Vance complains about $4 for a dozen eggs, standing behind a sign saying $2.99 for a dozen...

Tyson's announced weeks ago that had no effect; they had already replaced birds wiped out by the epidemic. Chickens, like rabbits, have pretty high population explosions. The 'Big Giant Epidemic' lasted about 5 to 6 months.

On average, a pullet will begin to lay an egg around 5-6 months of age. You may get lucky and start receiving eggs as early as 16-18 weeks, or have to wait a long 28-32 weeks before you receive your first egg. However, most pullets will begin to lay their first egg between 20-24 weeks.
Yeah.. except those new birds are getting the flu too..:)
Birds who get the flu...are whacked and tossed.
Apparently someone here thinks eggs all cost the same. Go to the grocery store and get educated.

You have to buy the 'jumbos' just to get what used to be the normal size for eggs now. The 'regular' size these days look like they come from pygmy chickens.
We have at least four of those chains here in my city.

We used to have dozens of indies here, i.e. real competition. My little town at 5,000 population had no chains and 4 full size grocery stores. They close a long time ago and now there is just three, out of town, plus Aldi's, all chains, soon to be three if Kroger's takes over Albertson's.
If egg prices are your rally cry, life is good. I am old enough to remember the last administration having 9/11 number of people die daily and the crashed economy.
Then why haven't all groceries gone up three hundred percent?

That would seem to indicate that. There's probably more market forces involved here than you are admitting.

Who says they haven't? Name brand bread used to cost 15 cents a loaf; they're over $3 here now, a 2,000% increase since the mid-1970's.

Have any more pointless 'Touched You Last!!!' BS? If so put it in a letter and mail it to Biden.
I'm not your assistant. Just stop wasting people's time and make your own point.

But you seem confused. Only MAGAts are pretending to care about this. So you're probably bugging the wrong person.
My point was...and remains...that Kamala Harris is the only person in US history to be nominated by a major political party as their nominee without getting a single vote for that honor in a party primary!

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