of Plame, a non-undercover figure, was supposed to be the worst crime ever committed and would lead to the impeachment of Bush. (Sound familiar?)


So the Times admits that their target is undercover. They're naming him because he's leading an "initiative against Iran". The Times, like every Democrat who voted for Obama's dirty Iran deal, supports Iran. And so it's deliberately undermining our national security in support of an Islamic terror state.

That's treason. And the Times should be held accountable for it.

New York Times Outs Undercover CIA Chief Fighting Iran

Valerie Plame was not a covert operative. She had not been in a foreign country for more than five years. The CIA chief was a covert operative in a hostile country. The sole reason for outing him was that he was leading an administrative initiative against Iran. Translation, he worked for Trump. Taking the spy out was hurting Trump.
Valerie Plame was not a covert operative. She had not been in a foreign country for more than five years. The CIA chief was a covert operative in a hostile country. The sole reason for outing him was that he was leading an administrative initiative against Iran. Translation, he worked for Trump. Taking the spy out was hurting Trump.
and committing treason...

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