Venezuela arrests 131 accused of economic sabotage


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
This is exactly the kind of thing the USSR did under Stalin. There is literally no difference between the Soviet government and the Venezuelan government. Long lines for basics, worthless currency, nationalized industry, political persecution and criminalizing the failures of state run industry.

Caracas (AFP) - Venezuelan authorities have arrested 131 people accused of attempting to sabotage reforms implemented by President Nicolas Maduro to alleviate a crippling economic crisis, the attorney general said on Thursday. Tarek William Saab said the arrests included "several managers of large chains" accused of "speculating and hoarding basic products" that are subject to prices fixed by the government. The detainees are accused of trying to "destabilize the economy," Saab added. Of those arrested, 29 have been permitted conditional release and 10 others exonerated.
Absolutely stunning to see that reported on Yayhoo! snooz.
I'm surprised at the lack of interest in the this thread. I thought the snowflakes would be falling all over themselves to claim that Venezuela is a paradise with great healthcare.
Absolutely stunning to see that reported on Yayhoo! snooz.
I'm surprised at the lack of interest in the this thread. I thought the snowflakes would be falling all over themselves to claim that Venezuela is a paradise with great healthcare.
It seems the snowflakes are embarrassed of their Utopia. They don't want to be associated with the earthly incarnation of all their principles.

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