Vladimir Putin vs. Borak Obama - who would you vote for

Who would you vote for if the following 3 were on the ballot

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Putin WINS, so if Russian armed separatists shot down the passenger plane, Putin will receive thanks from his supporters here obviously.
No I thank THIS guy:


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Both are Anti-American Marxists. Both are Dictator Megalomaniacs. But you get a real sense Putin loves his Nation and his People. You just don't sense that with Obama. He's Anti-American and divisive. But he can't help it. He was raised on that. And Putin does seem to be a stronger Leader. So it's Putin by a hair. But 'None of the Above' should have been included in this Poll.
Obama/Putin or McCain? was this poll to be a joke, pick a dictator, a wanabe king or a bottom feeder?

If there was the option of "none of the above" it would overwhelmingly win... Just think, you progressives have to compare Obama to PUTIN these days to make him look good because people preferred BUSH over Obama at this point.

The Dem party better get off their ass and start restructuring like the Reps have done.
Typical. In Communist Russia, you get one hand picked choice. Yeah or nay for that candidate. In Capitalistic America, you get two cherry picked choices. Perhaps, I don't care do get involved in this self satisfied circle jerk? Maybe I want to use my free will and choose someone outside, not named? I am just wasting my vote. So, why bother? They won't win and this is just a Hobson's choice. I might be a tad...cynical about this political sh-t, er, I mean malarkey.
Typical. In Communist Russia, you get one hand picked choice. Yeah or nay for that candidate. In Capitalistic America, you get two cherry picked choices. Perhaps, I don't care do get involved in this self satisfied circle jerk? Maybe I want to use my free will and choose someone outside, not named? I am just wasting my vote. So, why bother? They won't win and this is just a Hobson's choice. I might be a tad...cynical about this political sh-t, er, I mean malarkey.

In Rossiya you get one option; here you get one option, but in a choice of red or blue. The weird thing is, we think that's two choices. Then we spend the next four years bickering about which color works/woulda worked better.

"Under capitalism, man exploits man; under communism it's the other way around" -- J.K. Galbraith
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Gee, two days ago Obama was BEHIND Pooty Poot, now ahead three votes.....wonder what happened?:lol::lol::lol::lol:

George W. Bush: "I looked into his SOUL". Is that why SOME conservatives love the KGB agent?
Typical. In Communist Russia, you get one hand picked choice. Yeah or nay for that candidate. In Capitalistic America, you get two cherry picked choices. Perhaps, I don't care do get involved in this self satisfied circle jerk? Maybe I want to use my free will and choose someone outside, not named? I am just wasting my vote. So, why bother? They won't win and this is just a Hobson's choice. I might be a tad...cynical about this political sh-t, er, I mean malarkey.

In Rossiya you get one option; here you get one option, but in a choice of red or blue. The weird thing is, we think that's two choices. Then we spend the next four years bickering about which color works/woulda worked better.

"Under capitalism, man exploits man; under communism it's the other way around" -- J.K. Galbraith

Typical. In Communist Russia, you get one hand picked choice. Yeah or nay for that candidate. In Capitalistic America, you get two cherry picked choices. Perhaps, I don't care do get involved in this self satisfied circle jerk? Maybe I want to use my free will and choose someone outside, not named? I am just wasting my vote. So, why bother? They won't win and this is just a Hobson's choice. I might be a tad...cynical about this political sh-t, er, I mean malarkey.

I have some news for you, the USSR fell apart a couple decades ago. Putin was a "secret Christian" while moving up to top tier Soviet KGB, he didn't let that effect his work though. There are competing parties in today's Russia, but those who long for the "good old Soviet days" like Pooty Poot, are throwbacks, he wants a one party system. A one party Chrsitian nation of jihadniks.
I can not believe Islamo fascist terrorist backing Obama has taken the lead over Vladimir Putin

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