Vote Democrat???

In all seriousness, given that the list given in the OP are things that have all received some high level democrat support, can you as an American be on board with those policies? don't believe that thinking is even the slightest requirement for their voters, do you?

Like the 'good Germans,' they do what they are told.

“Abolishing cars and planes “ is a fact ?

All you do is cut n paste a bunch of BS. You wouldn’t know a fact if you saw one .
If you eliminate fossil fuels, how do you think cars and planes are going to operate? And please don't stupidly say electricity because fossil fuels provide most of that.

82% of the world's energy is from fossil fuels.

Try replacing that with solar and wind power.

Any of these stupid Moon Bats that hate fossil fuel should be required to stop using it. Lets see how long it would take for them to start whistling another tune.
Solar and wind are just put out there to keep the stupid left with their libtard liberal arts degree educations occupied and amused. Anyone with any background in the sciences, enginerring and math knows it's a farce. Remember these are the same clowns buying electric cars. There is an endless supply of fools in this country and no shortage of con artists willing to take them for all they're worth.
It’s always amusing to see ignorant uneducated trumptards try to pretend to talk policy

Poor little imbeciles
The Left in this country preaches hate to get division to get power.
Some example of hate speech from your post:
  • The Democrats are the scum of this country;
  • Negroes that vote their race and welfare check,
  • environmental wackos,
  • anti gun nuts, queers,
  • Feminazis,
  • welfare queens,
  • stupid Moon Bats,
  • greedy union bosses,
  • confused college punks
  • bat shit crazy Marxists professors.
  • scumbags
  • dependent welfare class
  • greedy scum
  • hate personal liberty
  • love welfare dependency
  • make this country a Socialist shithole
  • get their free stuff
Tell me again who preaches hate?

And you posted that Republicans hate Americans, Republicans hate America, you mean that type of hate speech?
No you hate America because you hate everyone who isn’t white supremacist Christian lowlife
The Left in this country preaches hate to get division to get power.
Some example of hate speech from your post:
  • The Democrats are the scum of this country;
  • Negroes that vote their race and welfare check,
  • environmental wackos,
  • anti gun nuts, queers,
  • Feminazis,
  • welfare queens,
  • stupid Moon Bats,
  • greedy union bosses,
  • confused college punks
  • bat shit crazy Marxists professors.
  • scumbags
  • dependent welfare class
  • greedy scum
  • hate personal liberty
  • love welfare dependency
  • make this country a Socialist shithole
  • get their free stuff
Tell me again who preaches hate?

Just the facts Moon Bat.
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

"Modern-Day MLK Jr. Has Dream That One Day Everybody Will Be Judged By The Color Of Their Skin

April 24th, 2019

BERKELEY, CA—Local college student Zax Lindell is being heralded as "the next Martin Luther King, Jr." after he announced that he has a dream that one day everyone will be judged by the color of their skin.

The liberal student activist announced that he wants all people to be able to come together and judge each other solely by skin color, utilizing the complicated matrices and point system of intersectionality.

"It's a radical idea, but one I hope our nation can soon realize," Lindell said. "One day, everyone in this nation will simply look at a white person and know immediately they're part of the problem. They can also look at a minority and realize that person is righteous because they are oppressed by systems of whiteness."

"I have a dream that one day we will live in a nation where we will not be judged by the content of our character, but whether we're evil white men or innocent, oppressed minorities," he said as a crowd of his classmates began to gather and cheer him on. "I have a dream that one day every oppressed minority status will be exalted, every white person will be made low, and every straight person will be made gay, and the glory of Marxist systems of social justice shall be revealed, and we shall all see it together!"

"Except for white people, of course!" he shouted over the thunderous applause of the crowd."
Modern-Day MLK Jr. Has Dream That One Day Everybody Will Be Judged By The Color Of Their Skin
Congratulations on a new, fake news low. The Babylon Bee is a satirical evangelical Christian website. The site publishes satirical stories focusing on well- known pastors, celebrities, and politicians. don't believe that thinking is even the slightest requirement for their voters, do you?

Like the 'good Germans,' they do what they are told.

“Abolishing cars and planes “ is a fact ?

All you do is cut n paste a bunch of BS. You wouldn’t know a fact if you saw one .
If you eliminate fossil fuels, how do you think cars and planes are going to operate? And please don't stupidly say electricity because fossil fuels provide most of that.

82% of the world's energy is from fossil fuels.

Try replacing that with solar and wind power.

Any of these stupid Moon Bats that hate fossil fuel should be required to stop using it. Lets see how long it would take for them to start whistling another tune.
Solar and wind are just put out there to keep the stupid left with their libtard liberal arts degree educations occupied and amused. Anyone with any background in the sciences, enginerring and math knows it's a farce. Remember these are the same clowns buying electric cars. There is an endless supply of fools in this country and no shortage of con artists willing to take them for all they're worth.
It’s always amusing to see ignorant uneducated trumptards try to pretend to talk policy

Poor little imbeciles

...and what "policy" do the stupid Libtards have?

The only one is to make America a Socialist shithole so that you can get your free stuff.
The Left in this country preaches hate to get division to get power.
Some example of hate speech from your post:
  • The Democrats are the scum of this country;
  • Negroes that vote their race and welfare check,
  • environmental wackos,
  • anti gun nuts, queers,
  • Feminazis,
  • welfare queens,
  • stupid Moon Bats,
  • greedy union bosses,
  • confused college punks
  • bat shit crazy Marxists professors.
  • scumbags
  • dependent welfare class
  • greedy scum
  • hate personal liberty
  • love welfare dependency
  • make this country a Socialist shithole
  • get their free stuff
Tell me again who preaches hate?

And you posted that Republicans hate Americans, Republicans hate America, you mean that type of hate speech?
I never said or implied that Republicans hate America, they love the abstract concept of America. It is many of the people that actually live here that many Republicans hate: Dems, gays, etc.
The Left in this country preaches hate to get division to get power.
Some example of hate speech from your post:
  • The Democrats are the scum of this country;
  • Negroes that vote their race and welfare check,
  • environmental wackos,
  • anti gun nuts, queers,
  • Feminazis,
  • welfare queens,
  • stupid Moon Bats,
  • greedy union bosses,
  • confused college punks
  • bat shit crazy Marxists professors.
  • scumbags
  • dependent welfare class
  • greedy scum
  • hate personal liberty
  • love welfare dependency
  • make this country a Socialist shithole
  • get their free stuff
Tell me again who preaches hate?

And you posted that Republicans hate Americans, Republicans hate America, you mean that type of hate speech?
No you hate America because you hate everyone who isn’t white supremacist Christian lowlife

I don’t hate America or Americans, not anyone else for that matter. Where have I said otherwise?
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

In fact, in the last several weeks, the candidates have gone even further toward revealing itself as the kamikaze party.

Some of it’s enticements, offerings, include:

Not just refusing to finance a wall on the southern border….but tearing down existing barriers

Abolishing ICE

Scrapping the electoral college

Eliminating all private health insurance

Packing the Supreme Court

Lowering the voting age to sixteen

Banning cars and airplanes

Financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work’

Reparations for slavery

Reparations for drug dealers

Giving murders and rapists the vote

On the bright side, there would be huggggggge financial savings in the area of psychological testing, as ‘would you vote Democrat’ is the single question test for mental illness.

At about 15 minutes in.....

Beto O'Rourke want to arrest ICE for enforcement of immigration laws.
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

In fact, in the last several weeks, the candidates have gone even further toward revealing itself as the kamikaze party.

Some of it’s enticements, offerings, include:

Not just refusing to finance a wall on the southern border….but tearing down existing barriers

Abolishing ICE

Scrapping the electoral college

Eliminating all private health insurance

Packing the Supreme Court

Lowering the voting age to sixteen

Banning cars and airplanes

Financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work’

Reparations for slavery

Reparations for drug dealers

Giving murders and rapists the vote

On the bright side, there would be huggggggge financial savings in the area of psychological testing, as ‘would you vote Democrat’ is the single question test for mental illness.

At about 15 minutes in.....

Since you live lies and spreading lies so much, just stick wh voting GOP.

What did she say that was a lie? Pretty much everything on that list has been endorsed by a high profile Democrat at some point, so I think the better question is, why are you spreading a lie by denying it?

“ Banning cars and airplanes” is a lie . don't believe that thinking is even the slightest requirement for their voters, do you?

Like the 'good Germans,' they do what they are told.

“Abolishing cars and planes “ is a fact ?

All you do is cut n paste a bunch of BS. You wouldn’t know a fact if you saw one .
If you eliminate fossil fuels, how do you think cars and planes are going to operate? And please don't stupidly say electricity because fossil fuels provide most of that.

82% of the world's energy is from fossil fuels.

Try replacing that with solar and wind power.

Any of these stupid Moon Bats that hate fossil fuel should be required to stop using it. Lets see how long it would take for them to start whistling another tune.
Solar and wind are just put out there to keep the stupid left with their libtard liberal arts degree educations occupied and amused. Anyone with any background in the sciences, enginerring and math knows it's a farce. Remember these are the same clowns buying electric cars. There is an endless supply of fools in this country and no shortage of con artists willing to take them for all they're worth.
It’s always amusing to see ignorant uneducated trumptards try to pretend to talk policy

Poor little imbeciles

Did you say 'educated'???????

Any who have had the misfortune of seeing your posts recognizes that you are far from educated.

BTW....are you still voting for the anti-Semite party???
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

In fact, in the last several weeks, the candidates have gone even further toward revealing itself as the kamikaze party.

Some of it’s enticements, offerings, include:

Not just refusing to finance a wall on the southern border….but tearing down existing barriers

Abolishing ICE

Scrapping the electoral college

Eliminating all private health insurance

Packing the Supreme Court

Lowering the voting age to sixteen

Banning cars and airplanes

Financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work’

Reparations for slavery

Reparations for drug dealers

Giving murders and rapists the vote

On the bright side, there would be huggggggge financial savings in the area of psychological testing, as ‘would you vote Democrat’ is the single question test for mental illness.

At about 15 minutes in.....

Since you live lies and spreading lies so much, just stick wh voting GOP.

What did she say that was a lie? Pretty much everything on that list has been endorsed by a high profile Democrat at some point, so I think the better question is, why are you spreading a lie by denying it?

“ Banning cars and airplanes” is a lie .

“ Banning cars and airplanes” is a lie ."

Let's check.

"Green New Deal's Plan For Planes, Trains, And Automobiles Won't Work

Totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary, create affordable public transit available to all, with goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle”

Green New Deal's Plan For Planes, Trains, And Automobiles Won't Work

"replace every combustion-engine vehicle” didn't know that cars and planes use internal combustion engines????

"Today, most general aviation or private airplanes are still powered by propellers and internal combustion engines, much like your automobile engine. ... Inside the cylinder is a moving piston which compresses a mixture of fuel and air before combustion and is then forced back down the cylinder following combustion." Internal Combustion Engine - Glenn Research Center - NASA
Internal Combustion Engine

Remember when I said you were stooooooopid???

I overestimated you, you dunce.
Just the facts Moon Bat.
That's your problem, you don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion.

You are confused Moon Bat. You can't recognize facts when you see them.

It is a fact that the filthy ass Democrat Party's agenda is to use the government to steal money and redistribute to their greedy constituency.

It is a fact that the filthy ass Democrat Party hates the concept of individual liberty when they are fixated on collectivism

It is a fact they assholes in the Democrat Party uses racial turmoil to solidify their minority voting base.

It is a fact that the filthy Democrats hate the Constitution when it conflicts with their agenda to make this country a socialist shithole. They hate freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the right to keep and bear arms. They don't believe that you are innocent until proven guilty. They even hate the 13th Amendment because they want us all to be slaves of the state. .

It is a fact that the last Democrat President was a disaster for this country with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth.

It is a fact that the Democrats have nothing for this country except the hate spew with their filthy Trump Derangement Syndrome. That is their only platform for 2020. Well that and the "free stuff" bullshit you hear from all the idiot candidates.

The Democrats are the scum of this country. Only an idiot would vote for them.

You need to pull your head out of your Libtard ass. You sound like a moron trying to defend the indefensible.
“ Banning cars and airplanes” is a lie ."

Let's check...
There is a difference between banning and replacing with something better. Whatever the GND says, internal combustion engines will eventually disappear because they will be replaced with more economical, efficient systems. Tax incentives will only speed up the inevitable.
Just the facts Moon Bat.
That's your problem, you don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion.

You are confused Moon Bat. You can't recognize facts when you see them.

It is a fact that the filthy ass Democrat Party's agenda is to use the government to steal money and redistribute to their greedy constituency.

It is a fact that the filthy ass Democrat Party hates the concept of individual liberty when they are fixated on collectivism

It is a fact they assholes in the Democrat Party uses racial turmoil to solidify their minority voting base.

It is a fact that the filthy Democrats hate the Constitution when it conflicts with their agenda to make this country a socialist shithole. They hate freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the right to keep and bear arms. They don't believe that you are innocent until proven guilty. They even hate the 13th Amendment because they want us all to be slaves of the state. .

It is a fact that the last Democrat President was a disaster for this country with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth.

It is a fact that the Democrats have nothing for this country except the hate spew with their filthy Trump Derangement Syndrome. That is their only platform for 2020. Well that and the "free stuff" bullshit you hear from all the idiot candidates.

The Democrats are the scum of this country. Only an idiot would vote for them.

You need to pull your head out of your Libtard ass. You sound like a moron trying to defend the indefensible.
An interesting excursion in your personal fantasy land. Not much in the way of facts there but I'll pick one example:

"It is a fact that the filthy ass Democrat Party's agenda is to use the government to steal money and redistribute to their greedy constituency."

Let me remind you that it was the Trump tax plan that had the gov't borrow money, that taxpayers are on the hook for, so the taxes can be lowered on corporations and the rich. They get a disproportionate share of the borrowed money. Sounds like theft, greed, and redistribution of wealth.
It is a fact that the filthy ass Democrat Party's agenda is to use the government to steal money and redistribute to their greedy constituency.
"It is a fact that the filthy ass Democrat Party's agenda is to use the government to steal money and redistribute to their greedy constituency."

Let me remind you that it was the Trump tax plan that had the gov't borrow money, that taxpayers are on the hook for, so the taxes can be lowered on corporations and the rich. They get a disproportionate share of the borrowed money. Sounds like theft, greed, and redistribution of wealth.

You're both right. The Democrats want to steal from the productive and give to the non-productive and the Republicans want to steal from future generations by putting everything on a credit card. Neither party is doing right by America.
A vote for a Democrat is a vote AGAINST America.

A vote for modern Democrat Candidates is a vote for Barbarism and Savagery.

What the modern American Left has built itself upon, runs for office on, preaches and practices:

-That it is virtuous and morally sane to murder one's unborn and born children.
-That it is virtuous to mutilate the bodies of our children in order to align with, worship their ideology of transgenderism.
-That it's virtuous to allow mass crime (Dallas Prosecutor, West Coast States' politicians).
-That it is virtuous to replace generational American Citizens of all cultures and creeds with foreign born immigrant waves.
-That it is virtuous to praise Allah, Islam and the Islamic Caliphate while damning God, Christianity and America.
-That it is virtuous to burn down American Heritage and History and replace it with Bolshevik inspired insanity.
-That it is a virtue to be identified as a group, not an individual.
-That it is a virtue to surrender all means of protecting our families from violence.
-That it is a virtue for criminals to have more rights than law abiding citizens.
-That it is a virtue to despise law enforcement, soldiers and anyone else who puts their life on the line to protect us.
-I could go on and on for thousands of more words . . .

Here Here. The man sees very clearly.

More so, the Left have corrupted the Democratic Party now to the point that as per Alinsky, Cloward and Piven, they are trying to overload the system, break it down, collapse the rule of law and we can no longer rely on the normal machinery of our republic to deal with it all in a timely and effective fashion. Stronger, new, more effective means must be brought to bear on what has become an assault on our very way of life and identity.

Remember, WE WERE AMERICA, have been for 250 years, until these clowns came along and decided it just didn't suit THEM. When we decided Britain didn't suit us, we left and formed the USA, but they want to simply take our country from us now, what we built.

They call it PROGRESS.


Fight and win. Do nothing and lose.
A vote for a Democrat is a vote AGAINST America.

A vote for modern Democrat Candidates is a vote for Barbarism and Savagery.

What the modern American Left has built itself upon, runs for office on, preaches and practices:

-That it is virtuous and morally sane to murder one's unborn and born children.
-That it is virtuous to mutilate the bodies of our children in order to align with, worship their ideology of transgenderism.
-That it's virtuous to allow mass crime (Dallas Prosecutor, West Coast States' politicians).
-That it is virtuous to replace generational American Citizens of all cultures and creeds with foreign born immigrant waves.
-That it is virtuous to praise Allah, Islam and the Islamic Caliphate while damning God, Christianity and America.
-That it is virtuous to burn down American Heritage and History and replace it with Bolshevik inspired insanity.
-That it is a virtue to be identified as a group, not an individual.
-That it is a virtue to surrender all means of protecting our families from violence.
-That it is a virtue for criminals to have more rights than law abiding citizens.
-That it is a virtue to despise law enforcement, soldiers and anyone else who puts their life on the line to protect us.
-I could go on and on for thousands of more words . . .

Here Here. The man sees very clearly.

More so, the Left have corrupted the Democratic Party now to the point that as per Alinsky, Cloward and Piven, they are trying to overload the system, break it down, collapse the rule of law and we can no longer rely on the normal machinery of our republic to deal with it all in a timely and effective fashion. Stronger, new, more effective means must be brought to bear on what has become an assault on our very way of life and identity.

Remember, WE WERE AMERICA, have been for 250 years, until these clowns came along and decided it just didn't suit THEM. When we decided Britain didn't suit us, we left and formed the USA, but they want to simply take our country from us now, what we built.

They call it PROGRESS.


Fight and win. Do nothing and lose.
Lots of hysterical rantings but I do agree with one sentence: "Do nothing and lose". If there is anything to be learned from nature and history it is "do nothing and lose" and the corollary, evolve and survive.

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