Voting Question For The Left

There is a long list Republicans facing this.

Some have decided that who we are as a country is more important than individual issues and policies right now. They'll get back to the issues later.

So they're voting for Harris.
There won't be a country to get back to once Harris finishes us off.
Dems tried to work with Republicans on a Border Bill and came up with a bipartisan plan that addressed many Republican concerns. Trump did not want a border bill in an election year and killed it.
The bill gives the federal government significant discretion over exactly when to implement this new emergency summary-deportation process and does not require it to be publicly announced.

So then, what would have changed if the bill was passed?
Let's say I'm not thrilled with voting for Donald J Trump, for a number of reasons, I do lean right and am a moderate conservative (some on the right would label me a RINO). I see the country has fallen apart in Biden's 3 1/2 years and that average Americans can't afford to live anymore. The border is a sieve and Democrats refuse to even try stopping migrants from coming here illegally, constantly finding ways to make illegals legal as being their solution.

Crime is out of control no matter how much the left lie about it. I pretty much don't agree with any democrat policies since they have veered so far left. I see that Democrats have weaponized the justice system against Trump and others. I also see that democrats have already been a real threat to democracy and that they will continue being a real threat to democracy. I am absolutely and totally against socialism and wokeness and refuse to vote for anyone who would keep us going down the socialist and wokeness roads and the road of financial ruin, not only for our country but for average Americans. So, who should I vote for if I don't want Trump to be president?

Instead of the left coming up with a solution for me, I suspect that they will either:

1. Tell me how wrong I am


2. Tell me I am really a Trump ass licker

But, I'm actually quite serious. Who should I vote for? A vote for anyone besides Trump is a vote for Harris and all of the things I am against and detest.
The lowest reported violent crime rate of Trump's presidency was in 2019, when the metric was at 380.8 — in line with the 2022 rate.

New preliminary data from major U.S. cities shows that homicides were down during the first full six months of President Biden's last year in office — more than 70% in some places — compared to the same time of President Trump's last year.

By the numbers: An Axios analysis of data from the Major Cities Chiefs Association found an overall 13% decline in homicides among 66 cities during the first six months of 2024 compared to the same period in 2020.

  • Boston experienced an 80% drop in homicides compared to the same period, while Philadelphia saw a 70% decrease.
  • Baltimore saw a 45% fall in homicides, while Miami experienced a 29% drop.
If you are not a Trump ass licker, explain how you support …

Trumps own behavior after losing the 2020 election. The blatant lies, intimidation, refusal to transition and Jan 6.

His hateful rhetoric against legal migrants, calling them murderers and rapists, blaming them for our crime rate and his absolutely ludicrous claims about eating cats and dogs

His refusal to criticize Putin and reluctance to support Ukraine.

His objectionable personal behavior including abuse of women, bullying, constant lies, childish taunts and name calling.
What? What behavior after losing the 2020 election? You mean the normal denials that both parties do?

What refusal to transition? Trump left the White House and handed Biden the keys to the front door.

If Democrats weren't letting in illegals, no hateful rhetoric would be needed, would it?

You have been drugged by the blue kool aid.
2020 WAS really bad. Ever since Biden has taken office, the country has collapsed to the point where millions of Americans can't afford to live anymore. For once I agree with you how bad 2020 was.

I have been retired for the last 6 years.
And yes, I have seen inflation eat away at the cost of what I buy
But I have also seen my pension increase 17.8 percent in the last three years allowing me to maintain my buying power.
Let's say I'm not thrilled with voting for Donald J Trump, for a number of reasons, I do lean right and am a moderate conservative (some on the right would label me a RINO). I see the country has fallen apart in Biden's 3 1/2 years and that average Americans can't afford to live anymore. The border is a sieve and Democrats refuse to even try stopping migrants from coming here illegally, constantly finding ways to make illegals legal as being their solution.

Crime is out of control no matter how much the left lie about it. I pretty much don't agree with any democrat policies since they have veered so far left. I see that Democrats have weaponized the justice system against Trump and others. I also see that democrats have already been a real threat to democracy and that they will continue being a real threat to democracy. I am absolutely and totally against socialism and wokeness and refuse to vote for anyone who would keep us going down the socialist and wokeness roads and the road of financial ruin, not only for our country but for average Americans. So, who should I vote for if I don't want Trump to be president?

Instead of the left coming up with a solution for me, I suspect that they will either:

1. Tell me how wrong I am


2. Tell me I am really a Trump ass licker

But, I'm actually quite serious. Who should I vote for? A vote for anyone besides Trump is a vote for Harris and all of the things I am against and detest.
If you voted for Trump in the primary, like most GOP voters, you have made your own bed so complaining about the Left is silly. You always have the option of not voting.

No matter who is elected the country will survive and if enough GOP folk don't vote maybe the next GOP candidate will be a more traditional conservative.
According to the FBI statistics, murders decreased by 26.4%, rapes were down by 25.7%, robbery decreased by 17.8%, aggravated assault was down by 12.5%, and property crime was lower by 15% in the first quarter.

But Lott said those statistics make up less than 45% of the violent crimes that are committed in the U.S. and only 32% of property crimes. Victims are not reporting incidents as often because they don't believe anyone will be punished, he said.

Not reporting crimes is a constant. There is no evidence that fewer crimes are reported than five years ago.
A significant drop in reported crimes should also correlate to a similar drop in unreported crimes
LOL. I see you skipped right over the explanation of why those numbers are wrong.
So your proof of crime being “out of control” is


you need to be ashamed of yourself by putting us in this predicament. haley and even desantis tried to tell you.

i felt bad about dropping mr biden, but we seem to have made the right choice there.

maybe conservatives can pick up the preces. there won't be much, if any , majority in congress and the supreme court is conservative for a generation.

hell, we don't know if governing is even possible as the "chevron doctrine" no longer applies, so it is chaos as usual either way.
The lowest reported violent crime rate of Trump's presidency was in 2019, when the metric was at 380.8 — in line with the 2022 rate.

New preliminary data from major U.S. cities shows that homicides were down during the first full six months of President Biden's last year in office — more than 70% in some places — compared to the same time of President Trump's last year.

By the numbers: An Axios analysis of data from the Major Cities Chiefs Association found an overall 13% decline in homicides among 66 cities during the first six months of 2024 compared to the same period in 2020.

  • Boston experienced an 80% drop in homicides compared to the same period, while Philadelphia saw a 70% decrease.
  • Baltimore saw a 45% fall in homicides, while Miami experienced a 29% drop.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, again, you didn't even read the reasons for today's bogus stats.
I have been retired for the last 6 years.
And yes, I have seen inflation eat away at the cost of what I buy
But I have also seen my pension increase 17.8 percent in the last three years allowing me to maintain my buying power.
So? Thanks for the anecdotal response and the fact that you don't care about anyone else but you.
What? What behavior after losing the 2020 election? You mean the normal denials that both parties do?

What refusal to transition? Trump left the White House and handed Biden the keys to the front door.

If Democrats weren't letting in illegals, no hateful rhetoric would be needed, would it?

You have been drugged by the blue kool aid.

What? What behavior after losing the 2020 election? You mean the normal denials that both parties do?

What Trump did after losing the election was anything but normal. He created a lie that he really won and was cheated with no evidence. He pressured local election officials to overturn the voters, He pressured his Vice President to overturn the states. He created fake electors to steal the election. He instigated Jan 6 and refused to stop it.

How can you vote for that?

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