Vladimir Putin vs. Borak Obama - who would you vote for

Who would you vote for if the following 3 were on the ballot

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I'd go ahead and vote for Putin. At least he admits what he really is.

He puts leftists in jail where they belong, no wonder you people like him. It's proof that American conservatives would adore some big government tyranny directed against the left if only they could get back the power to do so.
Another far left Obama drone propaganda rant!'

Go figure!

Got anything factual and based in reality to contribute?

I see you are out to prove you are incapable of constructing a paragraph.

I found a new avatar for you...

You're welcome!!!

The irony of those comment after a long cut and paste far left propaganda rant.

You should learn what 'cut and paste' means, because that wasn't a cut and paste; it was a guy using his own words to give his opinion. Something you are apparently incapable of doing.
You people are absurd. You SWALLOW every drop of faux news propaganda.

"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."
David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush

WARNING! Far left propaganda rant in progress!

Maybe when you grow up, you will be able to construct a paragraph.

Maybe IF you grow up, you'll be able to think for yourself
Vladimir Putin vs. Borak Obama - who would you vote for

Six years in, and wingnuts still don't know the name of the President Of The United States.

Disgraceful/Par for the course

The last Legal President we had was George W. Bush - Obama is not the De-Jure President - only De-Facto dictator wake up Libtard - you drank the Kool Aid didn't you ??
It's 2006, I've just passionately made the case why Hugo Chavez would make a better leader than Bush, what would you think of me? That's right, an un-American piece of shit. You sir, are an un-American pile of elephant shit and I encourage you to emigrate to Russia as soon as possible and good riddance to bad rubbish.

Un-American, huh. Well, I served this nation in a uniform for 23 years. Thank those of us who allow white-flag waving pansies like yourself the freedom to post and say whatever they wish.

You're welcome.

Having been in uniform makes your appreciation for Putin even more perplexing, when I was in there we didn't like Russians.

Years ago no one liked Russians. Eisenhower declared Russia to be the land of Godless Communists. Now we are the Godless communists.

It's surprising that so many liberals don't like Putin. He decriminalized marijuana throughout Russia. Selling it brings some serious penalties, but it's no crime to have or use it. Pot is such an article of faith among liberals, they must not know or they would have sold out the US by now.
Not much of a choice. Both have strong Anti-American Marxist beliefs. Voting 'neither' is the only logical choice.
Wow, Putin wins it. Looks like the 'Supreme Leader' is an unpopular Lame Duck for sure.
No one can say that I am a racist, and I have more legitimate reasons to hate Russia than any politician on the media, but I believe Putin would be a better president for America, and I am not interested in any race cards.

Not interested in any race cards? How about the commie-lover card? Because you've earned that for sure.

Carry on Comrade.
We're not surprised by you commie-lovers any more! :lol:

Carry on Comrades.

Uh dummie, your Supreme Leader's a Commie. Man, too many low-information voters these days.

The KGB "rocket man" is all YOURS.

I'm not big on any of the choices. Putin and Obama are actually very similar. Both are Dictator Megalomaniacs who have roots in Anti-American Marxism. But Putin does seems to love his Country and People. I just don't sense that with Obama. He comes off as Anti-American and divisive. He's put Foreign Interests and his own, above the American Peoples' interests. His Illegal Immigration debacle is proof of that. So like i said earlier, none of the above would have been the best choice.
Uh dummie, your Supreme Leader's a Commie. Man, too many low-information voters these days.

The KGB "rocket man" is all YOURS.

While the far left tries their best to mock Putin, they secretly admire him, just like they did Hitler and Stalin..

As opposed to the right flat out sucking his weenie?

Un-American, huh. Well, I served this nation in a uniform for 23 years. Thank those of us who allow white-flag waving pansies like yourself the freedom to post and say whatever they wish.

You're welcome.

Having been in uniform makes your appreciation for Putin even more perplexing, when I was in there we didn't like Russians.

Years ago no one liked Russians. Eisenhower declared Russia to be the land of Godless Communists. Now we are the Godless communists.

It's surprising that so many liberals don't like Putin. He decriminalized marijuana throughout Russia. Selling it brings some serious penalties, but it's no crime to have or use it. Pot is such an article of faith among liberals, they must not know or they would have sold out the US by now.
Uh dummie, your Supreme Leader's a Commie. Man, too many low-information voters these days.

The KGB "rocket man" is all YOURS.

I'm not big on any of the choices. Putin and Obama are actually very similar. Both are Dictator Megalomaniacs who have roots in Anti-American Marxism. But Putin does seems to love his Country and People. I just don't sense that with Obama. He comes off as Anti-American and divisive. He's put Foreign Interests and his own, above the American Peoples' interests. His Illegal Immigration debacle is proof of that. So like i said earlier, none of the above would have been the best choice.
We can't trust Obama; he hates us and looks dorky in his housewife jeans. Putin is a stud by comparison.

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