Vivek does Town Hall in Springfield

When Trump was president I was telling his supporters that they better make him address why people come to this country, jobs, or they would regret it.

And here we are.
what does any of that have to do with Harris and Xiden changing the law? Nobody has a problem with people coming to this country for a better life, but waiving a wand and allowing thousands in without any requirements, no back ground checks, nothing....that's the issue.
What exactly is the issue with legal immigration? I thought the Rights problem was with illegal immigration? Do you morons realize you're just openly telling on yourselves now? :dunno: :lol:

the issue here is that Xiden and Harris changed the law to allow Haitians who would be illegal, to be legal...and did so without any legislative approval. the question is why?
What exactly is the issue with legal immigration? I thought the Rights problem was with illegal immigration? Do you morons realize you're just openly telling on yourselves now? :dunno: :lol:
there isn't. What constitute legal is. creepy and scamala just saying an illegal is legal, don't make it legal. The US has laws they trashed.
the issue here is that Xiden and Harris changed the law to allow Haitians who would be illegal, to be legal...and did so without any legislative approval. the question is why?
technically, they had no standing to change the law, so it makes them illegal.
the issue here is that Xiden and Harris changed the law to allow Haitians who would be illegal, to be legal...and did so without any legislative approval. the question is why?
That's how government is supposed to work you Dipshit. Politicians who get elected write and pass laws. What the fuck are you confused about? :dunno:
there isn't. What constitute legal is. creepy and scamala just saying an illegal is legal, don't make it legal. The US has laws they trashed.
What? I don't know what that gibberish is supposed to mean. They are either legal immigrants or they aren't. Do you know which you stupid fucking MAGAt? :dunno:
That's how government is supposed to work you Dipshit. Politicians who get elected write and pass laws. What the fuck are you confused about? :dunno:
that's what members of the legislature are suppose to do....Xiden and Harris aren't part of the legislative branch, they didn't write and pass a law. They just gave special treatment to Haitians that had been coming over illegally.
that's what members of the legislature are suppose to do....Xiden and Harris aren't part of the legislative branch, they didn't write and pass a law. They just gave special treatment to Haitians that had been coming over illegally.aqp
This is why getting your news and information from White Wing sources will rot your fucking brain. The program that allows Haitians to be here legally was passed by Congress in 1990 you fucking Moron.

Temporary protected status - Wikipedia
The year in which they were elected and legally allowed to per the law passed by Congress you dumb fucking Moron. :lol:
Trump Admin took away TPS for Haitians in 2017, that was extend to them after the 2010 earthquake.

Xiden and Harris undid that when they took office.....and further extended in 2024 to more Haitians would have come illegally due to gang violence in Haiti.
Trump Admin took away TPS for Haitians in 2017, that was extend to them after the 2010 earthquake.
Well they tried, as was their perogative. Funny how you seem to understand how elections and policy work then.... :dunno: :lol:
Xiden and Harris undid that when they took office.....and further extended in 2024 to more Haitians would have come illegally due to gang violence in Haiti.
Would have is an argument about something that didn't happen. It's an argument about fantasy and make believe and as hilarious as your sad fantasies are they don't change the fact that Biden did extend them legal status as was his perogative to do and so they are legal. Pretending otherwise doesn't make it Children.
Well they tried, as was their perogative. Funny how you seem to understand how elections and policy work then.... :dunno: :lol:
Yeah it means it had nothing to do with 1990 as you suggested. Hmmmmmmmm
Would have is an argument about something that didn't happen. It's an argument about fantasy and make believe and as hilarious as your sad fantasies are they don't change the fact that Biden did extend them legal status as was his perogative to do and so they are legal. Pretending otherwise doesn't make it Children.
post #115.
Well they tried, as was their perogative. Funny how you seem to understand how elections and policy work then.... :dunno: :lol:

Would have is an argument about something that didn't happen. It's an argument about fantasy and make believe and as hilarious as your sad fantasies are they don't change the fact that Biden did extend them legal status as was his perogative to do and so they are legal. Pretending otherwise doesn't make it Children.
what are you saying didn't happen?

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