Vladimir Putin vs. Borak Obama - who would you vote for

Who would you vote for if the following 3 were on the ballot

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Only problem...Putin is far right.

Pat Buchanan Tells The Truth About Vladimir Putin That American Conservatives Don't Want To Hear

"Is Vladimir Putin a paleo-conservative?" right wing commentator Pat Buchanan wrote in a column for Townhall yesterday. "In the culture war for mankind's future, is he one of us?"

With that simple question, Buchanan has done the unthinkable — empathized with Russia's evil president — and the online world is outraged.

"Putin is a killer, a despot, and a thief on a world-historical scale," the Daily Beast's David Frum tweeted this afternoon, "but the important thing is that he hates gays!"

But Buchanan's question (and the apparently positive answer he finds) deserves more than a mere dismissal. Indeed, it may represent a broader trend among U.S. conservatives that found some unlikely people sympathizing more with Russia's president than their own — just this summer, for example, Matt Drudge branded him the "leader of the free world."

In many ways, Putin really looks a lot like a U.S.-style conservative. On the social side, he supports organized religion (in particular the Orthodox Church) and doesn't support Russia's LGBT community, while fiscally he seeks a balanced budget and low taxes. He is hard on terrorism but also steadfast in his opposition to military intervention in Syria, which places him far more in the Republican camp than the Democratic camp.

"I am sure I could put together a long list of quotes that would make Putin seem like a card-carrying member of the Tea Party," economist Clifford Gaddy, co-author of "Mr Putin: Operative in the Kremlin," told Business Insider earlier this year.

Read more: Is Vladimir Putin A US-Style Conservative? - Business Insider

No he is not far right, he misses communist Russia, so I am not sure how anyone could perceive Putin as far right unless you are far left.

However the far left and the far right are pretty much one in the same.

Then again most of the quotes about Putin being far right come from far left members trying to sell books.

So your link proves nothing other than you are a far left partisan hack!

There is nothing liberal about Russia or communism. Both are conservative.

Socialism is liberal. Communism is conservative.

Socialism is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the economy works. Democracy is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the government works. "Democracy," said Marx, "is the road to socialism." He was wrong about how economics and politics interact, but he did see their similar underpinnings.

Communism is conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just the Party Secretary) have any say in how the economy works. Republicans are conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just people controlling the Party figurehead) have any say in how the government works. The conservatives in the US are in the same position as the communists in the 30s, and for the same reason: Their revolutions failed spectacularly but they refuse to admit what went wrong. more

Socialism is liberal. Communism is conservative.

And you're ignorant!!
Only problem...Putin is far right.

Pat Buchanan Tells The Truth About Vladimir Putin That American Conservatives Don't Want To Hear

"Is Vladimir Putin a paleo-conservative?" right wing commentator Pat Buchanan wrote in a column for Townhall yesterday. "In the culture war for mankind's future, is he one of us?"

With that simple question, Buchanan has done the unthinkable — empathized with Russia's evil president — and the online world is outraged.

"Putin is a killer, a despot, and a thief on a world-historical scale," the Daily Beast's David Frum tweeted this afternoon, "but the important thing is that he hates gays!"

But Buchanan's question (and the apparently positive answer he finds) deserves more than a mere dismissal. Indeed, it may represent a broader trend among U.S. conservatives that found some unlikely people sympathizing more with Russia's president than their own — just this summer, for example, Matt Drudge branded him the "leader of the free world."

In many ways, Putin really looks a lot like a U.S.-style conservative. On the social side, he supports organized religion (in particular the Orthodox Church) and doesn't support Russia's LGBT community, while fiscally he seeks a balanced budget and low taxes. He is hard on terrorism but also steadfast in his opposition to military intervention in Syria, which places him far more in the Republican camp than the Democratic camp.

"I am sure I could put together a long list of quotes that would make Putin seem like a card-carrying member of the Tea Party," economist Clifford Gaddy, co-author of "Mr Putin: Operative in the Kremlin," told Business Insider earlier this year.

Read more: Is Vladimir Putin A US-Style Conservative? - Business Insider

No he is not far right, he misses communist Russia, so I am not sure how anyone could perceive Putin as far right unless you are far left.

However the far left and the far right are pretty much one in the same.

Then again most of the quotes about Putin being far right come from far left members trying to sell books.

So your link proves nothing other than you are a far left partisan hack!

There is nothing liberal about Russia or communism. Both are conservative.

Socialism is liberal. Communism is conservative.

Socialism is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the economy works. Democracy is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the government works. "Democracy," said Marx, "is the road to socialism." He was wrong about how economics and politics interact, but he did see their similar underpinnings.

Communism is conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just the Party Secretary) have any say in how the economy works. Republicans are conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just people controlling the Party figurehead) have any say in how the government works. The conservatives in the US are in the same position as the communists in the 30s, and for the same reason: Their revolutions failed spectacularly but they refuse to admit what went wrong. more

Talk about low-IQ
No he is not far right, he misses communist Russia, so I am not sure how anyone could perceive Putin as far right unless you are far left.

However the far left and the far right are pretty much one in the same.

Then again most of the quotes about Putin being far right come from far left members trying to sell books.

So your link proves nothing other than you are a far left partisan hack!

There is nothing liberal about Russia or communism. Both are conservative.

Socialism is liberal. Communism is conservative.

Socialism is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the economy works. Democracy is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the government works. "Democracy," said Marx, "is the road to socialism." He was wrong about how economics and politics interact, but he did see their similar underpinnings.

Communism is conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just the Party Secretary) have any say in how the economy works. Republicans are conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just people controlling the Party figurehead) have any say in how the government works. The conservatives in the US are in the same position as the communists in the 30s, and for the same reason: Their revolutions failed spectacularly but they refuse to admit what went wrong. more

Socialism is liberal. Communism is conservative.

And you're ignorant!!

Actually, communism in practice is/was the flip side of fascism, with an "international" PRETENSE. Even the Chinese are "experimenting" with free markets, what happens next is the question. Putin hid his "baptized in secret, as a child" Christianity for decades, never trust a KGB agent to tell the truth. Can China become at least nominally free, politically, now that the seeds have been sown?

Nixon, crooked as he was, deserves a large share of the credit, by opening the doors, the superiority of both a free market, and a free society, could no longer be hidden from the populace.
President Putin is something we haven't seen in awhile. He is a patriot. He has devoted his life to service to his country. He is a miles better president for Russia than our own presidunce for us. obama is simply not in the same class as a man who has studied leadership and is naturally a leader.

As far as voting for president Putin rather than obama some things have to be considered. Would a president Putin demand that the very youngest children learn the mechanics and methods of same sex practice? Would a president Putin protect religious freedom and Christianity? How about the perversion of gay pride parades, would we still have them. Or,see the national flag replaced by the rainbow rag? Would president Putin call the knock out game nothing to be alarmed about? Would he say that a street thug could be his son? Is president Putin ready to cripple his country by crushing energy prices? What would a president Putin do about the invasion on our southern border? All in all would a 13% flat tax be so bad? Home schooling is fully supported in Russia with a third of all students home schooled.

All things considered, I surely would vote for president Putin rather than obama.
Most of us have little appreciation for such as Putin and his mobster way of running things, you seem to think differently.

Most of us have little appreciation for such as Obama and his mobster way of running things. '

President Putin is something we haven't seen in awhile. He is a patriot. He has devoted his life to service to his country. He is a miles better president for Russia than our own presidunce for us. obama is simply not in the same class as a man who has studied leadership and is naturally a leader.

As far as voting for president Putin rather than obama some things have to be considered. Would a president Putin demand that the very youngest children learn the mechanics and methods of same sex practice? Would a president Putin protect religious freedom and Christianity? How about the perversion of gay pride parades, would we still have them. Or,see the national flag replaced by the rainbow rag? Would president Putin call the knock out game nothing to be alarmed about? Would he say that a street thug could be his son? Is president Putin ready to cripple his country by crushing energy prices? What would a president Putin do about the invasion on our southern border? All in all would a 13% flat tax be so bad? Home schooling is fully supported in Russia with a third of all students home schooled.

All things considered, I surely would vote for president Putin rather than obama.

It's 2006, I've just passionately made the case why Hugo Chavez would make a better leader than Bush, what would you think of me? That's right, an un-American piece of shit. You sir, are an un-American pile of elephant shit and I encourage you to emigrate to Russia as soon as possible and good riddance to bad rubbish.
President Putin is something we haven't seen in awhile. He is a patriot. He has devoted his life to service to his country. He is a miles better president for Russia than our own presidunce for us. obama is simply not in the same class as a man who has studied leadership and is naturally a leader.

As far as voting for president Putin rather than obama some things have to be considered. Would a president Putin demand that the very youngest children learn the mechanics and methods of same sex practice? Would a president Putin protect religious freedom and Christianity? How about the perversion of gay pride parades, would we still have them. Or,see the national flag replaced by the rainbow rag? Would president Putin call the knock out game nothing to be alarmed about? Would he say that a street thug could be his son? Is president Putin ready to cripple his country by crushing energy prices? What would a president Putin do about the invasion on our southern border? All in all would a 13% flat tax be so bad? Home schooling is fully supported in Russia with a third of all students home schooled.

All things considered, I surely would vote for president Putin rather than obama.

It's 2006, I've just passionately made the case why Hugo Chavez would make a better leader than Bush, what would you think of me? That's right, an un-American piece of shit. You sir, are an un-American pile of elephant shit and I encourage you to emigrate to Russia as soon as possible and good riddance to bad rubbish.

Un-American, huh. Well, I served this nation in a uniform for 23 years. Thank those of us who allow white-flag waving pansies like yourself the freedom to post and say whatever they wish.

You're welcome.
Traitors on the right would vote for a failed KGB bully who is so insecure and so inept he had to actually steal a Super Bowl ring from its rightful AMERICAN owner and literally beat up little girls in the street. I think that says everything we need to know about the RWs in this country.

I have never been as utterly and completely ashamed of my own countrymen as I am now.
President Putin is something we haven't seen in awhile. He is a patriot. He has devoted his life to service to his country. He is a miles better president for Russia than our own presidunce for us. obama is simply not in the same class as a man who has studied leadership and is naturally a leader.

As far as voting for president Putin rather than obama some things have to be considered. Would a president Putin demand that the very youngest children learn the mechanics and methods of same sex practice? Would a president Putin protect religious freedom and Christianity? How about the perversion of gay pride parades, would we still have them. Or,see the national flag replaced by the rainbow rag? Would president Putin call the knock out game nothing to be alarmed about? Would he say that a street thug could be his son? Is president Putin ready to cripple his country by crushing energy prices? What would a president Putin do about the invasion on our southern border? All in all would a 13% flat tax be so bad? Home schooling is fully supported in Russia with a third of all students home schooled.

All things considered, I surely would vote for president Putin rather than obama.

It's 2006, I've just passionately made the case why Hugo Chavez would make a better leader than Bush, what would you think of me? That's right, an un-American piece of shit. You sir, are an un-American pile of elephant shit and I encourage you to emigrate to Russia as soon as possible and good riddance to bad rubbish.

Un-American, huh. Well, I served this nation in a uniform for 23 years. Thank those of us who allow white-flag waving pansies like yourself the freedom to post and say whatever they wish.

You're welcome.

Having been in uniform makes your appreciation for Putin even more perplexing, when I was in there we didn't like Russians.
President Putin is something we haven't seen in awhile. He is a patriot. He has devoted his life to service to his country. He is a miles better president for Russia than our own presidunce for us. obama is simply not in the same class as a man who has studied leadership and is naturally a leader.

As far as voting for president Putin rather than obama some things have to be considered. Would a president Putin demand that the very youngest children learn the mechanics and methods of same sex practice? Would a president Putin protect religious freedom and Christianity? How about the perversion of gay pride parades, would we still have them. Or,see the national flag replaced by the rainbow rag? Would president Putin call the knock out game nothing to be alarmed about? Would he say that a street thug could be his son? Is president Putin ready to cripple his country by crushing energy prices? What would a president Putin do about the invasion on our southern border? All in all would a 13% flat tax be so bad? Home schooling is fully supported in Russia with a third of all students home schooled.

All things considered, I surely would vote for president Putin rather than obama.

Gingrich is a womanizer, and was horrible to his first wife, but nobody would call him stupid, or "liberal". Here he is on that wonderful "Christian" Putin:

Gingrich: Vladimir Putin is not an American - CNN.com
A little tidbit from our favorite General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union:

Having consolidated its power, and taking the lead of the peasantry, the proletariat of the victorious country can and must build a socialist society.

~ Joseph Stalin

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