Vote fraud? CA orders DMV to remove illegal alien code from license database

You're scared.
Spits the loser who was too scared to answer my question. :badgrin:
Which question?
Exactly how rightarded are you?? The question I asked in the post you replied to. :eusa_doh:
Idiot....we have had multiple exchanges. So which one and what question? Hot damn you're stupid, boy.
Dayam, you're even more rightarded than I thought. :ack-1: I just told you which post my question was in.

I did answer that question.
What a fucking retard. I said they'd probably easily find a million illegal votes in CA, but probably not 3 to 5 million. I answered it in a reply to Care4all though.
He is scared...his mind is spinning and now he is incoherently bubbling nonsense...that's my take on it. No person with right mind would be such a stupid hack. Total confusion...

It cracks me up to see how easy it is to get under the skin of you crotchety old kooks.
Uh..your projection is pleasing to observe. You are totally out of whack.....a few more posts and you will lose the little composure you have left..
Another brain-dead conservative reaches deep into his wit and comes up with another, I know you are but what am I, retort. :eusa_doh:
I am not well versed in rhetorical retorts but am familiar with the one we distill stuff with...:badgrin:
You've demonstrated your abilities in your pre-K.
You are dumbass after all having no idea of finer sarcasm... what an imbecile....You couldn't get it could you?
What a fucking retard. I said they'd probably easily find a million illegal votes in CA, but probably not 3 to 5 million. I answered it in a reply to Care4all though.
It could be between 3 and 5 million...
I did not bookmark (unfortunately) an analysis about it. I'll see if I can find it. The numbers came about 3.5 - 4 million...
It would not surprise me at all.
Illegals voted by the millions in California alone and everybody knows it.

California Officials Instruct State DMV Programmers To Remove Undocumented Alien Flags on Drivers Licenses…

jan 25 2017 A senior level IT source within the California Department of Motor Vehicles has informed CTH within the past 48 hours California officials have instructed DMV data programmers to remove the internal coding flags for the drivers licenses of illegal aliens in California.

As you might be aware, California passed a law known as AB60 authorizing illegal aliens to receive drivers licenses throughout the state. Within the administrative functions of the state DMV database a designation code known as “AB60 code” was created to flag those specific licenses as containing “Federal Limits Apply”.

The removal of the “flag” via deletion of the program code, means the database cannot be easily filtered to show only illegals who received those Drivers licenses, and/or generate a list of those license recipients.

According to the IT source the motive for the code/flag removal appears to be an effort hide data and curtail any tool useful in any voter fraud investigation. Several additional aspects lead to this conclusion including California hiring former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to lead the fight against the Trump administration.

What is California AB-60?
California Assembly Bill 60 ( AB-60) is a bill passed into law that, in effect, allows illegal immigrants to the United States to apply for a California driver's license with the CA Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

Previous to this bill, driver's licenses were only issued to California residents who could prove their legal presence in the United States, usually by providing a Social Security number. Per AB-60, a California resident who cannot prove their legal presence in the U.S. can still apply for a driver's license as long as they can prove their identity AND California residency, as well as pass all required tests for an original driver's license.

This is a special driver's license that:

  • May NOT be used for identification purposes.
  • MAY be used to drive anywhere throughout the state of California.
  • Has a distinguishing feature and notice on the front of the license indicating that it is for driving purposes only, per the AB-60 law (i.e. “DP" instead of “DL").
  • Cannot be used against the license holder to determine their immigration status or citizenship, or detain them in any way for reasons other than valid traffic violations.
Now that trump has in effect declared war on those undocumented (those non citizens who have children who are citizens) fear being snapped up by law enforcement, simply for a traffic infraction, and given to ICE for formal (or less than formal, i.e. deprived of Due Process) deportation.

trumps by-pass of Congress and thoughtless, as well as callous, disregard for others is becoming typical, mean spirited if not a new form of fascism. Expect more resistance, more protest and greater order to be the word of the day from the White House.

BTW, did anyone wonder why trump's EO preventing Muslims from many countries to be extremely vetted, and yet did not name the nation where 19 Saudis nationals hijacked planes and killed thousands? Consider in your minds eye those who jumped to their death rather than to burn alive with the young Syrian children who died fleeing Assad.
In CA you can register via internet. Blank absentee ballots come via mail. The only check is a signature on the envelope when mailed back, not on the ballot. there are DEM groups all over who's job is to get any and all registered to vote. They get them signed up at worksites. Ballots come in mail later. Who actually fills out and returns it? Gotcha.

Or you can vote "day of" w/o ID, provisional.
You can register online but that doesn't guarantee you'll be registered. The state verifies every applicant for eligibility. Provisional ballots are also verified before they're counted, if they're counted at all.

Dem Operatives (picture the Veritas videos)go around and batch register illegals permanent absentee at worksites. The illegals probably don't understand. ballots show up later at election times. Are they still there? Someone helps them fill them out, slap a sig on outside of envelope presto u got a vote. No where to check the sig as they registered online using DL # if they had that DMV may have sig? But the sig is on flap of envelopes I beleive only. Ballot is barcoded. Do u think anyone is available to check 1mil of these thangs? And 1mil provisional ballots? And check the dead? Double registered children at home and moved out? absentee is chock full of openings to extra votes.

More later......need PC
Last edited:
Illegals voted by the millions in California alone and everybody knows it.

California Officials Instruct State DMV Programmers To Remove Undocumented Alien Flags on Drivers Licenses…

jan 25 2017 A senior level IT source within the California Department of Motor Vehicles has informed CTH within the past 48 hours California officials have instructed DMV data programmers to remove the internal coding flags for the drivers licenses of illegal aliens in California.

As you might be aware, California passed a law known as AB60 authorizing illegal aliens to receive drivers licenses throughout the state. Within the administrative functions of the state DMV database a designation code known as “AB60 code” was created to flag those specific licenses as containing “Federal Limits Apply”.

The removal of the “flag” via deletion of the program code, means the database cannot be easily filtered to show only illegals who received those Drivers licenses, and/or generate a list of those license recipients.

According to the IT source the motive for the code/flag removal appears to be an effort hide data and curtail any tool useful in any voter fraud investigation. Several additional aspects lead to this conclusion including California hiring former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to lead the fight against the Trump administration.

What is California AB-60?
California Assembly Bill 60 ( AB-60) is a bill passed into law that, in effect, allows illegal immigrants to the United States to apply for a California driver's license with the CA Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

Previous to this bill, driver's licenses were only issued to California residents who could prove their legal presence in the United States, usually by providing a Social Security number. Per AB-60, a California resident who cannot prove their legal presence in the U.S. can still apply for a driver's license as long as they can prove their identity AND California residency, as well as pass all required tests for an original driver's license.

This is a special driver's license that:

  • May NOT be used for identification purposes.
  • MAY be used to drive anywhere throughout the state of California.
  • Has a distinguishing feature and notice on the front of the license indicating that it is for driving purposes only, per the AB-60 law (i.e. “DP" instead of “DL").
  • Cannot be used against the license holder to determine their immigration status or citizenship, or detain them in any way for reasons other than valid traffic violations.
Now that trump has in effect declared war on those undocumented (those non citizens who have children who are citizens) fear being snapped up by law enforcement, simply for a traffic infraction, and given to ICE for formal (or less than formal, i.e. deprived of Due Process) deportation.

trumps by-pass of Congress and thoughtless, as well as callous, disregard for others is becoming typical, mean spirited if not a new form of fascism. Expect more resistance, more protest and greater order to be the word of the day from the White House.

*BTW, did anyone wonder why trump's EO preventing Muslims from many countries to be extremely vetted, and yet did not name the nation where 19 Saudis nationals hijacked planes and killed thousands?* Consider in your minds eye those who jumped to their death rather than to burn alive with the young Syrian children who died fleeing Assad.
Replying to comment between *'s:

They hijacked the planes in the you want Trump to ban Muslims from the US?
I heard CA had 17 propositions last vote. Almost all of them so confusing you need legal help to understand. No way any "illegal" is going to understand, they are given the "answers". There were no "R" on the ballot other than maybe few local phonies? It is one party rule. Anything goes.

Sidenote: one ballot was forced condoms in porn, it failed. That may be the only one understandable.

Brought tuo you by google type talk and edits.
Spits the loser who was too scared to answer my question. :badgrin:
Which question?
Exactly how rightarded are you?? The question I asked in the post you replied to. :eusa_doh:
Idiot....we have had multiple exchanges. So which one and what question? Hot damn you're stupid, boy.
Dayam, you're even more rightarded than I thought. :ack-1: I just told you which post my question was in.

I did answer that question.

Now you're claiming you answered a question after actually admitting you didn't know which question I was referring to.

You are completely brain-dead.

Even worse, after admitting you didn't know which question I was referring to, even though I told you where to find it, you now think you can bluff your way through this by pretending you answered, when if fact, you haven't even made a post on that subject since.

:spinner: :spinner: :spinner:
What a fucking retard. I said they'd probably easily find a million illegal votes in CA, but probably not 3 to 5 million. I answered it in a reply to Care4all though.

Putz, you answered my question before I even asked it??


Rightard, you answered the questions, "so what is your prediction? 3 to 5 million people in California voted illegally like Trump said?"

^^^ That ^^^ was not my question.


It cracks me up to see how easy it is to get under the skin of you crotchety old kooks.
Uh..your projection is pleasing to observe. You are totally out of whack.....a few more posts and you will lose the little composure you have left..
Another brain-dead conservative reaches deep into his wit and comes up with another, I know you are but what am I, retort. :eusa_doh:
I am not well versed in rhetorical retorts but am familiar with the one we distill stuff with...:badgrin:
You've demonstrated your abilities in your pre-K.
You are dumbass after all having no idea of finer sarcasm... what an imbecile....You couldn't get it could you?

To you pre-Kers, the equivalent of, "I know you are but what am I," is "finer sarcasm."

They don't call it DMV for nuttin honey, Department Mexican Voters.

Do remember all the times Mexican DMV worker caught selling DL to mexicans? Yeah, that's right. many not caught? So now they just hand them out. You think they put the "DP" on them as they should? Or "DL"

Bring an SS# ....... lol.....that's corrupted too Wrrycatcher. Sigh.....Dems gamed all systems.
They are just scared shitless about possible investigation. What they do is nothing else than preemptive strike to discourage the investigation. They know the investigation will uncover their machinations what have been going on for decades.
Rightard, voter fraud has been investigated countless times because you schmucks whine about it so much. Bush spent 5 years investigating voter fraud and found what sane people already knew -- there is no widespread voter fraud.
Just sit back and relax if you can. Perhaps you cannot since you are about to get busted defying our democratic elections. Despicable creatures....
so what is your prediction? 3 to 5 million people in California voted illegally like Trump said?
I am not predicting anything. When the investigation is over there will be reason and firm grounds to strengthen our voter registration and require voter ID to vote and if possible only in person at he polling places. But I am not sure the latter would be brought up. Even Mexico has stringent voter ID laws.
They even have a wall on their southern border. Bunch of xenophobic racists those Mexicans.
Hey, look -- I found your Mexico/Guatemala border wall! But where are the gun turrets?



You're such a dumb fucking idiot.
Illegals voted by the millions in California alone and everybody knows it.
Seems unlikely since there are only about 3 million illegals in California.

Careful What You Wish For: Here’s What California Would Look Like Without Illegal Immigrants
On the subject of illegal immigration, the nation’s most populous state may also be the most hypocritical......the fact that illegal immigration has become a cash cow for California. A recent report by researchers at the University of Southern California, for example, says immigrants who are in California illegally make up nearly 10 percent of the state’s workers and contribute $130 billion annually to its gross domestic product......The study found that the estimated 2.6 million immigrants who are living in California illegally account for as much as 38 percent of the agriculture industry. Farming insiders put the figure at over 50 percent. Illegal immigrants also constitute at least 14 percent of the construction industry. You’ll also find them well represented in the hospitality industry, landscaping industry, and just about every other line of work in the state that requires breaking a sweat.
What a fucking retard. I said they'd probably easily find a million illegal votes in CA, but probably not 3 to 5 million. I answered it in a reply to Care4all though.

Putz, you answered my question before I even asked it??


Rightard, you answered the questions, "so what is your prediction? 3 to 5 million people in California voted illegally like Trump said?"

^^^ That ^^^ was not my question.

I don't think Trump said 3 to 5 million people in California alone, but when you include al the other leftie states with similar lax laws towards illegals and voting, that could very well be the case. Why are the lefties so upset that he's launched an investigation?
What a fucking retard. I said they'd probably easily find a million illegal votes in CA, but probably not 3 to 5 million. I answered it in a reply to Care4all though.

Putz, you answered my question before I even asked it??


Rightard, you answered the questions, "so what is your prediction? 3 to 5 million people in California voted illegally like Trump said?"

^^^ That ^^^ was not my question.

I don't think Trump said 3 to 5 million people in California alone, but when you include al the other leftie states with similar lax laws towards illegals and voting, that could very well be the case. Why are the lefties so upset that he's launched an investigation?
I also don't believe he sad that. I quoted the question to OffensivelyOpenMinded.

And the laws are not as lax as you seem to think. In California, for example, the laws prevent illegals from getting registered to vote.
Rightard, voter fraud has been investigated countless times because you schmucks whine about it so much. Bush spent 5 years investigating voter fraud and found what sane people already knew -- there is no widespread voter fraud.
Just sit back and relax if you can. Perhaps you cannot since you are about to get busted defying our democratic elections. Despicable creatures....
so what is your prediction? 3 to 5 million people in California voted illegally like Trump said?
I am not predicting anything. When the investigation is over there will be reason and firm grounds to strengthen our voter registration and require voter ID to vote and if possible only in person at he polling places. But I am not sure the latter would be brought up. Even Mexico has stringent voter ID laws.
They even have a wall on their southern border. Bunch of xenophobic racists those Mexicans.
Hey, look -- I found your Mexico/Guatemala border wall! But where are the gun turrets?



You're such a dumb fucking idiot.
I already posted a pic you moron.

You sure do amuse yourself.

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