Voting Question For The Left

COVID cost Trump the election

Most Presidents would have used a national crisis to unite the country and have the people rally around its leader.

Look at Bush after 9-11
Both parties and the country rallied to support Bush

Trump was the opposite
He turned COVID political and was more concerned with his election.
Is it over yet?

Trump did what he was supposed to do. You motherf*ckers decided that nothing he did was good enough.

The Establishment unleashed COVID on us.....and murdered thousands of people.

YOU where the folks that turned wearing a GD mask into a political issue.

YOU where the folks that made getting a useless vaccination mandatory thus kicking thousands of good soldiers out of the military.
YOU also nearly destroyed our airline travel industry by making it mandatory for pilots to get a shot that grounded many of them because of heart conditions from the shots.

Trump did what he was supposed to do. You motherf*ckers decided that nothing he did was good enough.

The Establishment unleashed COVID on us.....and murdered thousands of people.

YOU where the folks that turned wearing a GD mask into a political issue.

YOU where the folks that made getting a useless vaccination mandatory thus kicking thousands of good soldiers out of the military.
YOU also nearly destroyed our airline travel industry by making it mandatory for pilots to get a shot that grounded many of them because of heart conditions from the shots.
He was supposed to send hospitals like mine expired inventory?
NO he didn't 'drop out'.......he did suspend his campaign. There is a big difference.

He is still entitled to his delegates, funds, etc and does still have a chance of winning, small though it may be.

University of Cincinnati political science professor David Niven said most candidates suspend, rather than end, campaigns.

“If you actually said, ‘I’m dropping out. You won’t have me to kick around anymore’ — which no one does — you would forfeit delegates so you would have less of a role at the party’s convention and in terms of raising money, you would be much more strictly limited from raising money to retire any debt that your campaign accumulated,” Niven said. “Whereas, in suspending, you really are still campaigning legally so you can continue to raise money, continue to hire consultants, or pay staff. It’s really a great deal of flexibility because suspend does not mean end."

As I said.......his name is on enough ballots and depending on state election laws where his name is not on the ballot, he could be a write in candidate
LOL. He dropped out and endorsed Trump, even taking his name off state ballots.
With zero chance of winning in any state.

Look back to his speech transcript or even my sig..........

And if enough of you do vote for me, and neither of the major party candidates win 270 votes, which is quite possible, in fact, today our polling shows them tying at 269, I could conceivably still end up in the White House in a contention election.........RFK Jr

Yep it's a long shot and odds would be a gazillion to one, but it could conceivably happen. Same goes for Jill Stein. Third party candidates are always pushed aside in favor of D's and R's and that will never change until the people get sick enough of those candidate choices. That 2 party system and the candidates provided will never change for the better until enough people start voting for someone else.

I find it strange you start a thread asking for other options because you don't like either candidate, and when you're provided with just have to beat it down. It's ok, you go ahead and hold your nose to vote for the two party system we're stuck with, just because everyone thinks that's all they got.......when in fact there are other options.

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