Vivek does Town Hall in Springfield

Neither of those describe any illegality you illiterate moron. In fact your own link says this you Moron:

U.S. broadens immigration program for Haitian migrants, citing humanitarian crisis

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said it would allow tens of thousands of additional Haitians to apply for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) by moving up the program's cut-off date. Previously, only Haitians who had arrived in the U.S. before July 29, 2021 were eligible for TPS, but the new designation will allow those living in the country as of Nov. 6 of this year to apply for the program.

DHS also announced Monday that the U.S. would push back the expiration date for the Haiti TPS program from Feb. 4, 2023 to Aug. 3, 2024. Officials stressed that Haitians thinking of coming to the U.S. illegally should not do so, as they would not qualify for the program and could face deportation.

Created by Congress as part of the Immigration Act of 1990, TPS is a designation given by federal officials that provides deportation protections and work permits to immigrants from countries experiencing armed conflict, environmental disasters and other humanitarian emergencies. The program does not offer permanent legal status.
Well again, the US Department of Homeland doesn't write law. You know this right?
I just did, no where did creepy and scamala have reign to do what they did. Just didn't. You can post the link that says it then.
You didn't. You presented a strawman as an argument. Who says these people are illegal or ever were illegal?
You didn't. You presented a strawman as an argument. Who says these people are illegal or ever were illegal?
nope, I presented what they did. Meaning the unlawful acceptance of something the DHS has no authority to do. None. Zippola, only congress. And, it will always need congress as was stated in the 1990 bill. I recognize you hate defeat, so anything that doesn't follow your lie is a strawman, I get it. Please go cry some other place.

I posted it all.
Because if they were here legally they wouldn't need TPS: Biden administration extends temporary legal status to 300,000 Haitians, drawing a contrast to Trump

Biden administration extends temporary legal status to 300,000 Haitians, drawing a contrast to Trump​

SAN DIEGO (AP) — About 300,000 Haitians already in the United States will now be eligible for temporary legal status allowing them to remain in the U.S. and work because conditions in the strife-torn Caribbean nation are considered unsafe for them to return, the Homeland Security Department said Friday.

The decision marks a major expansion of Temporary Protected Status for Haitians and won praise from many in the Haitian and immigration advocacy community.
They doesn't say they have temporary protected status because they were in the country illegally you illiterate moron. Are all you MAGAts illiterate? They were granted TPS because of turmoil in Haiti. Your own fucking link says many were given that status after the earthquake in 2010 and again after widespread violence broke out in 202 and that many of these are just extensions for people already here legally. In fact your link says at times Biden made it harder for Haitians to apply for the status and that it deported the ones who attempted to enter illegal. Read your own links you dumb Twats.
They doesn't say they have temporary protected status because they were in the country illegally you illiterate moron. Are all you MAGAts illiterate? They were granted TPS because of turmoil in Haiti. Your own fucking link says many were given that status after the earthquake in 2010 and again after widespread violence broke out in 202 and that many of these are just extensions for people already here legally. In fact your link says at times it made it harder for Haitians to apply for the status and that it deported the ones who attempted to enter illegal. Read your own links you dumb Twats.
well post the one that was signed by congress. You were the one stating the 1990 bill, you were wrong. So we're still waiting. Again, DHS doesn't write law.
Well again, the US Department of Homeland doesn't write law. You know this right?
Congress wrote the law that gave them authority in this matter. I know that because I can read the links you yourself provided. What the fuck is your excuse? :dunno:
They doesn't say they have temporary protected status because they were in the country illegally you illiterate moron. Are all you MAGAts illiterate? They were granted TPS because of turmoil in Haiti. Your own fucking link says many were given that status after the earthquake in 2010 and again after widespread violence broke out in 202 and that many of these are just extensions for people already here legally. In fact your link says at times Biden made it harder for Haitians to apply for the status and that it deported the ones who attempted to enter illegal. Read your own links you dumb Twats.
Huh? It literally says he’s expending TPS to 300k Haitian already here.

They wouldn’t need TPs if they were here legally
nope, you haven't posted the law you are claiming. Still waiting.
Both you and I have. It was in your link. The 1990 bill was updated with the passage of the Homeland Security Act in 2003.

Temporary protected status - Wikipedia

In 1990, as part of the Immigration Act of ("IMMACT"), P.L. 101–649, Congress established a procedure by which the Attorney General may provide temporary protected status to immigrants in the United States who are temporarily unable to safely return to their home country because of ongoing armed conflict, an environmental disaster, or other extraordinary and temporary conditions.

On March 1, 2003, pursuant to the Homeland Security Act of 2002, Public Law 107–296, the former Immigration and Naturalization Services of the Department of Justice was divided into three different agencies under the Department of Homeland Security, namely U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (USCBP).

As of October 2017, the authority to designate a country for temporary protected status rests with the United States Secretary of Homeland Security.
Huh? It literally says he’s expending TPS to 300k Haitian already here.

They wouldn’t need TPs if they were here legally
Already here doesn't mean here illegally you dumb Twat. If their temporary legal status was running out, like if they were here on a temporary work visa or here seeking a legal asylum claim this extends their legal status.
Both you and I have. It was in your link. The 1990 bill was updated with the passage of the Homeland Security Act in 2003.
yes I did, and no where in it does it make any reference to any future illegals, and it states any attempt to do something outside of congress is not legal. I posted the language. Here, read it again.

(In signing the bill, Bush said: “I do not interpret this [temporary protected status] provision as detracting from any authority of the executive branch to exercise prosecutorial discretion in suitable immigration cases. Any attempt to do so would raise serious constitutional questions.”)
yes I did, and no where in it does it make any reference to any future illegals, and it states any attempt to do something outside of congress is not legal. I posted the language. Here, read it again.

(In signing the bill, Bush said: “I do not interpret this [temporary protected status] provision as detracting from any authority of the executive branch to exercise prosecutorial discretion in suitable immigration cases. Any attempt to do so would raise serious constitutional questions.”)
Future illegals is a premise you haven't proven to be applicable here you stupid Twat. Establish that they were ever illegal first.
well every city in the country has job opportunities. You still haven't explained why 20,000 were needed in Springfield.

I don't know how many were needed but I've already discussed this.

If you invite people to come for jobs, give them jobs, more will come.

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