Vance Admits He's Making Stuff Up

Most people won’t click on the twitter link to the guy.

Please tell us exactly what he said.

You, of course, to avoid embarrassment, won’t type out what was said in the clip.

One would think you’d want to exhibit this “proof” you say you have.
Go see for yourself and embarrass me.

You do realize all this hoopla was over a woman's comments recently, don't you?

This report was from march 14th, and people were complaining about this then and the chair admits he has heard of these reports also.
Vance straight up admitted in an interview with CNN's Dana Bash that he's creating stories to get the media to pay attention. It's not a secret that Trump and his camp routinely lie to people, but this is the first time they've admitted it. Their "stories" are putting people's lives at risk.

If you listen to the whole quote you see that’s not what he said
I’m sure that the local park is where to go…🙄
Interesting point. Where I live the Geese don't migrate as much anymore, taking over the local parks with lakes, crapping all over the place, creating a health hazard. Been a while ago but the county poisoned the flock.

Point is Springfield should have the same Canada geese problem. If their flock is suddenly in check?
Interesting point. Where I live the Geese don't migrate as much anymore, taking over the local parks with lakes, crapping all over the place, creating a health hazard. Been a while ago but the county poisoned the flock.

Point is Springfield should have the same Canada geese problem. If their flock is suddenly in check?
The point is, it’s up to the fish and game authority to manage, but there are laws against what they did.
Actually the goose kill I mentioned was done by federal order and Dept of Agriculture.
So, they didn’t hire the 4 Haitians to do it? Just kidding…

But, that’s the real point. Why would we arrest an American for doing what these people did, but make excuses for the immigrants that we’re paying with tax dollars? Let them go the grocery store, like civilized people, and whip out their EBT cards. Or get a license and hunt legally during season.
So, they didn’t hire the 4 Haitians to do it? Just kidding…

But, that’s the real point. Why would we arrest an American for doing what these people did, but make excuses for the immigrants that we’re paying with tax dollars? Let them go the grocery store, like civilized people, and whip out their EBT cards. Or get a license and hunt legally during season.
Sad part about this is, for the most part, ducks and geese being fed and around humans at parks, probably take food from their hands.

Easy pickens.
Sad part about this is, for the most part, ducks and geese being fed and around humans at parks, probably take food from their hands.

Easy pickens.
Well, sure...But, I'd like to stick with the hypocrisy of it all..These people are here because of the grace of the American government. They are given benefits that our veterans should be getting, and they are refusing to assimilate by just taking what they want, in violation of laws.

Dropping so many into a town, changes that town...There are issues. Crime, Hospitals, Schools, strains of resources like police, fire, etc....Assimilation is important. If these people refuse to get with the program, it will cause problems. Clearly the Biden administration, and liberal Democrats don't care.
Go see for yourself and embarrass me.

You do realize all this hoopla was over a woman's comments recently, don't you?

This report was from march 14th, and people were complaining about this then and the chair admits he has heard of these reports also.
And what else does the chair say....c’mon....spill it.
Well, sure...But, I'd like to stick with the hypocrisy of it all..These people are here because of the grace of the American government. They are given benefits that our veterans should be getting, and they are refusing to assimilate by just taking what they want, in violation of laws.

Dropping so many into a town, changes that town...There are issues. Crime, Hospitals, Schools, strains of resources like police, fire, etc....Assimilation is important. If these people refuse to get with the program, it will cause problems. Clearly the Biden administration, and liberal Democrats don't care.
Wanna guess what Harris and her opportunity economy are about? Probably not opportunities for us.

All these dumps of people are usually in the middle of the night and......guess where? Swing states.

I saw some stats from Springfield, said vehicle accidents have doubled, car thefts like 250% increase, all since Biden flew them in. Don't tell us every one there taking the handouts will go seek jobs, some will but you know how human nature is.
Interesting point. Where I live the Geese don't migrate as much anymore, taking over the local parks with lakes, crapping all over the place, creating a health hazard. Been a while ago but the county poisoned the flock.

Point is Springfield should have the same Canada geese problem. If their flock is suddenly in check?
They geese immigrated there too ! LOL !
He's familiar with the reports......all the way back in March. Claims he's seen no evidence..........maybe look in the garbage cans then?
Great so what you have is a guy standing before city council relaying a story about something for which there is no proof.

Excellent. See, you’re a useful idiot and with enough prodding you can be made to tell the truth.

Now why didn’t you just admit it was bullshit on your first post?
Wanna guess what Harris and her opportunity economy are about? Probably not opportunities for us.
That is just one of the lazy narratives that Harris is pushing...Harris and her team are so intellectually lazy that all they did was take the phrase "Economic opportunity", flip the two words, and start saying "Opportunity economy" as a general concept, and American liberals are so stupid, they don't ask what the hell that means....
All these dumps of people are usually in the middle of the night and......guess where? Swing states.

I saw some stats from Springfield, said vehicle accidents have doubled, car thefts like 250% increase, all since Biden flew them in. Don't tell us every one there taking the handouts will go seek jobs, some will but you know how human nature is.
This in my humble opinion is straight up treason by the Biden administration....

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