Violence Is Apparently No Big Deal When the Left Does It


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2009
How much attention did the MSM Dramacrat Propaganda Arm pay to actual confirmed incidents of left-wing violence over the past few years.

* It was a liberal who bit the finger off a man who disagreed with him on health care.

* It was Obama-loving Amy Bishop who took a gun to work and murdered co-workers.

* Joseph Stack flew his plane into the IRS building after writing an
anti-conservative manifesto.

* It was liberals who destroyed AM radio towers outside of Seattle.

* It's liberals who burn down Hummer dealerships.

* It was progressive SEIU union thugs who beat a black conservative man who spoke his mind.

* It's doubtful that a conservative fired shots into a GOP campaign headquarters.

* In fact, Democrats have no monopoly on having their offices vandalized.

* Don't forget it was Obama's friend Bill Ayers who used terrorism as a tool for political change. SDS is still radical, with arrests in 2007 and the storming of the CATO Institute in July 2008.

* It was a liberal who was sentenced to two years for bringing bombs and riot shields to the Republican National Convention in 2008.

* It was a liberal who threatened to kill a government informant who infiltrated her Austin-based group that planned to bomb the RNC.

* It was liberals who assaulted police in Berkeley.

* It was liberals who intimidated and threw rocks through the windows of researchers.

* The two Black Panthers who stood outside polls intimidating people with nightsticks were probably not right-wingers.

* Every time the G20 gets together, it's not conservatives who destroy property and cause chaos.

Bill Ayers, co-founder of the communist revolutionary group the Weather Underground and avowed domestic terrorist who used homemade bombs against the government, is one of Hussein Obama’s valued advisors. Ayers helped launch Obama’s political career in Illinois by hosting in his Hyde Park home an informal campaign event for the future state senator in 1995.
Ayers claimed the Weathermen were driven by “hope and love,” not despair, and said he did not think the group’s violent acts, targeting federal officials and local law enforcement officers, were “a big deal.”

Jeff Jones, another avowed domestic terrorist and founding member of the communist revolutionary group Weather Underground, is a member of the Apollo Alliance, which created the stimulus package for Hussein Obama.

Hussein Obama: “If you want to know who I am, then judge me by the people I choose to help me fundamentally transform America.”
Oh brother, another kook coming out of the woodwork to defend the idiocy done by the exteme fringies.

I don't remember defending any violence on the left at all. What has been pointed out is what is currently happening is not helping either the Teabaggers or the Republican Party.
Show me where the left wing pundits egged those people on to violence?
I have not made excuses for any of those violet acts listed.
and he left out the shooting of the two recruiters,, where was the outrage.

he left out the fact that obama didn't want the word terrorist linked to the forth hood shooter..
How much attention did the MSM Dramacrat Propaganda Arm pay to actual confirmed incidents of left-wing violence over the past few years.

* It was a liberal who bit the finger off a man who disagreed with him on health care.

* It was Obama-loving Amy Bishop who took a gun to work and murdered co-workers.

* Joseph Stack flew his plane into the IRS building after writing an
anti-conservative manifesto.

* It was liberals who destroyed AM radio towers outside of Seattle.

* It's liberals who burn down Hummer dealerships.

* It was progressive SEIU union thugs who beat a black conservative man who spoke his mind.

* It's doubtful that a conservative fired shots into a GOP campaign headquarters.

* In fact, Democrats have no monopoly on having their offices vandalized.

* Don't forget it was Obama's friend Bill Ayers who used terrorism as a tool for political change. SDS is still radical, with arrests in 2007 and the storming of the CATO Institute in July 2008.

* It was a liberal who was sentenced to two years for bringing bombs and riot shields to the Republican National Convention in 2008.

* It was a liberal who threatened to kill a government informant who infiltrated her Austin-based group that planned to bomb the RNC.

* It was liberals who assaulted police in Berkeley.

* It was liberals who intimidated and threw rocks through the windows of researchers.

* The two Black Panthers who stood outside polls intimidating people with nightsticks were probably not right-wingers.

* Every time the G20 gets together, it's not conservatives who destroy property and cause chaos.

Bill Ayers, co-founder of the communist revolutionary group the Weather Underground and avowed domestic terrorist who used homemade bombs against the government, is one of Hussein Obama’s valued advisors. Ayers helped launch Obama’s political career in Illinois by hosting in his Hyde Park home an informal campaign event for the future state senator in 1995.
Ayers claimed the Weathermen were driven by “hope and love,” not despair, and said he did not think the group’s violent acts, targeting federal officials and local law enforcement officers, were “a big deal.”

Jeff Jones, another avowed domestic terrorist and founding member of the communist revolutionary group Weather Underground, is a member of the Apollo Alliance, which created the stimulus package for Hussein Obama.

Hussein Obama: “If you want to know who I am, then judge me by the people I choose to help me fundamentally transform America.”

conspiracy thread alert!
The tea party is one group.

the man who had his finger bit off put his finger in the guys mouth by PUNCHING him in the face.

Mcveigh killed over a hundered people including babies all for the sam lies the tea party is promoting.
* It was Obama-loving Amy Bishop who took a gun to work and murdered co-workers.

This had nothing to do with poilitics and please prove she did this for Obama?
The tea party is one group.

the man who had his finger bit off put his finger in the guys mouth by PUNCHING him in the face.

Mcveigh killed over a hundered people including babies all for the sam lies the tea party is promoting.

So basically, you're just agreeing with the OP. Violence Is Apparently No Big Deal When the Left Does It
Joseph Stack flew his plane into the IRS building after writing an
anti-conservative manifesto.

He was anti Tax dude.
We need a definition of "sam" lie.. anybody know what that his???? It must be beyond the PAIL>
The tea party is one group.

the man who had his finger bit off put his finger in the guys mouth by PUNCHING him in the face.

Mcveigh killed over a hundered people including babies all for the sam lies the tea party is promoting.

So basically, you're just agreeing with the OP. Violence Is Apparently No Big Deal When the Left Does It

when someone punches you in the face and sticks their finger in your mouth do you clench your teeth?

When a person is hit in the face they will flinch.

You really think this guy had no right to bite down wether it was reeflex or self defense?
The tea party is one group.

the man who had his finger bit off put his finger in the guys mouth by PUNCHING him in the face.

Mcveigh killed over a hundered people including babies all for the sam lies the tea party is promoting.

So basically, you're just agreeing with the OP. Violence Is Apparently No Big Deal When the Left Does It

when someone punches you in the face and sticks their finger in your mouth do you clench your teeth?

When a person is hit in the face they will flinch.

You really think this guy had no right to bite down wether it was reeflex or self defense?

He has a whole list of incidents and you're dismissing them all because as he said, violence is apparently no big deal with the left does it.
Get a load of these peaceful leftists at UNC-Chapel Hill last year when Tom Tancredo was attempting to give a speech. The speech ended up getting shut down because one of the peaceful, non-violent leftists smashed the window with a brick, which you can see in the third video.

[ame=]YouTube - Tancredo at UNC[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Tancredo @ UNC #2[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Tom Tancredo Event UNC Shut Down By Violence 2[/ame]
So basically, you're just agreeing with the OP. Violence Is Apparently No Big Deal When the Left Does It

when someone punches you in the face and sticks their finger in your mouth do you clench your teeth?

When a person is hit in the face they will flinch.

You really think this guy had no right to bite down wether it was reeflex or self defense?

He has a whole list of incidents and you're dismissing them all because as he said, violence is apparently no big deal with the left does it.

I am not dismissing them you fool.

He is attributing violence to self defense, tying incidents that were not political to politics and claiming a guy who hated the US government and Taxes under Obama as a lefty.
who was that dude bit off the guys ear in the boxing ring? Goddamn fool to stick his ear in his mouff innit?

I urge you to actually READ what you linked to. This guy was a NUT. There are just as many things in that suicide note that point to him being a left-wing nut as there are pointing to him being a right-wing nut. He after all was anti Bush and pro health care reform. Are we just supposed to cherry pick the things out that make him look like a right-wing nut and forget all of the things that make him look like a left-wing nut? HE WAS A NUT.

Oh, and let's not forget that he was a registered Democrat.

I hope you allowed to defend yourself when someone hits you in the face out of the blue willow.

Tyson and his opponent had a contract to hit each other and the rules of that contract outlined that biting was against the rules.

When you hit a person on the street becausse they dont agree with you then you may get your hand hurt.

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