Vance Admits He's Making Stuff Up

Great so what you have is a guy standing before city council relaying a story about something for which there is no proof.

Excellent. See, you’re a useful idiot and with enough prodding you can be made to tell the truth.

Now why didn’t you just admit it was bullshit on your first post?
Has anyone looked into these reports? I'm sure they're one of the highest priorities in a town overloaded with 20,000 illegals who are causing all sorts of problems now.

Oh, and after all the press hoopla, someone who has experienced this trauma sure as hell won't go near any reporters now, will they?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
He's familiar with the reports......all the way back in March. Claims he's seen no evidence..........maybe look in the garbage cans then?
Have you ever eaten squirrel ? My dad shot one once. My mother nearly vomited cleaning the darn thing and it didn't taste good. I would think cats aren't much better. Most of these Haitian Immigrants are employed and making reasonable money. Enough to buy good food. Which makes the whole story even more ridiculous. People do some things simply to survive. They are thriving here. And the town is make ng a come back from the decaying rust belt city it was. Different , better in many ways, worse in some ways, depends on how you want to look at it. Ridiculous false accusations like this help no one and only fan the flames of discontent. Have a great day.
Has anyone looked into these reports? I'm sure they're one of the highest priorities in a town overloaded with 20,000 illegals who are causing all sorts of problems now.
Has anyone looked into the rash of VD in your neighborhood? I’ve heard reports. So it must be fact.
Oh, and after all the press hoopla, someone who has experienced this trauma sure as hell won't go near any reporters now, will they?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Well maybe...are you talking about the bomb threats that were a result of these bizarre lies from Trump and Bowman? Yeah, that didn’t cause any trauma.
Have you ever eaten squirrel ? My dad shot one once. My mother nearly vomited cleaning the darn thing and it didn't taste good.
Yes, squirrel stew and it was delicious. Maybe mama needed a good recipe.
I would think cats aren't much better.
Yes, cat meat is considered a delicacy in some parts of the world, including Vietnam, China, South Korea, and other countries
Has anyone looked into the rash of VD in your neighborhood? I’ve heard reports. So it must be fact.
No time, da' poe-leece be chasin' Gangsta's.

Well maybe...are you talking about the bomb threats that were a result of these bizarre lies from Trump and Bowman? Yeah, that didn’t cause any trauma.
You mean the ones that the governor said originated from overseas?
I did listen to the whole quote.

He did say he is creating stories.
So then you heard him clarify what he meant by “creating” stories. He was asked about that statement and he clarified that what he meant was that he was saying that they bring the stories into focus, not fabrication
So then you heard him clarify what he meant by “creating” stories. He was asked about that statement and he clarified that what he meant was that he was saying that they bring the stories into focus, not fabrication

Its cute that you believe him. The story is fiction. It was fiction when he said it, it remains fiction today. The fact that this sort of stuff works on folks like you is sad.
Its cute that you believe him. The story is fiction. It was fiction when he said it, it remains fiction today. The fact that this sort of stuff works on folks like you is sad.

Of course, because you would just take the cherry picked statements to form what you believe in. You would just ignore the whole context.

What’s funny is, you believe him based only on some of his statement, but then call others “cute”’when the bring to light the rest of his statement.
Of course, because you would just take the cherry picked statements to form what you believe in. You would just ignore the whole context.

What’s funny is, you believe him based only on some of his statement, but then call others “cute”’when the bring to light the rest of his statement.
Yeah, it’s pretty unfair of us to listen to him, digest what he says then reflect on his admitting he’s creating stories. We all should just ignore what he says and does and proceed on the ever-changing narrative from the blob campaign.
Yeah, it’s pretty unfair of us to listen to him, digest what he says then reflect on his admitting he’s creating stories. We all should just ignore what he says and does and proceed on the ever-changing narrative from the blob campaign.
"I am deeply disturbed". Statement from VP we know.
Yeah, it’s pretty unfair of us to listen to him, digest what he says then reflect on his admitting he’s creating stories. We all should just ignore what he says and does and proceed on the ever-changing narrative from the blob campaign.

Nope, don’t ignore what he says, just make sure you listen to all that he says, not just what fits your narrative.
And you only care about Trumps statements, be they lies, exaggerations, or the hurtful truth.

Anyone else on your side could get away with anything.

How is Harris saying she will be a President "for all Americans" not a lie?

Harris doesn't call Republicans the "enemy" and threaten to lock them up, cancel the broadcast licenses of his critics and throw their reporters in jail for "treason", as Trump threatens to do.
Nope, don’t ignore what he says, just make sure you listen to all that he says, not just what fits your narrative.

All that he says, simply makes things worse. It's just more of the same lies. Trump "weasel words" all of his statements. The legal term is "giving himself plausible deniability". Like his claim he told once followers to march "peacefully" to the Capitol. He used that word once - to give himself plausible deniability. He told them forcefully to "fight" or "fight like hell or you won't have a country", more than 10 times.

This is a technique that crime bosses use. That's why I call it "weasel wording". How often to do hear Trump make the claim that he told the rioters to go "peacefully"? And you fools fall all over yourselves defending and sane washing his nonsense.

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