Venezuelans who fled socialism destroy AOC

i resort to the fewest fallacies as a moral.
You resort to being an asshole. I wouldn't want to be you on Judgement Day. I just provided the Bible quote that proved you lie about Jesus.
with what? every lie you tell in the mean time?
I proved you lied. Jesus vehemently disapproves of the lazy. His teachings about caring for others were about those who were physically disabled and unable to provide for themselves. It wasn't about lazy assholes like you who want to stay home and smoke pot while others are forced to slave for you.
it is about bearing true witness to our own laws.

Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable than fidelity. Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind. Marcus Tullius Cicero
Read more at: Marcus Tullius Cicero Quotes
on this St Patrick's day, let us remember that the top 1 percent of leprechauns control 99 percent of the gold!
A link to the glories of socialism for the very rich. Can't figure out why so many ordinary income right wing Americans fight the battle of the very wealthy to get even wealthier. They're even willing to give up the possibilities of decent and affordable health care that other more advanced countries have. Probably cuz maybe trump promised them free MAGA caps? Anyway, on to the link.

Trump offers socialism for the rich, capitalism for everyone else | Robert Reich
Gun grabbing tyrannical socialist is all you are, AOC. Pack your bags, take your treasonous tyranny to a country where it fits. Venezuela comes to mind.
there is no immigration clause. it is an express naturalization clause.
Your ignorance is astounding. You don’t even know basic definitions.


Psst...stupid...“immigration” and “naturalization” are synonyms. :lmao:
Remember, Venezuela is the model that leftists want to bring to the U.S.
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations estimates that about a quarter of Venezuelans are in need of humanitarian assistance, according to an internal U.N. report seen by Reuters on Thursday that paints a dire picture of millions of people lacking food and basic services.
Only the ignorant parasite class desires socialism.

Venezuelans facing 'unprecedented challenges,' many need aid - internal U.N. report | Reuters
Remember, Venezuela is the model that leftists want to bring to the U.S.
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations estimates that about a quarter of Venezuelans are in need of humanitarian assistance, according to an internal U.N. report seen by Reuters on Thursday that paints a dire picture of millions of people lacking food and basic services.
Only the ignorant parasite class desires socialism.

Venezuelans facing 'unprecedented challenges,' many need aid - internal U.N. report | Reuters
Try looking at every other modern country, brainwashed functional moron, and not at a country that is barely out of third world status and that we have been screwing over and sanctioning for 15 years and now making life impossible for.
Remember, Venezuela is the model that leftists want to bring to the U.S.
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations estimates that about a quarter of Venezuelans are in need of humanitarian assistance, according to an internal U.N. report seen by Reuters on Thursday that paints a dire picture of millions of people lacking food and basic services.
Only the ignorant parasite class desires socialism.

Venezuelans facing 'unprecedented challenges,' many need aid - internal U.N. report | Reuters
Try looking at every other modern country, brainwashed functional moron, and not at a country that is barely out of third world status and that we have been screwing over and sanctioning for 15 years and now making life impossible for.
There are no first world socialist countries, moron. There's a reason for that. We also haven't been sanctioning Venezuela for 15 years. 2 years is more like it, and the sanctions have only been on the government.
Remember, Venezuela is the model that leftists want to bring to the U.S.
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations estimates that about a quarter of Venezuelans are in need of humanitarian assistance, according to an internal U.N. report seen by Reuters on Thursday that paints a dire picture of millions of people lacking food and basic services.
Only the ignorant parasite class desires socialism.

Venezuelans facing 'unprecedented challenges,' many need aid - internal U.N. report | Reuters
Try looking at every other modern country, brainwashed functional moron, and not at a country that is barely out of third world status and that we have been screwing over and sanctioning for 15 years and now making life impossible for.
There are no first world socialist countries, moron. There's a reason for that. We also haven't been sanctioning Venezuela for 15 years. 2 years is more like it, and the sanctions have only been on the government.
only GOP dupes in the entire world believe as you do, Cold War dinosaur brainwashed functional moron. "We are all socialists now"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. At this point Venezuela cannot refine their own oil, and no one else will either LOL. We have been sanctioning Venezuela ever since Hugo Chavez started.
Try looking at every other modern country,
Why? Why would I look to inferior nations? Only anti-American assholes (like you) do something that stupid.
brainwashed functional moron,
Better to be a “brainwashed functional moron” than a “brainwashed dysfunctional moron” like you.
and not at a country that is barely out of third world status and that we have been screwing over and sanctioning for 15 years and now making life impossible for.
I rest my case, illiterate dysfunctional moron. That’s not even a coherent sentence.
We have been sanctioning Venezuela ever since Hugo Chavez started.
Your lame excuses are the excuses of a moron. Even if that had been true (and it’s not), so what? The U.S. doesn’t control the world, you dumb asshole. Venezuela has been in bed with Russia, China, and more. All global superpowers.

If you can’t come up with a better excuse than “but...but...but...the U.S. ‘sanctioned’ them”, then don’t post an excuse at all. Moron.
Try looking at every other modern country, brainwashed functional moron, and not at a country that is barely out of third world status and that we have been screwing over and sanctioning for 15 years and now making life impossible for.
There are no first world socialist countries, moron.
He knows that...why do you think he wants to bring socialism here? He wants to collapse the U.S. so everyone is equal in his misery.
We have been sanctioning Venezuela ever since Hugo Chavez started.
Your lame excuses are the excuses of a moron. Even if that had been true (and it’s not), so what? The U.S. doesn’t control the world, you dumb asshole. Venezuela has been in bed with Russia, China, and more. All global superpowers.

If you can’t come up with a better excuse than “but...but...but...the U.S. ‘sanctioned’ them”, then don’t post an excuse at all. Moron.
They have so many sanctions on them now they can't refine ther oil anywhere and many people think they sabotaged the power grid down there. The sentence is fine, you just haven't heard any of that before. Our media is a disgrace on Venezuela just like they were with Iraq. And our cable news programs are not news programs at all, just bullshit propaganda on fox and b****** everywhere else.
Try looking at every other modern country, brainwashed functional moron, and not at a country that is barely out of third world status and that we have been screwing over and sanctioning for 15 years and now making life impossible for.
There are no first world socialist countries, moron.
He knows that...why do you think he wants to bring socialism here? He wants to collapse the U.S. so everyone is equal in his misery.
socialism being taxing the rich more than everyone else OMG and a living wage and Health Care daycare paid parental leave Great vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training like in every other modern country. We are number 23 in happiness with worst inequality and upward mobility.and I think Trump is about to screw up the world economy again as Republicans do they're so smart LOL Jesus
Try looking at every other modern country, brainwashed functional moron, and not at a country that is barely out of third world status and that we have been screwing over and sanctioning for 15 years and now making life impossible for.
There are no first world socialist countries, moron.
He knows that...why do you think he wants to bring socialism here? He wants to collapse the U.S. so everyone is equal in his misery.
socialism being taxing the rich more than everyone else OMG and a living wage and Health Care daycare paid parental leave Great vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training like in every other modern country. We are number 23 in happiness with worst inequality and upward mobility.and I think Trump is about to screw up the world economy again as Republicans do they're so smart LOL Jesus
No thanks... I want nothing to do with your socialist shit
Try looking at every other modern country, brainwashed functional moron, and not at a country that is barely out of third world status and that we have been screwing over and sanctioning for 15 years and now making life impossible for.
There are no first world socialist countries, moron.
He knows that...why do you think he wants to bring socialism here? He wants to collapse the U.S. so everyone is equal in his misery.
socialism being taxing the rich more than everyone else OMG and a living wage and Health Care daycare paid parental leave Great vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training like in every other modern country. We are number 23 in happiness with worst inequality and upward mobility.and I think Trump is about to screw up the world economy again as Republicans do they're so smart LOL Jesus
No thanks... I want nothing to do with your socialist shit
You totally biased mr. Gun dealer owner LOL
Try looking at every other modern country, brainwashed functional moron, and not at a country that is barely out of third world status and that we have been screwing over and sanctioning for 15 years and now making life impossible for.
There are no first world socialist countries, moron.
He knows that...why do you think he wants to bring socialism here? He wants to collapse the U.S. so everyone is equal in his misery.
Only You GOP dupes believe socialism is communism in the whole modern world. "We are all socialists now!" Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed... You dupes just love being screwed over by your hero Rich assholes LOL.

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