Very excited to see Mitch man up on changing Senate rules for Gorsuch


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
Nice to see Mitch step up - hopefully, this no tolerance to filibuster goes for a repeal Obamacare bill as well

would be even better if Rand Paul wrote the Senate bill...

after that, all we'd need would be for Ruth Hag-Lady Ginsburg to kick

Gorsuch is headed for Supreme Court confirmation this week, but only after a partisan battle, Senate leaders say

McConnell has made clear that if pressed, he will trigger a change in the rules and allow Supreme Court nominees from here on out to be confirmed on a majority vote. With 52 Republicans in support, McConnell is confident he can accomplish that change.
The end of the filibuster generally is a victory for American governance.
Problem with that is you won't Be in power forever . What goes around comes around . Mitch has 2 years until he's booted .
Sorry but using the Nuclear option will set a precedence that people will REALLY regret in the future.

um - the dems already used it, then changed the rule back right before they lost the majority

plus, for me, the end game was always seats on SCOTUS - very happy about the ancillary stuff for sure, but this was what I wanted the whole time

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