Vietnam...the next China

Harpy Eagle

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2017

Samsung plans to invest $1.8bn in Vietnam for OLED displays

South Korea's Samsung Display plans to invest $1.8 billion for a factory in northern Vietnam to produce OLED displays for automobiles and technology equipment, the Southeast Asian country said on Sunday.

Vietnam is positioning itself to be the next hub for high tech manufacturing.
I noted this a long time ago. Business simply moving production from one low wage country to another.

For some reason, some see this as a win.

Samsung plans to invest $1.8bn in Vietnam for OLED displays

South Korea's Samsung Display plans to invest $1.8 billion for a factory in northern Vietnam to produce OLED displays for automobiles and technology equipment, the Southeast Asian country said on Sunday.

Vietnam is positioning itself to be the next hub for high tech manufacturing.

Yes, it's a good idea. The problem is that it won't fulfill the false market they all drooled over, which was Chinas 1B people.

The collapse of housing in China sucked up all the air. The West was fooled.

Kudos to the people outsmarting those in New York and California who were naive and exuberant.
Yes, it's a good idea. The problem is that it won't fulfill the false market they all drooled over, which was Chinas 1B people.

The collapse of housing in China sucked up all the air. The West was fooled.

Kudos to the people outsmarting those in New York and California who were naive and exuberant.

You are aware, I am sure given your focus on China, that China is helping this happen, they have invested more than 8 billion US dollars in Vietnam just this year helping to build up their infrastructure.
I noted this a long time ago. Business simply moving production from one low wage country to another.

For some reason, some see this as a win.

It is the hatred for China that people are pushing these days.

Govt's have a need for a boogieman to keep the populace in a state of fear. They are easier to control that way.
Vietnam is doing much better under Communism than they did under Colonial Rule
I noted this a long time ago. Business simply moving production from one low wage country to another.

For some reason, some see this as a win.
It’s certainly a win for the .1% and since they run the world, it’s presented to us as a win. The screwy thing is many who aren’t even close to being wealthy support this shit. Propaganda works too well.

Samsung plans to invest $1.8bn in Vietnam for OLED displays

South Korea's Samsung Display plans to invest $1.8 billion for a factory in northern Vietnam to produce OLED displays for automobiles and technology equipment, the Southeast Asian country said on Sunday.

Vietnam is positioning itself to be the next hub for high tech manufacturing.
This is nothing new.

The average salary in Vietnam is about $4000 a year.

The average salary in China is $21,550
I wonder why we don't have Cuba making our shit for us.....The dems love them some commie countries making our shit.
You linked an article that had a key quote by Walt Vanderbush, Miami University of Oxford professor of Latin American and Latino/a studies.

So I'm supposed to believe this guy isn't totally-unbiased about illegal immigration? :laughing0301:

Maybe you missed this part:

U.S. Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio: "I do think we need to be open to immigration that is legal. The problem that we're seeing on the boarder right now is sort of the opposite of that which is that we don't have a good legal immigration system that helps to ensure we have a secure border, that we have rules that are followed so the people that are waiting patiently in line to come through the legal system are not passed up by those who come illegally.

I’m supportive of legal immigration, always have been. It enriches our country and specifically with our economy today we need a lot of skills of folks who would like to come to this country.”

Once again, you don't seem to have a fucking clue.

They invited immigrants to come to work as they wanted to expand the employee base. They came and were gave good jobs. Hence more came.

They were not shipped there, they were invited and came on their own.
They invited immigrants to come to work as they wanted to expand the employee base. They came and were gave good jobs. Hence more came.

They were not shipped there, they were invited and came on their own.

Stop saying "immigrants." They're not "immigrants", they're illegal aliens. They're criminals who violated US immigration laws.

Gawd, you are one dense person. :laughing0301:

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