Venezuelans who fled socialism destroy AOC

Cannot add to it.

Excellent vid. Thanks for posting that.

It’s a damn shame these supporters of socialism aren’t being taught about the consequences. It’s also amazing to see how these idiots aren’t questioning why others are fleeing the same socialist policies they’re promoting.
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Sweden is corrupt?

No Sweden is not corrupt.

The Social Dems are losing as Conservative Dem's are winning in Sweden.
Social Dems are losing votes across the western civilizations.
Social Democracy isn't working out so well theses days it seems. Sweden is not corrupt but socialism causes rampant corruption. But Sweden IS one of the more socialist nations on the planet.

Something is wrong with your claims here
Sweden is corrupt?

No Sweden is not corrupt.

The Social Dems are losing as Conservative Dem's are winning in Sweden.
Social Dems are losing votes across the western civilizations.
Social Democracy isn't working out so well theses days it seems. Sweden is not corrupt but socialism causes rampant corruption. But Sweden IS one of the more socialist nations on the planet.

Something is wrong with your claims here
Sweden is corrupt?

No Sweden is not corrupt.

The Social Dems are losing as Conservative Dem's are winning in Sweden.
Social Dems are losing votes across the western civilizations.
Social Democracy isn't working out so well theses days it seems. Sweden is not corrupt but socialism causes rampant corruption. But Sweden IS one of the more socialist nations on the planet.

Something is wrong with your claims here

My claim?
It was koshergrl who made it not me.
I didn't make any claims about Sweden.

I said socialism causes rampant corruption.

Yes but Lesh has a problem with the statement being the vast majority of socialism being corrupt, but not all are and those are very few and far in-between when they aren't .
Like Sweden.

Sweden isn't a *socialist state*.

And if it was, it would be corrupt. I'm sure there is corruption in the social programs they have..there always is. But you don't see the corruption because they don't adhere to socialism at the higher levels of government. They tax the shit out of poor people, they don't have a minimum wage, and the state does not control means of production.
It is your vision for the USA after all.

This is my vision for the USA .. status quo


Cannot add to it.

What does Venezuela have to do with AOC?

Are you pretending to be stupid?

Somehow, I doubt it.

You are stupid . Another idiot throwing around the word “socialism” as if you have a clue what it means .

Tell me, what socialism is AOC promoting ?

It cracks me up that you leftwing morons believe your critics don't know what the word "socialism" means. We know it better than you do.

Cannot add to it.

What does Venezuela have to do with AOC?

Are you pretending to be stupid?

Somehow, I doubt it.

You are stupid . Another idiot throwing around the word “socialism” as if you have a clue what it means .

Tell me, what socialism is AOC promoting ?

It cracks me up that you leftwing morons believe your critics don't know what the word "socialism" means. We know it better than you do.

Awesome . Then why don’t you educate me? Since you are sooooo well versed in socialism.
Corruption and authoritarianism destroyed that country. Thus, Venezuela is a warning against giving power to Republicans.

Socialism killed Venezuela and it wasn't Republicans running the country, they were Socialists that were held in high esteem by many Democrats in the United States.

Looks like socialism doesn't work because it breeds corruption and dictatorships and a failed economy.

I guess the peasants did all starve equally.

Cannot add to it.

What does Venezuela have to do with AOC?

Are you pretending to be stupid?

Somehow, I doubt it.

You are stupid . Another idiot throwing around the word “socialism” as if you have a clue what it means .

Tell me, what socialism is AOC promoting ?

It cracks me up that you leftwing morons believe your critics don't know what the word "socialism" means. We know it better than you do.

Awesome . Then why don’t you educate me? Since you are sooooo well versed in socialism.


Government control of the means of production.​
No Sweden is not corrupt.

The Social Dems are losing as Conservative Dem's are winning in Sweden.
Social Dems are losing votes across the western civilizations.
Social Democracy isn't working out so well theses days it seems. Sweden is not corrupt but socialism causes rampant corruption. But Sweden IS one of the more socialist nations on the planet.

Something is wrong with your claims here
No Sweden is not corrupt.

The Social Dems are losing as Conservative Dem's are winning in Sweden.
Social Dems are losing votes across the western civilizations.
Social Democracy isn't working out so well theses days it seems. Sweden is not corrupt but socialism causes rampant corruption. But Sweden IS one of the more socialist nations on the planet.

Something is wrong with your claims here
No Sweden is not corrupt.

The Social Dems are losing as Conservative Dem's are winning in Sweden.
Social Dems are losing votes across the western civilizations.
Social Democracy isn't working out so well theses days it seems. Sweden is not corrupt but socialism causes rampant corruption. But Sweden IS one of the more socialist nations on the planet.

Something is wrong with your claims here

My claim?
It was koshergrl who made it not me.
I didn't make any claims about Sweden.

I said socialism causes rampant corruption.

Yes but Lesh has a problem with the statement being the vast majority of socialism being corrupt, but not all are and those are very few in far in-between when they aren't .
Like Sweden.

SWEDEN ISN'T A SOCIALIST STATE. When the left pretends they are, they are lying (or just ignorant)

Sweden has taken on a few social programs, just as the US has...but they took those on after becoming wildly rich, and they do not have government mandated wages nor does the government control means of production. The people control the means of production locally, and they trade on the open, competitive market.

"To the extent that the left wants to point to an example of successful socialism, not just generous welfare states, the Nordic countries are actually a poor case to cite. Regardless of the perception, in reality the Nordic countries practice mostly free market economics paired with high taxes exchanged for generous government entitlement programs."

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
No Sweden is not corrupt.

The Social Dems are losing as Conservative Dem's are winning in Sweden.
Social Dems are losing votes across the western civilizations.
Social Democracy isn't working out so well theses days it seems. Sweden is not corrupt but socialism causes rampant corruption. But Sweden IS one of the more socialist nations on the planet.

Something is wrong with your claims here
No Sweden is not corrupt.

The Social Dems are losing as Conservative Dem's are winning in Sweden.
Social Dems are losing votes across the western civilizations.
Social Democracy isn't working out so well theses days it seems. Sweden is not corrupt but socialism causes rampant corruption. But Sweden IS one of the more socialist nations on the planet.

Something is wrong with your claims here
No Sweden is not corrupt.

The Social Dems are losing as Conservative Dem's are winning in Sweden.
Social Dems are losing votes across the western civilizations.
Social Democracy isn't working out so well theses days it seems. Sweden is not corrupt but socialism causes rampant corruption. But Sweden IS one of the more socialist nations on the planet.

Something is wrong with your claims here

My claim?
It was koshergrl who made it not me.
I didn't make any claims about Sweden.

I said socialism causes rampant corruption.

Yes but Lesh has a problem with the statement being the vast majority of socialism being corrupt, but not all are and those are very few in far in-between when they aren't .
Like Sweden.

SWEDEN ISN'T A SOCIALIST STATE. When the left pretends they are, they are lying (or just ignorant)

Sweden has taken on a few social programs, just as the US has...but they took those on after becoming wildly rich, and they do not have government mandated wages nor does the government control means of production. The people control the means of production locally, and they trade on the open, competitive market.

"To the extent that the left wants to point to an example of successful socialism, not just generous welfare states, the Nordic countries are actually a poor case to cite. Regardless of the perception, in reality the Nordic countries practice mostly free market economics paired with high taxes exchanged for generous government entitlement programs."

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist

Redistribution of wealth through taxes is the essence of socialism.
Corruption and authoritarianism destroyed that country. Thus, Venezuela is a warning against giving power to Republicans.


You are looking at the results, and calling it the cause.

Corruption didn't cause Venezuela to implode. Socialism caused Venezuela to implode. Corruption is the result of socialism.

Two reasons for this.

1. Socialism is naturally the concentration of power, and power corrupt. Always has, always will.

2. People in power are never going to live like the public. If the economy crashes, they will find ways to keep themselves enriched.

People in power will either keep themselves rich by engaging in Capitalism legally, or they will keep themselves rich in Socialism through corruption.

By the way, this is true of all people in Socialism. Socialism makes everyone a criminal. The black market for food in Venezuela is rampant across the country. Because people will starve if they don't engage in the black market.

Same in Cuba. It's widely known people have alternate currency there... totally illegal because it subverts the socialist system.

Everyone engages in corruption under Socialism, because Socialism always fails.
What does Venezuela have to do with AOC?
Are you pretending to be stupid?

Somehow, I doubt it.

You are stupid . Another idiot throwing around the word “socialism” as if you have a clue what it means .

Tell me, what socialism is AOC promoting ?
It cracks me up that you leftwing morons believe your critics don't know what the word "socialism" means. We know it better than you do.

Awesome . Then why don’t you educate me? Since you are sooooo well versed in socialism.

Government control of the means of production.​

And where is AOC calling for that ?

Cannot add to it.

What does Venezuela have to do with AOC?

Are you pretending to be stupid?

Somehow, I doubt it.

You are stupid . Another idiot throwing around the word “socialism” as if you have a clue what it means .

Tell me, what socialism is AOC promoting ?

"Sen. Bernie Sanders and congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are popularizing the philosophy of democratic socialism, especially among younger age groups."

"Many on the right question this vision, pointing to countries such as Venezuela and Cuba as examples of socialist disasters. Democratic socialists claim those countries implemented socialism “incorrectly” or that other factors are to blame.

"They prefer to cite Norway, Sweden, and Denmark as examples of socialist success. There are, however, several key problems with that.

"...these countries are not technically socialist."

"These three countries are clearly not operating under centrally planned economies."
"...the success of these countries is clearly based on a capitalist foundation, and it predates the expansion of social programs. Sweden, for example, became a wealthy country in the mid-20th century under a capitalist system with low tax rates.

"Social programs and high tax rates were not implemented until the 1970s, which caused the economy to significantly underperform and unemployment to rise.

"In recent years, Sweden has been privatizing socialized sectors, such as education and health care, cutting tax rates, and making welfare less generous
. Even though tax rates and government spending remains comparatively high, open-market policies generate the revenue to support the spending."

Why Democratic Socialists Can’t Legitimately Claim Sweden, Denmark as Success Stories

Cannot add to it.

What does Venezuela have to do with AOC?

Are you pretending to be stupid?

Somehow, I doubt it.

You are stupid . Another idiot throwing around the word “socialism” as if you have a clue what it means .

Tell me, what socialism is AOC promoting ?

I’m gonna guess you think socialism means you can sit on your ass and play video games while getting paid.
Corruption and authoritarianism destroyed that country. Thus, Venezuela is a warning against giving power to Republicans.


You are looking at the results, and calling it the cause.

Corruption didn't cause Venezuela to implode. Socialism caused Venezuela to implode. Corruption is the result of socialism.

Two reasons for this.

1. Socialism is naturally the concentration of power, and power corrupt. Always has, always will.

2. People in power are never going to live like the public. If the economy crashes, they will find ways to keep themselves enriched.

People in power will either keep themselves rich by engaging in Capitalism legally, or they will keep themselves rich in Socialism through corruption.

By the way, this is true of all people in Socialism. Socialism makes everyone a criminal. The black market for food in Venezuela is rampant across the country. Because people will starve if they don't engage in the black market.

Same in Cuba. It's widely known people have alternate currency there... totally illegal because it subverts the socialist system.

Everyone engages in corruption under Socialism, because Socialism always fails.

How about places like the United Arab Emerits?
Are you pretending to be stupid?

Somehow, I doubt it.

You are stupid . Another idiot throwing around the word “socialism” as if you have a clue what it means .

Tell me, what socialism is AOC promoting ?
It cracks me up that you leftwing morons believe your critics don't know what the word "socialism" means. We know it better than you do.

Awesome . Then why don’t you educate me? Since you are sooooo well versed in socialism.

Government control of the means of production.​

And where is AOC calling for that ?
Green New Deal.

Cannot add to it.

What does Venezuela have to do with AOC?

Are you pretending to be stupid?

Somehow, I doubt it.

You are stupid . Another idiot throwing around the word “socialism” as if you have a clue what it means .

Tell me, what socialism is AOC promoting ?

I’m gonna guess you think socialism means you can sit on your ass and play video games while getting paid.

What I think CONS Think is that “socialism “ is any time the government does somthing to help the common man.

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