Wall Street Journal criticizes Trump's economic proposed policies

Wall Street Journal criticizes Trump's proposed economic policies.
WSJ said Trump's economic policies would hurt the economy as much as a Bernie Sanders economic plan.
The conservative publication owned by the Murdoch family is a bedrock of conservative fiscal policies.
Who is saying how great the Trump economic policy would be besides Donald Trump

They criticized ONE of Trump's proposals...a 10% cap on credit card interest charges! Trust me, Elmer...the Wall Street Journal LOVES Trump's proposed economic policies as a whole...they just don't like that one!
They criticized ONE of Trump's proposals...a 10% cap on credit card interest charges! Trust me, Elmer...the Wall Street Journal LOVES Trump's proposed economic policies as a whole...they just don't like that one!
Please show me.
I am seeing economists and financial journals all seeing pros and cons to both Harris and Trump's economic proposals.

The greatest stimulus for Trump's plans are tax cuts but they will ad to the debt like no other plan either proposes.
Trump is a short term gainer with long term costs.
Wall Street Journal criticizes Trump's proposed economic policies.
WSJ said Trump's economic policies would hurt the economy as much as a Bernie Sanders economic plan.
The conservative publication owned by the Murdoch family is a bedrock of conservative fiscal policies.
Who is saying how great the Trump economic policy would be besides Donald Trump

Another misleading headline. Nothing in your link beyond the one issue they don't like.

So, list all the economic policies they criticize.
Please show me.
I am seeing economists and financial journals all seeing pros and cons to both Harris and Trump's economic proposals.

The greatest stimulus for Trump's plans are tax cuts but they will ad to the debt like no other plan either proposes.
Trump is a short term gainer with long term costs.
So when Trump cut taxes before, Elmer? Would you like to explain how it was that revenues INCREASED? What added to the debt wasn't a lack of revenue...it was too much spending.
So when Trump cut taxes before, Elmer? Would you like to explain how it was that revenues INCREASED? What added to the debt wasn't a lack of revenue...it was too much spending.
Revenues did not increase enough to cover the loss of revenues from taxes. That is why Trump left office with after adding 7 trillion dollars to the debt. The most of any one term President
Revenues did not increase enough to cover the loss of revenues from taxes. That is why Trump left office with after adding 7 trillion dollars to the debt. The most of any one term President
There wasn't a loss of revenue, Elmer...revenues were higher after the tax cuts.
The main reason that Trump left office adding 7 trillion to the national debt was having to subsidize the nation's workers when government shut down the US economy for months and months!
There wasn't a loss of revenue, Elmer...revenues were higher after the tax cuts.
The main reason that Trump left office adding 7 trillion to the national debt was having to subsidize the nation's workers when government shut down the US economy for months and months!
Facts won't stop the lying Dems from lying. They go right on telling the same lies no matter how many facts are presented or how many times their lies are debunked.
So when Trump cut taxes before, Elmer? Would you like to explain how it was that revenues INCREASED? What added to the debt wasn't a lack of revenue...it was too much spending.
Revenues increased less than if the tax cut did not happen. Revenues increase every year.
Spending increased more than the increase in revenue, a mere .3% before COVID.
Revenue is determined by more than income tax.
Trickle down economics has never worked.

  • 2016
    With current laws remaining unchanged, total revenues were expected to increase by about 4% to almost $3.4 trillion.
  • 2018
    Total government tax and other revenues increased by $9.7 billion (0.3%) to about $3.4 trillion.
Revenues increased less than if the tax cut did not happen. Revenues increase every year.
Spending increased more than the increase in revenue, a mere .3% before COVID.
Revenue is determined by more than income tax.
Trickle down economics has never worked.

  • 2016
    With current laws remaining unchanged, total revenues were expected to increase by about 4% to almost $3.4 trillion.
  • 2018
    Total government tax and other revenues increased by $9.7 billion (0.3%) to about $3.4 trillion.
You just claimed that revenues went down after the tax cuts, Elmer. Now you're here admitting that they didn't go down at all but went up?
Revenues increased less than if the tax cut did not happen. Revenues increase every year.
Spending increased more than the increase in revenue, a mere .3% before COVID.
Revenue is determined by more than income tax.
Trickle down economics has never worked.

  • 2016
    With current laws remaining unchanged, total revenues were expected to increase by about 4% to almost $3.4 trillion.
  • 2018
    Total government tax and other revenues increased by $9.7 billion (0.3%) to about $3.4 trillion.
The truth is that you have no way of knowing what revenues would have been if the tax cuts did not happen! You want an example of that? Look at what happened to New Jersey's tax revenues when they imposed a "millionaires tax"! Revenues plummeted even though they were "expected" to rise!
Conservative fiscal policy is comprehensively failed and wrongheaded, it’s not just Trump.
You know what, Clayton? I'm originally from Massachusetts...arguably the most liberal State in the United States! What's remarkable is that even though the State elects Democrats as members of Congress and the Senate almost exclusively...they also elect Republicans to be Governor. Quite often actually! Do you know WHY? It's really quite simple...Republican fiscal policy is needed to keep the State from going bankrupt! You claiming that conservative fiscal policy is failed is rather laughable. It hasn't "failed" in Massachusetts!
You just claimed that revenues went down after the tax cuts, Elmer. Now you're here admitting that they didn't go down at all but went up?
I misspoke. A little mistake. The debt increased more after the Trump tax cut than before.
2016 added 19.573 billion
2017 added 20.244 billion
2018 added 21.516 billion
2019 added 22.714 billion

If Trump's fiscal plan was so good, at least it would lose less money on a yearly basis than Obama's fiscal plan.
Trump's budget short falls increase every year. We will stop at COVID. The yearly debt increased under Trump. That is not conservative fiscal policy.

No wonder he declared bankruptcy 6 times as a private citizen. Trump has no more to ad to the economy than Harris
I misspoke. A little mistake. The debt increased more after the Trump tax cut than before.
2016 added 19.573 billion
2017 added 20.244 billion
2018 added 21.516 billion
2019 added 22.714 billion

If Trump's fiscal plan was so good, at least it would lose less money on a yearly basis than Obama's fiscal plan.
Trump's budget short falls increase every year. We will stop at COVID. The yearly debt increased under Trump. That is not conservative fiscal policy.

No wonder he declared bankruptcy 6 times as a private citizen. Trump has no more to ad to the economy than Harris
Debt is not the same as revenues, Elmer. The Trump tax cuts didn't cause the amount of revenues to decline despite your claims that they did.
Debt is not the same as revenues, Elmer. The Trump tax cuts didn't cause the amount of revenues to decline despite your claims that they did.
You think the President is only judged on revenue. That thinking will end up in bankruptcy for any organization.
Fiscal policy is a combination of revenues and costs. The goal is to have more revenues than costs. Fiscal policy is not judged on revenue by it's self, or costs by themselves. A budget is judged on revenue less costs. Like every family and organization.
Except for man without a plan who only judges based on amount of revenue. A fiscal dunce.
You think the President is only judged on revenue. That thinking will end up in bankruptcy for any organization.
Fiscal policy is a combination of revenues and costs. The goal is to have more revenues than costs. Fiscal policy is not judged on revenue by it's self, or costs by themselves. A budget is judged on revenue less costs. Like every family and organization.
Except for man without a plan who only judges based on amount of revenue. A fiscal dunce.
You just totally changed your narrative, Elmer! First you were claiming Trump's tax cuts caused revenue to go down and then when that was shown to totally false you switched to talking about debt which is completely different. If your revenue has increased and your debt also increases it's obvious that the issue is with spending. Tax cuts don't cause spending to increase! In this case debt increases because politicians are spending way too much money. Sorry but that's not on Trump...the House is the body that decides where the money is going to be spent.

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